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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Indianlgcy

  1. Id love that! Sometimes I don't pay attention to what stats got lowered. I'm sure people would like it. Maybe letters next to the box? Not entirely sure the easiest way to do it.
  2. Looking for Blazikenite. Don't wanna grind 700 Pokedex to get it. Would love if someone to give me one :).
  3. Is there a similar way to get the name of the stat next to the value also? I remember the SWM mod pack had it previously.
  4. Anyone know what the password is to get Sylveon in Labradorra City?
  5. Included my patch number, it occurred in 13.0.4. I'll just buy the Speed EV thing with my AP points and train speed evs in Gaeren lab as well.
  6. The new EV/IV doctor seems to be bugged. When I chose to maximize my EV for Speed, it maximized my EV for defense instead. If I choose defense, it maximized defense. I believe only Speed is bugged. Anyone else encounter this? Patch: 13.0.4 Edit: Submitted to bug forum already
  7. Update: It's actually a Ledian for Oshawatt. Thanks though.
  8. Kk will do. Where is the person for the Stantler trade?
  9. Server's might be down? It wont connect.
  10. Indianlgcy, Ill give you Litten egg.
  11. I got Litten from the Gang application side quest. K ill give you another starter egg in return.
  12. @Starry Knight Yeah! what egg did you want? I have a few bred already.
  13. Indianlgcy

    LF Oshawatt

    I know the old event for Oshawatt got changed out. Anyone know where the new event is?
  14. Looking for Oshawatt. Doesn't have to be egg. Can breed you a Torchic Egg/Mudkip.
  15. @Jacob Ludwig If thats ok with you, I can trade you the torchic egg for a froakie egg. Waiting on the trade screen once your ready.
  16. He said to trade me for the torchic egg for the froakie egg.
  17. Ok. I can give him the torchic egg. Waiting on trade screen when your ready.
  18. I have a shiny Riolu with Blaze Kick/Sky uppercut if thats ok.
  19. @Jacob Ludwig I'm assuming you were replying to me. If so, anything in particular you want?
  20. I have a Torchic Egg that I can offer. Only really looking for a Froakie. (Doesn't have to be a egg).
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