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Everything posted by Exalted

  1. Hi ide you sound like fun you will fun right in with us obsessive psychopaths ha ha ha ha welcome and enjoy HELL lovely lovely reborn
  2. Well Welcome fae hope you enjoy and try to learn to open up a bit see you around
  3. Welcome hope you enjoy your stay here
  4. Welcome wayfinder hope you enjoy your stay and feel free to ask any help if needed chow see you around
  5. Whoo Hooooo

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      dont worry I am

    2. Spineblade


      What the heckles

  6. now thats a puntastic match up ha ha
  7. Exalted


    nice to meet you star hope we can be friends see ya around now

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Exalted


      no i am her father

    3. Dhanush D Bhatt

      Dhanush D Bhatt

      Batman can be bootiful too

    4. Ironbound


      Dhan go to sleep

  9. Fourm:NovaKnight Server:Nova 1000,Judge Batman,RBRN Batman,Bootiful Bidoof Joined:2014(active starting 2015) Favourite Type:Steel and fire(sorry this bothers me i like fire just as much) Least Favoutie:Ice Pokenations1:ha ha nope Avalible:Most of the time i am usually there
  10. Ok ill like to address ash greninja because that seems to be the main talk to a limit the thing is it is bloody powerful but it ash takes damage as much as ash greninja takes out and it has been shown that if a hits taken by greninja ash takes the stress and damage from it the question is how much damange can both take as it can be seen ash nearly dosent have as much stamina or endurance as greninja so eventully if he pushes him self hard enough ash is gonna flat line so to say so if ashs greninja was against mons from ashs 4th gen team thy could push him to that limit so you get my point he may be the strongest char in anime in a sense but he will die if he doesnt sit down as ashs greninja can not stay in its alter form if ash isnt around
  11. ive seen you around so i dont think much introduction is needed but truly Welcome and hope you enjoy further on
  12. best to worst anime season 1:Sinnoh:one of the best rivals alongside villain teams and for the first time felt like ash knew what he was doing instead of being an idiot also some of the best Pokemon movies ever ashs best team to date and you know it . 2:XY(debatable as not finished):good story telling nice companions ash looks like he knows what he is doing again rivals well alain is nice as one somewhat the only reason this is number 2 not good enough rivals and a very solid team so far for ash. 3:Jhoto:a good adventure feels like expanding on the already decent 1st reign arc of the anime ash is somewhat grown mature and has the fight with Gary VS Ash for the first time ash had some nice mons thall make you nostalgic . 4:Kanto:the original is a classic lots of nostalgia but arguably alot of stretched out plot lines and no really established main rivals till the league atleast with ritchi being the main one and gary the one we wanted but i am not gonna count him as they never fought once put to the sidelines and the pokerap yes please the team for ash was bad lets be honest meh at best the most redeamable fact generally strong mons and a beastly Zard that didnt listen to him. 5:Hoenn:not the best season changed voice actors somewhat uninteresting filler freaking thunder armor BS again not a really major rival before league or after the 7th badge battle frontier redeemed it IMO in this case the team for ash was alright but nothing special. 6:Black and white:worst anime seasons ever boring characters boring plot lines team plasma and N duely wasted ash became an incompetent idiot again the rivals borderline annoying felt like they were treating us like we were 10 so yeah hate it ashs worst team to date period and i am not even gonna consider charizards return trying to fanservice us to like the season . and i am considering orange islands(Kanto) battle frontier(Hoenn) connected to their respected reigns
  13. I tip my non existent hat to you sir just an amazing porformance
  14. congrats joltron i knew you had it in you and kinda surprised you didnt get to this landmark sooner
  15. well this is your opinion i do find pursuit having a few good users the main problem in its self and in general and thus making it a move i feel shouldn't be on this list over priority moves as priority has a higher use range with or without stab as well if you dont want to define the main examples being aqua jet bullet punch quick attk extreme speed sucker punch mach moves that create a threat for any and all fast attacking foes with usually slower but harder hitting foes
  16. i agree with most of them mostly top 3 but i do find pursuit should be lowest on this if at all as well taunt or recovery moves higher being higher mainly because how prevalent they are in their respective usage due to i find the ability to heal up a low health mon as well as nullify any and all status moves something quite prevalent in each and every tier as for pursuit is very situation and most teams would not even consider this move as sometimes pursuit traping a psychic or ghost type is nice but some pokemon may not frankly not care it has its usability but overall taunt and recovery are much better with recovery moves bieng something i belive deserves higher than both of them
  17. are you ever gonna stop being so gloomy and what can we do to make you feel better
  18. what are you shooting the harry potter prequel trilogy still nice rather convincing on the age
  19. dont worry tom i a here to help try this one that zumi showed me instead its nice to http://www.rinmarugames.com/playgame.php?game_link=mega-anime-avatar-creator also i made a zumi chibbi enjoy http://i.imgur.com/wJ0e7XH.png
  20. wow tom has gone mad with the chibbi generator and i am in full support of this for some reason or another
  21. happy birthday godojira and may all your hits be critical and all your children be shiny
  22. ahh welcome rep ive seen in showdown well welcome to the fourms and hope you have a delightful stay here
  23. Zumi i adore you and all but this picture made me feel you were coming for my soul to drag it to limbo
  24. just catch the lotad its grass type its fair game the only place this will cause complications is a nuzlocke with only first mon capture rule in a mono type run if you catch 6 lotads and raise them its fair game
  25. i hear by ship Red_Chaos with tom more commonly known as Catherine cook so Red_Chaos x Chathrine Cook Catherine Chaos or those who prefer Tom Red_Thomas
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