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About Smoke

  • Birthday 04/02/1998

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    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, PokΓ©mon, Fire Types, Guy Code, Ridiculousness, WWE, Yu-gi-oh

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  1. Radomus is royally ticking me off right now. I swear I can't beat him! Exploud lvl 59 Screech Synchronoise Crunch Boomburst Sharpedo lvl 60 Crunch Poison Fang Strength Destiny Bond Meowstic(Male) lvl 59 Misty Terrain Sucker Punch Reflect Psychic Kricketune lvl 57 Sticky Web Perish Song Night Slash X-Scissor Noivern lvl 59 Roost Agility Air Slash Super Fang Charizard lvl 59 Slash Scary Face Flamethrower Wing Attack
  2. Hey there. I'm coming back. Ngl I fell off of Pokemon Reborn for two reasons. 1. The laptop I was playing my original game on broke hardcore, and was basically unusable, so I'm restarting. 2. There was a part of the game that I couldn't pass no matter what I tried, so I basically quit. Now, I'm back and have a log way to go to get back there. So, anyone have any advice for a returning player?
  3. Sometimes I can't tell what the heck I'm doing wrong. I've got a strong team to beat the three back to back battles. But I keep getting screwed before I even complete the Cain Shelly battle. Either my Ninetales or my Charizard, who I need both to survive get killed right when that broken Scolipede/A.Muk combo come out. Maybe the RNG just hates me. My Team: Guardian(Ninetails) lvl 88 Quick Attack Heat Wave Safeguard Sunny Day Blaze(Charizard) lvl 88 Brick Break Heat Wave Air Slash Defog Bedrill lvl 88 Poison Jab Agility Fell Stinger Focus Energy Zeus (Manectric) lvl 88 Thunder Discharge Electric Terrain Flamethrower Chomp(Sharpedo) lvl 88 Crunch Surf Waterfrall Dive Vulcan(Metagross) lvl 88 Meteor Mash Zen Headbutt Hammer Arm Iron Defense
  4. But I'm starting to regret the fact that Cain and Shelly are friends with my character. I;m struggling to get past their battle in the Glasswork Factory. And the worst part is I know that isn't even gonna be the hardest part. So, this really just for me to vent frustrations,, and hopefully get some advice. My Team: Blaze(Charizard) lvl 90: Fly Heat Wave Flamethrower Flare Blitz Chomp(Sharpedo) lvl89: Crunch Dive Surf Waterfall Athena(Gardevoir) lvl 90: Moonblast Psychic Charge beam Calm Mind Vulcan(Metagross) lvl 89: Meteor Mast Hammer Arm Zen Headbutt Iron Defense Zeus(Manectric) lvl 88: Thunder Discharge Electric Terrain Crunch Ryuko(Scrafty) lvl 90: Crunch Brick Break Strength Rock Smash
  5. Smoke

    Soothe Bell

    I'm trying to evolve a pichu into a Pikachu. My dumb self didn't think to get a soothe belle before leaving to Agate Circus. Is there no other way to get a Soothe Bell?
  6. Happy Birthday πŸ˜„, i hope that you will have a great day πŸ™‚πŸ°

    1. Smoke




    2. LykosHand


      You're welcome πŸ™‚

  7. I swear I'm developing a burning hatred for ground types because of Terra. It's bad enough her Garchomp is OP, but her rejuvenating Quagsire is almost as annoying. Gaia (Golem) lvl 72: Smack Down Earthquake Rock Smash Stealth Rock Ryuko (Scrafty) lvl 75: Thief Brick Break Scary Face Dual Chop Chomp (Sharpedo) lvl 74: Crunch Surf Waterfall Dive Kit (Meowstic male) lvl 72: Sucker Punch Psyshock Rain Dance Psychic Blaze (Charizard) lvl 75: Wing Attack Shadow Claw Flamethrower Heat Wave Zeus (Manectric) lvl 72: Thunder Wild Charge Rain Dance Crunch
  8. Had to redo my entire game. And getting messed up by Terra and her damn Garchomp. Gaia (Golem) lvl 72: Smack Down Earthquake Rock Smash Stealth Rock Ryuko (Scrafty) lvl 75: Thief Brick Break Scary Face Dual Chop Chomp (Sharpedo) lvl 74: Crunch Surf Waterfall Dive Kit (Meowstic male) lvl 72: Sucker Punch Psyshock Rain Dance Psychic Blaze (Charizard) lvl 75: Wing Attack Shadow Claw Flamethrower Heat Wave Zeus (Manectric) lvl 72: Thunder Wild Charge Rain Dance Crunch
  9. So, I saw on the spreadsheet that Beldum becomes unavailable after going to Agate Circus. So I thought, "No biggie. Just go get one before then. Plot twist. When I tried after beating Radomus and after beating Luna, neither times did the event trigger. Then I thought, "maybe after battling Samson I could get it." Then after beating Samson and saving after because I always do because Gym leader battles in this game are intense and once I beat one I never wanna have to battle them again, I realized I can't get one. So, is there another chance to get the Beldum or am I just SOL?
  10. My problem is stated above. I just haven't specified what the problem was. Once the cutscene that leads to the Blakeory Atheneum fades to black an error message pops up basically saying the files need to continue are either inaccessible or possibly corrupted. idk. Here's my scriptdata. Scripts.rxdata
  11. Okay. For V12. After the event in the ruins. Once that futuristic hoverboard guy shows up and does whatever he does, scene changes to the library in the Scholar District. Once the screen fades to black, the whole game craps out. And by "craps out" I mean it pops up an error message that says some scripts had an error occur or that they're missing. I'm using a Windows 10 Desktop to play on.
  12. Does the debug just not work anymore? I downloaded it, added it to my V12 data file and it doesn't do anything. I even tried removing the original scripts.rxdata file and replacing it with the V11 scripts.rxdata file. The game wouldn't even load. Then I tried the same thing, but renaming the debug file scripts.rxdata. Same result. If I need the old V11 files for this to work, then something ain't right.
  13. Happy Birthday πŸ˜„, i hope that you will have a fun day πŸ˜„πŸ°

  14. Oh I get you now. So, should I go Black belt, or a Choice item? And if Choice item, which one?
  15. Smoke

    Swords Dance

    Dang. Well, I'll find a work around. BTW, is there a ghost type TM for Shadow Ball?
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