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Everything posted by MawileJoey

  1. not everything on here will work on my Ps3, like some of the buttons and settings, and I couldn't get it to do spacings and linebreaks or anything (that's a general prob I have with the PS3), maybe I just have a virus on it or something... If I hade a PC or Laptop, I'd have used that, but sadly I don't... could someone fix my post for me please?
  2. Steel Sir Joey no clue which region... any Ideas ? XD I'd be #2 or 3, and a steel type guy (just because of Mawile X3) (Hopefully this team doesn't seem to badly overpowered....) I'd say this to my challengers when I meet them "Say hello to my lovelies, they're all pretty sharp" and if I won "My babies enjoyed the match, please, come play with them again", and should I have lost "My babies and I will be rooting for you! and play with them again sometime okay?" and now my pokemon, in order of use Mawile (Male) LV82 Ability:Hyper cutter Moves: Play Roguh, Vice grip, Flame Thrower, crunch Steelix LV80 Abillity: Rock Head moves: Fire fang, Slam, Thunder fang, Stealth rock Skarmory LV81 Ability: Keen Eye Moves: Agility, Air slash, Leer, Steel wing Scizor LV83 Abillity: Technician Moves: Fury cutter, Agility, Night slash, Iron Defense Forretress LV80 Abillity: Sturdy Moves: Self destruct, Take down, Bide, Mirror Shot Mawile (Female) LV86 Abillity: Intimidate Moves: Play rough, Flame thrower, Sucker Punch, Embargo
  3. My face wouldn't get bit off, only mine enemies
  4. Thank Y'all for making me feel welcome :3 I have a feeling I'll like it here *starts looking around with my Mawile* (I wish Mawile where real so bad TmT they're so cute)
  5. I honestly don't know what I should say... I hate to talk about myself, because I feel egotistical when I do, but I'll give you some details about me that I deem important. #1. I'm gay (well, technicall, as to be explained in a minute) so please, don't be a hater around me (and preferably in general) #2. I don't really consider myself male (birth gender) nor do I consider myself female. don't ask why, I'm not sure either, I just dont X3 #3 I have auspergers, a form of autism, so, though I'm pretty high functioning, I still have some of the problems an autistic person has (most noticably my bad habbit of focusing on things I like and being unable to stop talking about them >.>) #4 I speak a little bit of french, and am Trying to learn some Japanese and Genman, and finally #5 I like to make friends, so if you think you can put up with me, please, feel free to be my friend :3 (<- gotta love the kitty smiles... I use those a lot lol X3)
  6. I hope this shows up right, and that the color is okay... but my favorites are Mawile (Absolute number one fave), Mew & Celebi (number two faves) , meowth and the cute new dragon bat thing... Noibat I think it's called? (well, those two are my number three) as for the reason, #1 They're cute and, at least in the case of Mawile and Meowth, not to bad in battle ( at least I don't never thought they where) never caught/had a mew or Celebi before, so don't know for them, and I don't have the newest games, or hand-helds, for that matter, so I don't have a cclue as to Noibat..
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