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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Elena

  1. Online username: ElenaChan Trainer name: Elena
  2. Augh. Dem ledges tho. Route 1 on my mind.

    1. GotWala


      They certainly made that area a pain to explore, haha

  3. First of all, you are all lovely. I'm a photographer at my day job, but I recently discovered I can outsource all my image editing on the internet. So much free time... https://www.flickr.com/photos/elenacaple/ Just dumped a few selfies from last week in there. Browsing, Saya definitely looks like me when I was in 6th grade.
  4. I was breeding fire pokemon for fun and got a shiny Growlithe with flamethrower out of the egg. I also enjoyed my Carnivine, but the moves were pretty poor. Kept it for Sweet Scent. Very, very ugly creature.
  5. Have to say, if you're interested in documentaries, you ought to watch 'Finding Your Roots' by Henry Louis Gates Jr. from PBS. It's an ever-evolving commentary on race, gender, society, history, and research. They use advanced gene sequencing to trace the "roots" of various people through DNA and genealogical records to create the most accurate picture of where we came from. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/finding-your-roots/
  6. Evolving Zuzu (Azumarill): Do I need a water-stone? I'm on level 30 and it's getting annoying. She has Huge Power, but at l25 her attack was under 20.
  7. How many hours does it take to become an ace trainer? I need hard numbers, people.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Elena


      I'm sorry, not being clear. To have beaten the E4 is perhaps a better question. How many hours of gameplay before you managed it?

    3. Sheep


      Oh, the game isn't finished yet so we can't fight the elite 4 yet.

    4. Maelstrom


      Do you really try to define a whole game by a single, extremely specific parameter?

  8. How do I get back to the facility on Route 1? I'm trapped at the bottom of the mountain. The only thing I can think of is letting those stupid buffalo kill me to get back to a Pokémon Center...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sapphire


      Kill the Bouffalant, then hop on a Tauros. Or just go South through the Grand Gates.

    3. GotWala


      Oh, are the Gates open by this point? I thought you might've needed to finish up "some business" first.

    4. Sapphire


      Oh yeah,,,I forgot you need to do that first.

  9. Fern saying "tl:dr" in Cain's sister's gym. Umm, how bad did Cain have to be to be kicked out of *that* place??
  10. I ran into one inexplicably sunning itself in the jungle where the elevated switch handle is outside Beryl. It was level 30 and I accidentally killed it. Um, will another one show up?
  11. Got a Muk in the Bybixyion (sp??) Wasteland and I noticed it was healing from using black sludge. Go in there, maybe the percentages are different. Oh, and the sound that ugly centipede makes is just too awful. Feels bad.
  12. Elena


    I want a bobhigs...
  13. http://www.thedailybeast.com/witw/articles/2013/11/19/dating-in-the-stem-fields-can-women-in-science-be-sexy-and-successful.html Garrrgh... I was the typical high school reject. People told me I was a disgrace to humanity and that I should do the world a favor by killing myself (closet psychopaths), I had a case of acne that made a third grader ask if I had a disease and if I was contagious. I was a loner, no one liked me, and I couldn't stand myself really. Someone told me I was the ugliest person he'd ever seen. Well, just goes to show, right? I had photography in museums by age 20. I was one of the lucky ones, though. Plus, Doryx. It's the strongest antibacterial on the market (prescription) and it may solve world peace.
  14. Agreed. I caint do it. Has anyone else met someone they got to know online and if it sucked or not?
  15. I'm going to shoot a play right now, but I'll be back later but I have to say, I have never once met a guy who talks about me Pokémon who will call me back, even if I give my number. I know I'll end up with someone who probably won't be a conventional average Joe but probably someone who is pale and nerdy. I can't figure out if it's possible to meet anyone online and then face-to-face. I read an article that interested me about women in STEM fields and our inability to date... well... anyone. Headed out right now, but that's my thought/journal for the day. I've had experiences, but it turned out to be really gross. Has anyone ever experienced this?
  16. Look where the cameras are pointing. Usually they are watching somewhere you must do to move forward. Obviously there is a shadow government and secret police (I've told everyone I know about the torture scene with Ame I was delighted and terrified) but it is what it is.
  17. A shiny Onix is nice, and would suffice.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Elena


      I got one... bhahahaha but it's male, can't breed it for another shiny though

    3. GotWala


      Nice, haha! I literally just named mine Laughter when I caught it.

    4. Elena


      That anemia tho. Terrible case of it. I don't have healthcare in Reborn... It's in Box 3, I'm not paying out of pocket.

  18. nickcrash, I know of Amethyst from watching Rob's stream of Reborn. I hope it's the same Amethyst. I'm assuming it is. Checking this lady out now. And someone called me willis. I don't know who this person is, but I have no idea why I would impersonate a dude. I guess it's common among internet-going guys to immediately jump to the conclusion that any attractive woman MUST be one of their buddies playing games with them. Sorry to disappoint.
  19. Why aren't my graphics good like on the front page??

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Etesian


      I have no idea of what "XY Graphics" you speak of, but the game looks the same for everyone. Even the front-page posts' screenshots are the same, just that those have custom backgrounds because of the field effect.

    3. Elena


      Oh, the install? I'll take care of that in an hour or so. I already downloaded it. Thanks.

    4. Elena


      Worked like a charm. Of course.

  20. Hi Algerian Pokémon trainer! Do you have a name, and if so, what does it mean? I think they will eventually make a Pokémon African region... we've got France already. (XY)
  21. First off, I'm Elena. That's my name. I'm a photographer, fashion aficionado, Tolkien geek and fascinated by all things binary, plus partying and reading. I can do a little bit of everything. That being said, I truly, truly, so enjoy Reborn. I've been waiting for this for about nine years, and finally. I'm especially impressed with the breeding program. Whose labor of love is this? I bred a Carnivine, and it even had a custom egg to go with the rather ugly Pokémon. My team consists of mostly Fire-Types. I beat up the Ice gym leader a little while ago and used my very last cotton candy on her son, which was annoying. The member of my team I most rely on is a male Rapidash by the name of Lady. Heh. I'm in Team Aqua, and we mugged a little old lady to get her Ponyta. It was payoff. And fighting Team Magma? May as well fight fire with fire. I earned it. That said... could we not afford a roof for our lair? I'll buy one if that's what it takes. What kind of boss stands around in the rain? Lame. Anyway, he owes me a favor by now. I'll probably end up collecting it because of Heather. That girl is cray-cray. I just discovered that Fern is a dude. Totally thought he was a she. What put that chip on his/her shoulder? Also, I thought El was a little old lady. Also incorrect. I look forward to wiping the floor with that little dweeb he's convinced is hot stuff when I beat the Elite Four. Game on. So, that's a little rambling, but it is what it is. If you have any questions, ask, and yes, that is me on my profile picture. Thanks. And as for the fire stone, well... I got the Growlithe from the officer who died, right? I named it Pyle, after our chief of police where in the town where I live. I leveled it up, and it didn't evolve. I sent it to the daycare and took it out at level 34. Sold all my stuff and bought two rare candies. Took Pyle out and used the rare candies. I think I got till level 46 before I got completely fed up at that prissy Pokémon who didn't evolve. I spent about 80,000 dollars before I was really, really done. Turns out she needed a fire stone! Well, by this time I'd had to give it about six common candies to bring it back where I could control it... still annoyed at that Arcanine tho. I think that most things living, as well as plants and some magnets, have a healthy respect for, if not fear of, fire. Honestly, I train until I can one-shot most trainers. It is a consternation when I can't. I have a shiny Persian and I've kept Payday. Wild Pokémon I can one-shot by throwing money at? I'll take it. Also, loving that the female character looks like me. And finally, I how realistic the weather is. It's very effective in making me feel wet, cold, miserable, and tired. I don't even have a jacket, or a poncho, or anything. Maybe buying clothes is next. X and Y me. Love Pokémon Rob (YT Channel 'urealms') because he's unbearably funny. I'm black, and even his racist jokes are hilarious. Big Momma. Good times.
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