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dead account

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by dead account

  1. "(And yes, that also means if you so wish, you can either add eggs straight to your party, or send them to the pc, no trips back to a pokemon centre necesarry anymore!)" ... flashbacks to my 3 trips between the scrapyard and the mountain with the Rowlet egg on it. ...I am only a little bit absolutely livid at learning that this feature was being added after I had to go through that fucking shitshow where I had to make room in my party after the first trip, then forgot about the egg and caught something before remembering the reason I went up and forgetting I caught the other pokemon on my second trip. Jesus Christ. That Rowlet was not worth the effort.
  2. Game Freak themselves never do spin offs. They have other companies do that sort of thing instead. Switch is handheld. Even if they advertise it as some "hybrid". Plus Game Freak confirmed they were making a game for the Switch themselves. Twice. Pokemon "dips into other genres" all the time. Most recently, we have Pokken, a fighting game based off pokemon and Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon, which is a rogue-like, as well as the puzzle game f2ps. And whatever Pokemon GO even is. And that's not even going into all the other spin offs from years back, like Pokemon Snap, Ranger, Conquest, etc. It's only recently that the Pokemon spin off well has seemingly dried up, for some reason. "Nintendo isn't always keen on moving it's franchises across multiple genres" ...they do that all the time. Hell, they do this more than any other major publisher to my knowledge. "like an online card game, RTS, FPS, or even a MOBA." Didn't they have an online version of the Pokemon TCG? One could argue Pikmin is an RTS. Metroid Prime is an FPS. Though neither are online, but I prefer single player and co-op anyway. So eh. And not even Nintendo could convince me to touch a moba with a 20 foot pole, so the lack of one is fine with me. "We already have Super Smash Bros and other Nintendo games that pull characters from across multiple franchises, so it seems the next logical route is Nintendo drawing from their many franchises to support a bunch of new genres for online play." I'm all for there being more games where you can have Captain Falcon showing everyone his moves, but I'd think that constant crossover games like Smash would get old after a while. I myself am fine with Nintendo sticking with single player stuff. That's what keeps me coming back(and most publishers seem to be entirely focused on getting multiplayer games made instead of single player ones, so Nintendo not going into mp too much isn't that big a deal for me).
  3. Can't really say I blame them for not liking Cain. I certainly wasn't fond of him just suddenly hitting on me and shit. Made every scene with him very awkward for me. I'm not sure if the guy doing the LP deliberately cherry picked the most "grimderp" looking starter shiny to make the game seem worse than it is about shinies or if they just randomly went with Snivy. Either way, you can tell a lot of the goons aren't just blindly hopping on a bandwagon in regards to bashing the game because most of them are actually praising the starter shinies. Especially Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtle and Autumn Turtwig. So yeah, they're being cynical and critical, but hardly unfair. I'd personally say the complaint of the overuse of black on the starters shinies is a pretty valid one that would also extend to the rest of the pokemon in the game. A number of Reborn's shinies can be very unnecessarily "edgy" looking. The Wurmple-Dustox line is probably the best example. Because it's an entire evo line whose colour scheme is basically what would happen if you let a kid who's obsessed with Shadow the Edgehog recolour a pokemon. Also, another major thing to note about Something Awful is its profanity filter. It will replace curse words with certain other phrases. This can be quite confusing to anyone unfamiliar with the site reading the LP, seeing odd phrases/words being tossed around like "gently caress" in place of "fuck", "loving" in place of "fucking", and "doo doo" in place of "shit". I'm sure you can find a full list somewhere.
  4. Wait, there are still people who think gen 7's pokemon will all be postgame? I mean, why would you think that when they've been added to the next ep? That makes no sense. Why bother adding the data and sprites for like 80 pokemon to the game if you're not gonna bother adding any of them into the wild and/or events in the game?
  5. Hey, Sparky is doing role calls for his RP to make sure everyone is still alive and stuff. Go post there if you're still interested in it.

  6. The Mareep line would probably suit Ireland the most. With how many bloody sheep there are around here. Zangoose might be another one that suits us given the story of how St Patrick drove all the snakes out is one of the bigger things people associate with us(though there's no evidence there were any snakes here to begin with, so maybe not). It's not entirely clear whether the Stag or the Irish Wolfhound is our national animal, so Stantler might work. Wolfhound wouldn't because there are no dog pokemon like the wolfhound.
  7. Already showed you this glorious thing on discord, but here it is again, I guess. Happy birthday.
  8. Huh? What was that? Wasn't listening. Also, welcome to Reborn.
  9. If it's an expensive one, I'd look up how to fix this issue and try to fix it rather than immediately replace it.
  10. Sounds interesting. I'll try it tomorrow.
  11. I second Krookodile. Honestly, it looks like they were going out of their way to make its head look like... something else. >.> Also second the keys. Because that thing almost makes Stunfisk look decent. Pretty much anything that's pink and a blob. Are we counting megas? Because I think Mega 'Mence, and Mega Slowbro deserve a mention.
  12. I played it once or twice. AI kicked my ass mercilessly. Would probably play it again if someone's interested. Steam names the same as here. Seriously doubt you'll find someone else using the same icon.
  13. Terra also references Batman's backstory when the PC and the other circus gym leaders confront her about being a Meteor. And then she references Megaman Battle Network as she enters the computer. Saying something like "Terra, jack in!" The people in the right side of the arcade seem to be playing a MOBA. Most likely League of Legends because that's the one Ame plays. There's also a sidequest in Ametrine City where the PC helps a guy fight off a virus in his computer and afterwards he mentions something about doing solo queue or something and then tries to pretend he means he's going back to work by throwing a bunch of jargon around, hoping the PC buys it. I believe that was one of the random NPCs in front of the Grand Stairway when you first pass through there.
  14. -8 Milk first is lunacy. And not the fun kind.
  15. Yes, it's definitely possible. I traded a pokemon holding a lucky egg on my main file to another person, who then traded it to my hardcore file(because I missed the lucky egg in Hardcore).
  16. Already showed ya this on Discord, but have an epic happy birthday anyway, Micky:
  17. WHAT... is your name? WHAT... is your quest? WHAT... is your favourite colour?
  18. You need to bring the Ralts to the Pokemon Psychologist in 7th Street. Getting the shrink to change the nature of your ralts costs 1 heart scale. Edit: damn it. The Wizard ninja'd me.
  19. I only played Fates: Conquest out of all the ones you asked about. And I enjoyed it for its gameplay, but the story's pretty bad. After seeing all the cutscenes once, I couldn't help but skip them all in subsequent playthroughs despite not doing that with most games I play. If plot's the biggest thing you're looking for, you may wanna skip Fates altogether, because I'm willing to bet the rest of Fates likely suffers from the same as Conquest in terms of its story. Maybe you'd wanna wait for FE: Echoes? That's coming out in May.
  20. I can't believe that you'd expect anything else on April Fool's Day. >.>
  21. Can I just say I love this game all the more for introducing me to that Not the Bees! remix?
  22. Considering how Pokémon has always gone on about the bonds between you and your pokémon, how those bonds make you stronger and how they aren't mere tools for battle, the very idea of willingly forcing traumas onto pokemon to make them more effective fighters very much goes against all that. Even moreso than the breeding to be honest Hell, this is basically the whole idea behind Shadow Pokemon in Colosseum and XD. Cipher "closed the doors to the hearts" of pokemon, making them into vicious fighting machines. And then you have to undo that.
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