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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Arfus

  1. Hello everyone, In preparation for E18, I would like to restart Reborn. I have long tried to do a Dragon mono, and the summer currently allows me to face Reborn with this renewed challenge. I would very much appreciate an Axew as a starter, preferrably with a 25+ IV on ATK. Thank you for your kind cooperation. Game.rxdata
  2. For what concerns Mewtwo, I used a L.55 Meowstic with Fake Out and Trick Room. Soft reset until Meowstic survived an attack and used Trick Room. (I know, it's quite lame.) Deploy Archeops. U-turn. Change to Flygon. Struggle Bug. Flygon dies, redploy Archeops. U-turn. Mewtwo dies. However, it took me 20 times to figure this out.
  3. For what concerns me, circumstances matter significantly. After getting beaten roughly 20 times by Dr. Connal in the Yureyu Building, I acquired a Trapinch and spent the better part of a Saturday to level it up at the needed level. After having invested the proper amount of time in grinding/obtaining the pokèmon, I felt SO rewarded when my Flygon destroyed his electric pokémon, which were previously destroying my team. So sweeping is fine to me, as long as I have put effort into finding and raising the sweeper pokèmon. (I must admit, this game is the Dark Souls of Pokémon. And I LOVE IT.)
  4. Smoke, I might have further advice : if you have access to Ability Capsules, get yourself a Golduck. Use the Capsule and soft reset until you get Cloud Nine as ability. Cloud Nine negates the effects of weather. Level up Sharpedo and Golduck to level 70, and teach Rain Dance to Golduck. Turn 1 : Send out Sharpedo and Golduck. Being water pokemon, the AI will compel Typhlosion and Ninetales to use solar Beam, but Cloud Nine will ensure that it takes a turn to gather sunlight. Use Rain Dance with Golduck, Rainbow field that energises normal attacks. Use surf with your Sharpedo. Turn 2 : Both foe pokemons will use Solar Beam. You should be able to survive, and use surf using both Golduck and Sharpedo. Hope this might help.
  5. Many thanks! I have implemented your advice, and I got an Archeops. Literally steamrolled the trainer in Iolia valley, the Dark Leader, the Fighting Leader and The Fire Leader. For the latter, I got myself a Golduck, changed the Ability to Cloud Nine and taught it rain dance.
  6. Hello fellow reborners! I just beat the 8th gym and done the cult hideout quest. I am heading now towards the Iolia Valley. I feel that somehow my team is lacking , and if you may, I would like to receive some inputs on its composition. Feraligatr L. 61 - Ice Fang, Water Gun , Thrash , Crunch ( As soon as it hits 63, I'd substitute Water Gun with Aqua Tail and Thrash with Rain Dance) Machamp L. 62 Strength, Rock Smash, Revenge, Cross Chop ( Which I would advise to use to everyone that wants to beat Ditceus) Rapidash L. 60 Flame Wheel, Bounce, Flare Blitz, Stomp Flygon L. 61 Crunch, Earth Power, Hyper Beam, Dragon Claw Metagross L. 55 Psychic, Hammer Arm, Shadow Ball, Meteor Mash Pachirisu L. 54 Super Fang, Discharge, Nuzzle, Cut (I keep him just for Super Fang. Should I get a Magnezone instead, so I combine electric and Steel? Klingklang L. 49 Discharge, Charge Beam, Autotomize, Mirror Shot (might drop if i get up a Magnezone) Meowstic L. 55 Fake Out, Shadow Ball, Sucker Punch, Psychic Notable Pokemon that I have in the box : Ralts (which I'm considering levelling and replacing permanently Meowstic in the rotation), Scraggy, a L.46 Pidgeot. Thank you all in advance!
  7. Finally managed to beat Noel using Machamp and KlingKlang! Thank you guys
  8. Hello fellow reborners! I have already written here seeking advice against Shelly and your tips led me to victory. I hope we can achieve the same thing on this instance. I am stuck against Noel. I have to use four pokemons to defeat Cinccino, and that does not bode well. My current team : Feraligatr L. 55 Meowstic L. 52 Flygon L. 54 Pidgeot L. 48 Rapidash L. 51 Pachirisu L. 51 Do you have any suggestion as to modify my team to beat Noel in the short term (besides leveling them all up to 55,which I'm currently doing) , and more broadly suggestions for the long term? Thank y'all
  9. Thank you very much guys! I have managed to beat Shelly, Onyx was a blessing. I'm now trying to level up the whole team to beat Archer and gain the Houndour, instrumental to beating Shade.
  10. Hello everyone, first post here. I am trying to beat Shelly, apparently without success. If you guys could give me some tips for both the short term and ideally the long term, I'd be very grateful to fellow reborners. Feraligatr, Level 34 Ice Fang Water Gun Bite Crunch Pidgeotto, Level 34 Gust Twister Tackle Quick Attack Meowstic, Level 30 (Although she's sitting out Shelly's Gym, it's quite strong usually) Confusion Psybeam Psicoshock Disarming Voice Pachirisu, Level 28 Quick Attack Bide Spark Nuzzle Trubbish, Level 27 Poison Gas Toxic Spikes (main reason for keeping to use it) Sludge Acid Spray Besides those five, I typically use a Gloom with them when I need a Grass pokemon. To counter Shelly, I got a Ponyta (from the Aqua-Magma event) and a Geodude that I evolved into a Graveler. I was thinking of leveling all the party to at least 30 to have a chance, but might be time consuming if they are not the right choices. Ponyta, Level 26 Flame Charge Flame Wheel Flame Spin Stomp Graveler, Level 25 (Should hit 4x against Flying/Bug combinations) Magnitude Smack Down Rock Throw Rollout What do you think? I would appreciate any input
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