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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by YumenoRei

  1. -Stares at Rejuvenation- I have no idea what mode did I set on

    1. Omega_Ra1der


      what ver. you have?

  2. ............... I DID IT AGAINNN!!! -Darn-

  3. I didn't gave the stone and I still beat the whale. Haiz. What is the cool pokemon though?
  4. "Patience is a truly a virtue." Unfortunately, I do not have that. -Tries to get the event started- But on other note, lovely game you got here. It was fun maybe except gym leader ( I know you nerfed it already but I already completed the un nerfed version first) but other wise I look forward to it and further releases. Edit: I still can't figure out this puzzle.
  5. Help me. I am like.... drowning in fan games.

  6. Are you still looking for a beta tester currently because I want try beta testing. If not, Looking forward to the new game!
  7. ............ SO THOSE WERE HER REMAINING POKEMON!?!? - Takes a curse doll of Madame X and start poking needles into it- Damn it.
  8. Of 2nd Reborn save file... Welp.

  9. So.... upon playing a new fan games( Damn it why is there so many?!), I am currently stuck for choosing my team members.

  10. I would love to beta test this game. But.. I don't really know how do people beta test the game though....
  11. " Believe yourself." When I was younger, I tends to be more influenced by my surroundings and doubt myself even more. I kinda wish I believe myself a bit more so hence this sentence.
  12. For Pokemon Reborn, I will say it is Scrafty and Stoutland. Hey look , SS Ace Team combo. But yes, those two are like my best fighters in desperate time of needs. Scrafty sweeps the pokemon like a boss with its power-up Moxie ability while Stoutland just literally get revenge on the fallen members. (Retaliate FTW) XD. Love those two unexpected Aces!
  13. Favourite Beverage....Lemon Barley! If not, Ribena.
  14. Been too busy in RL. Time to jump back into catch-up and gaming :D

  15. That moment when you accidentally mistaken the thought board to be the searchbar

    1. VSharma


      Happens very often you aren't the only one.

    2. Zephyrus the Priestess

      Zephyrus the Priestess

      It happens so often that somebody made a topic about it in the Grand Hall, but the same mistake hasn't really stopped happening... lol

  16. -Stares at annoying homework which I can't make from head to toes-

    1. Arkhi


      -Shuffles feet uncomfortable at this third person RPing-

    2. GotWala


      Algebra 2 and beyond for me, haha!

  17. Time to hunt ability capsules.... Ouch

  18. [Dark] Gym Leader Elaine: In the most brilliant light lies a shadow. One wrong move and you might tumbled into the darkness. I wonder if your light will be consumed or will it be shining brightly? Pokemon: Scrafty (Ace), Umbreon, Houndoom Trainer Lost: Looks like it wasn't bright enough. Trainer Won: Bright Indeed. Shadow Badge- Payback [Flying] Gym Leader Diana: Whoosh and Weeeee! Did you enjoy the gym layout? It was designed to let trainers have a feel of the sky. Okay enough of that, let me see how far you can soar! Pokemon: Togekiss (Ace), Altaria , Gliscor Trainer Lost: Is that really your limit? Trainer Won: Wow... That was some amazing flying you did there! Soaring Badge- Aerial Ace [Water] Gym Leader Dew: Waves can be calm or raging depending on the situation. Are you able to surf through the raging waves? Pokemon: Milotic (Ace), Starmie, Lapras Trainer Lost: Oh look, someone was washed back to the shore. Trainer Won: That was some good surfing. Waves Badge- Brine
  19. This look fun~ I will go with Fairy type since Fairy is still a new type. Title: Storyteller Alice Region: Maybe Kalos? Intro Speech: Ara, Ara? A trainer? Are you here to bring me a story or are you here to be enchanted by mines? Pokémon: Azumarill Ability: Huge Power Item: Mystic water Moves: Aqua Jet, Belly Drum, Play Rough, Aqua Tail Gardevoir Ability: Trace Item: Twisted Spoon Moves: Psychic, Calm Mind, Moonblast, Shadow Ball Sylveon Ability: Pixilate Item: Pixie Plate Moves: Moonblast, Shadow Ball, Dazzling Gleam, Return Whimsicott Ability: Prankster Item: Focus Sash Moves: Moonblast, Encore, Leech Seed, Grass Whistle Togekiss Ability: Serene Grace Item: Weakness Policy Moves: Air Slash, Aura Sphere, Dazzling Gleam, Nasty Plot Clefable Ability: Magic Guard Item: Leftovers Moves: Retaliate, Calm Mind, Dazzling Gleam, Wish. When down to last Pokémon: This is the story climax, I see. Trainer Win: Ah, that was a good story. Trainer Lost: Oh, it was exciting but still not interesting enough. Afterwards: Feel free to pop by and bring new stories again. But for now, I hope you have a good ending on your current stories.
  20. Thanks for the welcome, advice and song. I have a question. I am still quite lost around on what to do here in the forums so any suggestion?
  21. Thanks for the welcome! And yes, I drew that Jirachi.
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