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Everything posted by Exalted

  1. Exeggutor is watching you

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jacobliterator


      Not as much as Claydol is.

    3. Ironbound


      Serperior watches you judgingly...

    4. Samalet


      With "you" being the horrible person responsible for Serperiors movepool.

  2. Alice it would be appreciated greatly if you could do the signature for our nation Phantom Vulcan to add to that something thats shows fiery forge and/or an intense environment while featuring Fire/Steel/Ghost the types for the nation and add aegislash if you could. Thank you.
  3. Welcome to Reborn Strider i dearly hope you feel at home here feel free to ask any question you feel like as long as its under forum rules and enjoy
  4. yeah you may be giving them a bit of a to high ranking imo for gothitelle about B as bad speed without boost sp attk is average not so great to justify movepool isnt that great and with limited tms its possible to completey wall it. though it has good abilities with competitve and shadow tag arguably they are not as great ingame as they are competitively now and again they may find use but not most of the time. houndoom i can somewhat agree but A+ may still be a bit high of it A may be more justifiable as 95 ist all that great speed and some boss battles can demolish it
  5. http://prnt.sc/b9e7a8 who needs to cheat when you got soft reset
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Spineblade


      Damn, how long did that take you?

    3. RainbowHugs


      Who needs a life when you have Pokemon?

    4. Exalted


      honestly only 25 minutes of soft reset give or take 5

  6. you dont but if one mon has no item no mon gets one
  7. Question:Whats the rules on trick and switcharoo banned or some gimmick at the same time fling consuble items thief and so on?
  8. Edit:My post is acting oddly and not fully posting this topic so ill try to fix it and any staff help if posible
  9. OBJECTION........... tch tch tch true your predictions were a 6-1 but unfortunately your predictions went invalid the second dobby droped out skeleton lost to swapellow and infernape88 dropped out as i clearly recall your prediction was to each individual match thus making the results of the actual match up going up either way,you could say the end reults justify the means but your predictions were of each end match not the final tally thus making that argument against it invalid so DEAL WITH IT.
  10. to be precise a gen 3 event which is super hard to access let alone transfer it all the way to gen 5 so it could be dropped into pokebank for use in gen 6 or 7 so having an extreme speed linoone is quite the privilege in the main games even Edit:i am referring to pokemon box ruby and saphire also the korean linoone event has passed and is still somewhat rare
  11. Happy Birthday mar hope this day is delightful to you and that you have many more like this to follow
  12. tch tch tch close but steelix kinda ruin it dont you think its not a Full team till everyone can go Belly Drum
  13. what is this you ask what is this THIS IS THE WASTELAND *Kicks Cronos off in to the Pit of DOOM*
  14. THE INJUSTICE come here Muchlax give me a hug its all right its alright now stop trying to eat my shirt good boy you wont be alone as long as i am here *HUGS*
  15. thats the spirit Xiri but we will make sure that comeback isnt against us though
  16. this is not a war thread to praise and defend magnezone viri take you magnet elsewhere. well shofu is the most notable and the only one up to date with episodes though he does suck at it he is entertaining when he fails though nickaboo also has play though i believe but his are not up to date sadly
  17. nah i was joking about i saw his post today and was like hummmmm would be fun if i beat that and just posted pointlessly about it
  18. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-ou-56836 Beat 99 Losses good close match and void there goes your prediction
  19. I AM BAT SHIT CRAZY Well i have to say its my calm attitude most of the times though anyway
  20. well as thier is no battling location for NFE tier so pokemon that are used in PU sit in the lowest tier it can be used in as the main smogon site does not have the sub section for NFE it either through the mons in PU or tierless but http://prnt.sc/b7safg the showdown server classes it as NFE so its useable imo
  21. half a million posts and 20k members done good job reborn

    1. Spineblade


      Aaand missed it again

  22. Q:so what is the one character in reborn you will like to kill slowly painfully while talking dinner breaks in between by the jaw droppingly agonizing why possible? Q:Also Ame are you secretely the head of team meteor and the rest of the staff are just executives and you are waiting til we get to the E4 before you mercilessly slaughter us?
  23. geomancy ban was indeed needed M.gengar can be put both ways of the argument as it is possible to counter it with your given types but i am not gonna touch that argument like i was saying for geomancy how in the hell is one suppose to shut it down if i may ask. power herb geomancy on a slower poison type sp attker by the time it attks done game hp ground moonblast hypervoice what is suppose to live that on the opposing team even if they do taking it down best bet is a poison or steel type move by a strong physical attacker seeing xerneas bulk no wait even with scarf none can outspeed it
  24. As per rules team D also gets Zard X as it cant be used by flying nation for not retaining its types nor can it be used by dragon for not having it originally
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