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Everything posted by saltwater

  1. @Starry Knight Apologies for not attending the wonder trade event, I ventured out into the real world on Friday and only just returned home. Next time you have one hit me up as I still have quite a few boxes of mons to give away.
  2. Thank you I thought I checked him too.
  3. Hi there, I'm trying to teach Gardevoir hyper voice and it's listed on it's USUM tutor moves yet I can't seem to find it in 7th street or the Northern Peridot ward tutors either. Is it not in game?
  4. You're welcome Thanks for the shinies too that was nice
  5. I can send you a Pinsir and and Bulbasaur right now if you're available but I'll have to breed the others later when I have time.
  6. I can do it for you now if you're available.
  7. At around 16:28 GMT 17/09/18 (20 minutes from this post) I will be dumping around 20 Bagons into the wonder trade and 10-20 Snorlaxs. All the Bagons are adamant nature with the egg moves Dragon dance, Hydro pump, Fire fang and Dragon Rush. IV's are variable with most being at least 4iv, there are also total of 2 shiny bagons to be released. The Snorlaxs are all adamant nature and come with the egg moves Curse, Double edge and Power up punch. I'vs again are variable but most will have at least 4iv. Enjoy
  8. Sweet I'll log in now: Captainflap
  9. I can send you one if you like, are you available?
  10. Trick room + wide guard completely counters anything this gym can throw at you. Aegislash and conkledurr (best wideguard users imo) along with reliable trick room setters like Slowbro or Eviolite Dusclops are great options if you have them. Send out Aegislash to use wideguard while dusclops sets up the trick room and then burns everyone with will-o-wisp. From there Switch in conkledurr and Drain punch everything to death. Gyro ball Ferrothorn under Trick room also works really well.
  11. saltwater

    Play rough absol

    Good thinking, let me add a mon.
  12. saltwater

    Play rough absol

    Haha mine froze too let me relog
  13. saltwater

    Play rough absol

    Not sure what just happened but the trade got disconnected, I'll login and wait for you. Username is: captainflap
  14. saltwater

    Play rough absol

    Sure I've just got hatch an egg quick I'll be about 5 minutes then I'll send it you.
  15. saltwater

    Play rough absol

    I can send you a 5iv Absol with sucker punch, play rough and megahorn on it if you like.
  16. No problem If you need any others feel free to message me.
  17. I should be available now, sorry I took so long I had to hatch a Tyrunt egg.
  18. Just send me w/e even if it's a rattata Just loading up my game now, search for Captainflap in a few minutes.
  19. I can give you a competitive Cranidos and Tyrunt as well as a non-competitive Amaura if you like. Are you available right now to trade?
  20. saltwater


    You're welcome, I have most of the pokedex complete so if you need any others feel free to message me.
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