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About Hypa

  • Birthday 03/18/1995

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    I Like Shorts They Are Comfy And Easy To Wear

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  1. Hypa

    Frozen Game

    I dont really know where to put this my save game bugged and has frozen at a certain area of the game i was wondering if anyone could do anything about the savefile. many thanks to anyone who can help (ive already checked and only had 1 backup from getting the jackpot starter >.<) Game.rxdata
  2. wow did my rejuvenation guide get banned for being outdated ouch sorry guys

  3. Okay Guys let me know if this guide needs updating and how badly it needs updating, if it does ill start a new playthrough n get what i need, Sorry for being off so long guys work has been busy so hit me up ill get it done over the weekend!! hypa away! - zooms off like a superhero-
  4. anyone miss me ? :P jk nobody cares

    1. Alistair
    2. Vinny


      You made neat guides, I remember~

      Though I haven't played Reju in a while so I'm not sure how updated they would still be :v


  5. yup you just went to my pm when you wanted my help Hope u havent abandoned that eevee
  6. Do i continue the side quest guides with the horrendously written guide things going up? or leave my lil corner of evil to die:P
  7. that option dissapeared in like v6 or v7
  8. the tests are only to find the faults that will kill the game calm yourselves im pretty excited for the release guide time 4 me :3
  9. just fast forward to the side quest and you should be all good. side note this guide will be under reconstruction as soon as v8 becomes available as jan said he may have changed some of the quests but he wont tell me >.<
  10. has done all of them for various guides and sh1t ^^
  11. i doubt there will be any strong TMs im still waiting for earthquake for my lil beauty gyara <3
  12. still no invite for hypa to test the side quests :'(
  13. still no info for me from jan :'( sad times
  14. >.< spoilers he changes everything in v8 he has been working 18 hours every day to blow your minds
  15. someone said sidequests *.*
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