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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by lost-silver

  1. i have been noticed by a senpai.

    1. ApatheticPanda



      T_T never notices me...

    2. lost-silver


      the senpai in particular is someone on youtube who has 5000 subbers. and they subbed to me one with a measly 16 subbers

  2. oh frick yah! time for a livestream!
  3. 10/10 quilava is awsome and nickcrash lost silver is my youtube name its not suposed to have silver in it
  4. omg i cant wait till you release version 3!
  5. man that fanf trailer thou

  6. i love my new channel banner

  7. i'll be streaming some pokemon rejuvanation today id anyone wants to watch my twitch is here-http://www.twitch.tv/lost_silver09


    1. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      Edgeworth is the best attorney.

    2. lost-silver


      NEIN. edgeworth is best dickhead XD he beats fern by a landslide

    3. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      Nope. Edgeworth is best. Finish the games, then play the Investigations game.

  9. the pheonix wright games are awsome@

    1. Arkhi


      Wait until you privilege yourself by calling that series the Ace Attorney series. As a whole, they're outstanding.

    2. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      I do not object to this.

    3. lost-silver


      yay! X3 i cant belive im just now getting into this fandom though. the late night crew got me into it XD

  10. someone here know about obs? if so please help me

  11. everything was better when we didnt have iv's. so silly. much annoying. (sorry for the doge joke) but yeah i dont bother with ivs. theyre stupid. then again i dont play pokemon competitvly i play for fun
  12. anyone intersted in watching me play this more visit my twitch tomorow. i'll be playing it bunches lol http://www.twitch.tv/lost_silver09/profile
  13. i feel quite confident about my youtuber career now :3

    1. Jan
    2. lost-silver


      oWO SENPAI HAS NOTICED ME hi topicjan! XD i shall be streaming your game on my twitch account now X3 starting tomorow at 9pm

  14. i'd like to see a mega zoroark or mega johto starters
  15. nice! i couldnt beat it i just sided with el at first and skipped the battle
  16. english wise i think vic migona would fit fern and todd haberkorn as cain
  17. i actualy think a better opening would be black paper moon. but thats just me. im writing a story revolving around reborn making it kinda anime seeming.
  18. i wish i could collab with someone for a youtube vid

  19. i made a fan form for meloetta and i had some ideas for 3 legendary cat pokemon meloetta soprano form-(kinda sucky ik)http://sta.sh/013xxyqhqxs6 avaruto the angel cat pokemon-(someone drew this for me. they forgot the halos on her legs)http://sta.sh/0qlrwvw6quj is an ice/flying type devaruto-the devil cat pokemon-is black and red with a spiked collar and chains on it. has black and red demon wings is a dark/flying balaruto-the balance cat-is essentaily a combo of ava and deva's assets. is ice/dark type
  20. awsome :3 i think its a good game so far i love the storyline and lol i love how you had the oshawott follow you in the starter room XD it made me want him so much
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