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  1. Is that….is that last egg a Wooloo egg?
  2. With Gen 8 and gigantamx forms being added as custom mega evolutions, I was wondering if anyone was able to grab the stats for these “new Megas” and/or any different abilities.
  3. Has there been any thought to including a monotype run feature? Particularly to help out types that appear to be lagging in the early game (ie Ice, Ghost, Dragon). Could this be done by a custom starter each of these scarce types or type specific events?
  4. I am sorry if this was answered before, but with the release date of the final episode looking like it will be next year. Is there any plan to incorporate Gen 8 into the game?
  5. Bardechia


    Sooo if the release may wait until next year, is there any plan to maybe add Gen 8 into the game?
  6. Farfetch’d Crest: +30 speed Forretress Crest: +10 attack, +25 special defense Quilfish Crest: +15 attack, +25 speed Klinklang Crest: Swaps attack and special attack
  7. It looks like your team could definitely benefit from another special attacker at the expense of Pyukumuku. Personally I think a special attacking electric type would be great and fit well into your team. Ampharos would be my recommendation as it has nice coverage, great special attack, and a very good defensive spread, and to build on Kenzie’s point, it also gets Ion Deluge which is a priority, field changing move in Reborn and Rejuv.
  8. Blaziken Milotic Ampharos Flygon Nidoking Espeon With Staraptor and Clawitzer sitting out this one This team made for an interesting battle with Hardy to say the least.
  9. You could also use Nuzzle with Pachisiru to paralyze Ninetales and then bring in Lunatone. Getting the Eevee from the Battle Me Again help center request could definitely help as well
  10. Back in gold/silver when I didn't know any better, my first level 100 was a Pidgeot - raised from a lowly level 2 that was caught in my first wild battle of the game
  11. Might as well give this a shot. This is for an E4 team, let me know if I need to change anything. Pre Battle Dialogue: You look like you might actually have a clue about what you are doing here in this region. Good, I need someone to push me. Routing this league has been too easy so far. Let's go! Battle Format: Singles Field: None AceTrainerM Kreiger 6 HONEDGE,34,MUSCLEBAND,SHADOWSNEAK,SWORDSDANCE,NIGHTSLASH,GYROBALL,1,1,1,true,BRAVE,27,255,,,,52,252,100,0,0,100 COMFEY,31,LEFTOVERS,DRAININGKISS,LEECHSEED,SYNTHESIS,ENERGYBALL,2,1,0,false,BOLD,30,255,,,,100,50,50,100,100,100 SEADRA,33,ASSAULTVEST,BUBBLEBEAM,ICEBEAM,SIGNALBEAM,DRAGONPULSE,1,1,0,false,TIMID,25,255,,,,20,0,70,200,180,30 GLIGAR,32,EVIOLITE,ACROBATICS,TAILWIND,BULLDOZE,CROSSPOISON,1,1,0,false,IMPISH,23,255,,,,100,100,80,100,0,100 LYCANROC,33,HARDSTONE,STEALTHROCK,ACCELEROCK,ROCKSLIDE,FIREFANG,1,1,1,false,ADAMANT,25,255,,,,30,175,30,175,20,50 AMPHAROS,34,WISEGLASSES,POWDERGEM,DISCHARGE,CONFUSERAY,DRAGONPULSE,1,1,0,true,MODEST,31,255,AMPHY,,,50,0,75,50,252,50 Trainer Defeat Quote: I'll get you the next time - don't you dare get comfortable with this win.
  12. 1. Aegislash line 2. Salamence line 3. Garchomp line 4. Mimikyu 5. Toxapex line 6. Ferrothorn line
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