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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Kiryuu

  1. I never really bother with walls. And if my opponent some how do try to sweep me, Froslass Destiny Bond will save me... I think lol. I take that into consideration
  2. When I first started this game, my favorite Poke wasn't available and I didn't really bother about it due to the fact I was getting my ass handed to me by Gym for days. I needed to adapt and learn all these new Poke because I don't play the regular games (since Crystal). Ninetales was my favorite but them Froslass took the cake, why? I would have to write 4 paragraph explaining why lol. Nonetheless here's my team with all my favorite Pokes. Froslass Hp 4 / Sp. 252 / Speed 252 Timid Cursed Body -Frost Breath -Destiny Bond -Weather Ball -Shadoll Ball Rotom (Wash) HP 252 / Sp.A 252 / Speed 4 Modest Levitate -Hydro Pump -Thunder Wave -Hex -Electro Ball Flygon HP 4 / Attack 252 / Speed 252 Timid Levitate -Earthquake -Rock Slide -Dragon Rush -Superpower Heracross HP 4 / Attack 252 / Speed 252 Jolly Moxie -Close Combat -Megahorn -Stone Edge -Earthquake Ninetales HP 4 / Sp.Atk 252 / Speed 252 Timid Drought -Flamethrower -Energy Ball -Extrasensory -Will-O-Wisp Bisharp HP 4 / Attack 252 / Speed 252 Adamant Defiant -Sucker Punch -Swords Dance -Iron Head -Psycho Cut I'm not changing anyone, BUT I would like suggestion on their movesets or combo. I still haven't got Froslass and Bisharp, need to get some Poke to breed them with their respective Egg moves. Tell me if the EV point are good for any specific Poke. I don't play competitive nor IDK what are the best combo for each Poke, I just learned the basic
  3. ...I love you <3. I would love to see a black color Frosslass
  4. I actually like the white Rotom....Also, just throwing this out there but...I would like to see Froslass shiny color upgraded being my favorite Poke and all >__<
  5. I don't like Poke that only have 1 type attack lol. Give Heracross a try, he's the 2nd best in my opinion of Fighting-Type Poke in Reborn (Blaziken being 1st). I'm changing halve of my team but Heracross is staying that's for sure
  6. ...one of the best teams I seen, GG. Although, your team is lacking Fighting and Fire Type department. I honestly would change Sylveon but that's it; the moveset on each one of them is GG.... PS that reminds me, I need to do one of these again. I'm creating my dream team at the moment and I'm sort of having issues with the moves lol
  7. Emolga is the way to go for the beginning. Espurr is good too (if it's still there in EP14). But honestly, Torchic is OP, easy mode throughout the whole game. He can solo Kiki, Fern (every single fight with him), Noel, El and number of other people in the game for days with that High Jump Kick and Speed Boost. I doubt it you will have issues...
  8. Your team is pretty solid, I was able to defeat him with just 3 Poke. Emolga and Pachirisu are the best Electric-Type Poke that far at the game (believe me, you need either one so your call). Helioptile later get's the trophy though once it evolves with Solar Power. lmfao....this person have no idea what he's talking about, carry on...
  9. Kiryuu

    Axew egg [answered]

    Hehh, I could care less about Axew. Although, I do need him for breeding purposes...
  10. Back after a few months break, I got a question about this. Do the Rotom learns the appropriate move when they get the form change?: Does Rotom learns Blizzard when it get's the Frost form? I haven't capture Rotom and going back to catch it and test it will be a hassle...
  11. I mean....if he can defeat it, hey, let him go for it....but for save bets, Pansear will do the job
  12. You forgot the fact that you have to face like a Lv. 45 Poke to get Vulpix..... Get Pansear, it will learn Flame Burst; use it and her whole team will be destroy. All I needed was him and my Frogadier....easiest gym battle for me.
  13. the one in West Peridot, once you do the factory mission you can't no longer get it. Also there was a Rare Candy has well in there too, which again, if you didn't get it you can't no longer get it. I'm only found 2 of the hidden ability capsules them...
  14. Hello...reading all of that was completely mind f*** to my head...maybe I'm tired. Nice to have you on board Elena. I though u were latino You like parties....Woot, let's go party girl
  15. Well to be honest, I use Cheat Engine to do the breeding and EV train faster. There's no way in hell I would do the hours of grinding due to the fact I barely have time to even play. There are threads here that can show you how to hatch eggs instantly.... To do the EV training, I speed up my game with Cheat Engine..... Your team is good, could be better of course. If you EV train at least, not only your Greninja will get that extra power but the rest of your team has well.
  16. You have to find the key, you see the where the forest was in Obsidia Ward ? in the empty house you get a key to open the Warehouses in Coral Ward.... I leave it there Make sure, if you plan to breed download EP12 so you will be able to pass TM moves (Ex. Passing Earthquake to Archen). Don't have links but a single Google search will help you
  17. You don't get Elekid until you finish EP13..... I too was using Emolga back when I was in EP12 and it was doing work, especially against Kiki. I would recommend to drop Kricketune, IMO after 2nd Gym he becomes useless. You can replace it with Durant with the Hustle ability and it learns Dig in case you need a Ground-Type coverage Had to restart but this time I took a different approach having Espurr and Pansear on my team early on. Recommendations.... Swinub is good, I encounter them in a cave after you get Rock Smash which is the 2nd HM you get (Around the 3rd badge I believe?). You can breed it with Icicle Crash catching Cubchoo in the same cave (evolve it on lv. 37) so it can have a good physical Ice Attack. Don't evolve it until it reach lv. 37 so it can learn Earthquake. You can find a Heart Scale in Obsidia Ward in the park place (where the forest was) and you can get Mamoswine.....Make sure that Swinub have Thick Fat..... Clauncher is a very good for a water type and you can get it before fighting the Psychic-Type Gym (I don't want to spoil you the name). It's ability and the movepool make this guy good. It's slow but your team can help make it fast and sweep for days Breed that Combusken with Baton Pass (Swords dance would be good too) and you can pass those Speed Boost to Clauncher and he will be able to sweep easily (you can pass those SB to any Poke you think they need that extra speed to sweep). I keep my Meowstic until I got Beldum (it ridiculous hard to catch....) and so far it's been doing work (check signature for the moveset I use) You can get Archen before fighting the Ice Gym and he's on the top 3 best Poke to use in Reborn right now. Defeatist? b****, he will destroy everything before it HP is even touch. You can breed it with Earthquake and he will hit even harder... Ame should had put this beast available way later in the game, you can easily use items to heal it too.... Trapinch is useless at the moment although when that lvl cap goes to lv.55, that's when this guy will destroy. Grind him until lvl 55, learns Earthquake...you can spend a Heart Scale to learn Superpower.... I'm using him myself, check my signature and those are the best moveset for it.... That's all I got. These Poke caught my attention has I was playing EP12 and EP13....
  18. Kiryuu


    Lots of Charlotte threads, is she really that hard? About to face Luna and hopefully start my Agate adventure today
  19. search engine people, search engine. Google will do magic
  20. None try the search engine
  21. there goes that lol Go with the first option mate
  22. Lucario and Gyarados??....you're f***** *fixes my throat* You have 2 options 1) Download an old EP that those Poke are available and get them back that way 2) Play the new one (EP 13) you can catch Zubat to get Crobat and you get Bulbasaur through a event so you can get these guys back Gallade have relative almost the same stats has Lucario, and it learns Swords Dance, Close Combat etc. Gyarados though? nah, this thing is in a league of it's own, no water Poke can compete with this beast.
  23. I don't think you need to train too much Poke for this battle. My Pansear with Flame Burst transform the field to Burning Field dealing mass of damage to her Poke has soon they were send out. It was the easiest Gym Battle for me due to this. Pansear (with Flame Burst) with another Fire-Type or Water-Type will do the trick.
  24. Your team is all over the place indeed. I'm surprise you manage to pull through this far..... I agree with Etesian, replace everyone except your starter. I keep this in mind suggesting replacements PS I'm not mad that you dislike my favorite Electric-Type Heliolisk...not mad at all Since you don't want to breed I keep it simple Sylveon will do work for sure, so train that. Get Mudkip to replace Simipour Get Archeops to replace Woobat Get Rotom to replace Luxray For Tauros....IDK, really. I would recommend one of Etesian suggestion of Poke.....Although, Heracross would do work if you just get over that bug phobia....
  25. I had to start over again has well but look what I got on my first egg hatch (was getting Ice Beam on him) Just finish EV training. Horrible IV, but I like the shiny color on this guy, about to face the Ice gym... Since I played EP13 from the very beginning, I'm going to leave you feedback on what I use: Kricketot: Get him and don't evolve him until he learns Bug Bite. I ditch him right after I defeated 2nd Gym though Espuur: she's good. Help me through many battles, I still have it on my team. I like the female better, either of them are good Emolga: in my opinion better than Electrike and Hoothoot (although you get it after the 2nd Gym). This guy sweep Kiki for me, I leave it there. Pansear: IMO better than Litleo, I underestimated this guy potential, I be honest but I pick him up since I needed a Fire-Type. He will sweep the 3rd Gym for days hands down, Flame Burst will destroy the field and deal damage for days. Yawn and Lick early on is a plus has well, and believe it not...the Blaze Ability save me multiple times. (realize you picked Torchic has a starter) In all seriousness you aren't going to have much of a problem. Torchic itself is easy mode, Speed Boost is too good, moveset are ridiculous good and it's typing (Fire and Fighting) will wreck the first 3 Gym leaders. Later on, that Speed Boost will save you like every time...
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