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About arision1

  • Birthday 06/22/1998

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    in a TARDIS
  • Interests
    running, fighting, making things go BOOM!!!, pokemon, and drawing, and shouting alot of shouting

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  1. was there a time when you could have gotten a bagon in reborn
  2. which ones better gardevoir or gothitelle

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Commander
    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      They don't really even do the same thing so you can't really compare the two. But... in a playtrough Garde is definitely more useful. Goth doesn't have as much Raw power, and Opponent don't switch enough to make Shadow Tag's trapping ability actually matter.

    4. Aurorix
  3. wigglytuff gets one hit by my aggron havent got to girafarig yet only troble i have is with clafable sellow and porygon z
  4. i need info on noles pokemon so i could build my team to beat the stats of his pokemon
  5. wait there is an arceus battle coming up im doomed cause i barly managed to beat pulse abra and my team was full of tank pokemon at the time
  6. ok im looking for a good pokemon to beat nole somewhere around the 50 markand something that can wipe the floor with his clafable if any one does im willing to trade my lvl 55 hariyama EDIT 1: the pokemon also has to be faster than clafable to so its a 1hit ko
  7. i actually need info on noles pokemon on ep14 stats wise and names of his pokemon so i can base my team to out match his
  8. does any one know the speed of noles wiggletuff

  9. has any one else encountered repeating weather in reborn cause i fast forward my date on my computer one week at a time and is always the same thing

  10. ok so ive noticed how people have like their trainer cards up to view when ever they make a post on a form page. how in blazes can you do that ive been wanting to do it for a while now but i couldnt figure out how

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. arision1


      is there a certin way i have to put my trainer card as my signature cause i cant just copy and paste

    3. Shadow Tack

      Shadow Tack

      it SHOULD just appear a little bit after you make it

    4. arision1


      nope dont see my trainer card in my signature

  11. just to be sure that i dont go there op what level is it
  12. ok how do i get litwick if i had already used the candle
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