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Everything posted by Exalted

  1. i will beat the next person with an iron club who tries to the we are men meme

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lil' Baby Rupe

      Lil' Baby Rupe

      ( ´‿ゝ`)we are men( ´‿ゝ`)

    3. Zargerth


      sounds sweet

    4. Guzam


      ( ´‿ゝ`)we are men( ´‿ゝ`)

  2. humm the recent trailer for suicide squad gives me hope for the dcu just maybe it can rise to the challenge

  3. dear lord that arcanine/suicune/raikou hybrid looks awesome
  4. you know after loosing to vals waters menace in rejuv for hours its utterly satisfying to hax her to death with a duxtox

  5. so the official stamp is up congratulations supreme chancellor now to plan for the hugs to conquer the world may begin hahahahahahaha *Hugs everyone*
  6. i hate being sick

    1. TimTim


      :[ Rest well, Nova

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Don't think anyone enjoys it lol. Feel better soon though. Just get your rest etc.

  7. ok lets try this Arceus-Awakened form Transformation item:Azure Flute used similarly to prison bottle and DNA slicers but unables the use of mega evolution at all from your side in game or online as long as the flute is in effect and judgement is converted into divine type with a boosted 120 base power. Type:Divine(a new type only for arceus it is weak to Divine type attacks and offensively is Resisted by none) Ability:Omnipotence(contains the effect of several abilities allowing it to recovers a little hp each turn makes stabX2 and turns all normal types moves used by user change in divine type but if the user drops below 20% health it will revert back to its standard form untill Azure flute is used once again gives tag team partners with normal types Divine types as long as Arceus is in battle) stats: HP:170 Attk:170 Def:170 Spattk:170 Spdef:170 Spd:170 Total:1020 and yes the only move ive made to be divine type is judgement under effects of azure flute and why 170 well its stats are 720 so keeping the 7 and the 20 in there
  8. happy birthday Xiri may all your focus blasts hit all your moves be critical and your children be shiny
  9. happy birthday micky hope you have a nice one and many more follow with happiness
  10. welcome aryyyyanna mind if i call you arya hope you enjoy reborn and have fun. check out the community rules on the left and if you want a battle or just chat reborns showdown server is available and feel free to ask for any help needed were there. see you around
  11. generally nest balls are useless in the first place as the only use they can give is a 3X boost on pokemon 19 and lower any lvl and any above that opt for ultra balls and false swipe makes catching lower lvl pokemon easier in the first place though they sounds good for beldum right but he has the catch rate equal to legends so its still gonna be strenuous in the first place but you could much easier catch him with quick(first turn only) with a X4 on first turn and dusk balls(only night just change the clock)X3.5 as long as its night and these can be used on higer lvl which is much more usefull even once beldums caught pokes so yeah wasted money honestly getting dusk or even timer ball if you could keep it alive for 30+ turns use a heal pulse pokemon for help there tbh couldve had a better chance at beldum with timer quick and dusk. and if your wondering how nest balls work oposing pokemon lvl --- multiplier 19 or less X3 29 or less X2 30 or above X1
  12. ok sudowoodo for C+ rank +Has a good base attack and defense stat. +has access to sturdy a great ability if you want a setup lead. +gets some great moves i.e Hammer arm,stone edge,rock slide,sucker punch,wood hammer,stealth rock,low kick,Flail(a situation move but works heavenly with sturdy)and Shift Gear(shadow move only but arguably one of the best setup moves in the game period) +can get prior to 3rd gym as a bonsly and is easy to evolve with at lvl 15 learning mimic(use like 4 reverse candys). -base speed and sp def are very bad with shift gear bringing its speed up to decently good at max. -can not get one with both shift gear and stealth rock(only available via breeding).
  13. hello lileen welcome to reborn hope you enjoy your stay here check out the community rules on the left and try out the showdown server for reborn if you want to battle or just chat
  14. it makes it slightly easier but not to easy
  15. happy birthday born on the day of the fools huh bad luck i suppose
  16. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/oususpecttest-352501975
  17. now sorry if i sounded like i thought you team before was all assault vest i did my bad i missed a line or 2 there a bad move the thing is tyranitar imo is the best assault vest user in there now a team pair up try this: please feel free to alter the team i made was generally around sand
  18. happy birthday skeleton ive soon you around the fourms your pretty cool hop you have a nice day and many more great ones follow
  19. ok Serperior use leafstorm on quagsire dont fall for the derp people it is the way of the false
  20. well 5 years is a must to have a laptop fixed up so likely thats the case in most scenarios its reversible you should take it to someone who has expertise in the field to repair it EDIT:though id like to point out in most cases it can be salvaged but theres a just as likely chance its dead and replacing it and geting a new one maybe a better alternative economically and practically.
  21. i have a question how long is it been since last use it its possible that being shut down and stored away to eat dust for a long time caused some internal hardware to break down if so you might need to get it fixed up or something of the sort as most normal laptops need some maintenance after ever few years minimum
  22. Exalted

    Hey yo

    Welcome Aureant hope you enjoy your stay you can read the rules on the left and if you want to battle or chat the showdown server for reborn is up there on the left to
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