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Algerian Pokemon Trainer

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Everything posted by Algerian Pokemon Trainer

  1. The US can invade North Korea , but if they do, will the outbreak of World War 3 , North Korea is a country bordering Russia and China. The Korean missile can not reach the US, but they can reach japan and south korea , and if they make a massive nuclear and chemical attack , it's over for her 2 countries, only Russia and the USA have means has resisted a massive nuclear attack. In addition, USA crush North Korea , which caused a famine going on north korea, and all will flee refugee in China , a wave of refugee y 'will sn how syria and iraq , and China no way to contain a wave of immigrajation they are already 1 billion.
  2. Kim jong un is very sick , since the end of the USSR , North Korea is in a serious situation , they should say thank you to the nuclear arsenal they have, otherwise the USA would have invaded. It may be that 's it a status from a general shot , like all communist government , the head of the secret service is the second most powerful man in the country .
  3. Mega-Psy : powerful attack psy -type , mewtwo signature attack
  4. the situation in the middle east is very serious. For defeat the ISIS , it must do of brutal air attack with ground support
  5. hello everyone , I present. My name is Algerian Pokemon Trainer , i like pokemon ; my first pokemon version is pokemon yellow. I have 17 years old.
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