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dead account

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Everything posted by dead account

  1. I'd still say the psychologist is fucking creepy and sinister. The dude is changing the nature of your pokemon, basically part of their personality. I'm pretty sure one visit to a shrink isn't gonna have such drastic effects on you, let alone a shrink you know can't bloody understand a word you say and is more likely than not unlicensed and may or may not be taking drugs(remember, heart scales are an ingredient in 'Rare Candies', so it's very likely he's either selling them to drug dealers or making drugs himself). And the most the player ever sees of what he does is him lying the pokemon down on the sofa, then it fades to black. As for the happiness thing, could just be a case of gameplay and story segregation.
  2. I googled "Captain Breakfast", forget the reason why, and came across this in image search: http://risingkirin.com/post/93138988451 I felt it was pretty much destiny. Also, I edited it so the white part outside the light blue ring was transparent, resulting in the profile image I have now.
  3. Only library around here that lent out video games, as far as I know, is one that only had a handful of some pretty shit Xbox 360 games when I was last in there. Probably the only remotely good game in there was the Xbox 360 version of Supreme Commander 2.
  4. Seeing this mess makes me think "This is a teaser? What the fuck is Ame doing?" And really, that's it. Also, when I saw this topic in my notifications as I woke up, I was not expecting to see something like that mess. I thought somebody was about to kill themselves. Thank God that was not the case.
  5. Honourable mentions: Yanmega, Espeon, Noivern, Ampharos, Hydreigon, Gyarados, Blaziken, Arcanine, Groudon, Reshiram, Luxray, Feraligatr, Torterra, Sceptile, Krookodile, Lycanroc(both forms), Skarmory 10. Skarmory. Yeah, I know. I used to love this thing to the point where it'd be instantly at 1. Entirely because its design, mind you. I'm not fond of its play style at all. May even eventually get pushed out of the list entirely if gen 8 has something else that sparks my interest.. Edit: I somehow forgot entirely about Golisopod. And it definitely deserves a spot here. So, Skarmory gets pushed off the list. See ya metal turkey. 10. Umbreon. Another Pokemon I like based off it's design alone and really nothing else. Move along. 9. Volcarona. Not normally fond of bugs, but Volcarona just sorta stood out to me. Couldn't tell if it was the design, the moveset or what, but here it is, I guess? 8. Rowlet. Not often I like an unevolved Pokémon enough to say it's one of my favourites, but Jesus Christ, this damn thing is too bloody adorable. 7. Chesnaught. Not a Pokémon I was initially very impressed by, but it grew on me after I used it in Reborn. It also came with Spiky Shield, the only Protect-like move that didn't feel like it was totally murdering the pace of a battle because it did damage. 6. Chandelure. A Pokémon I only really picked up in Black and White because I needed a fire type and Fire/Ghost seemed interesting. Then I learned it hit like a freight train. The rest is history. 5. Staraptor. Oh hey! An early birb that doesn't suck. ...Aside from Talonflame. What else is there to say about it other than the fact it looks badass? 4. Golisopod. The design alone makes it my favourite gen 7 Pokémon. Add on the fact that one of the most badass and menacing looking Pokémon in gen 7 evolves from one of the most pathetic and cowardly, as well as its unique ability and high attack stat and bulk, and you got yourself an amazing Pokémon. 3. Archeops. Just a concept I love combined with great stats... and let down by one of the shittiest abilities ever. I always thought that it'd be neat if they had used an early prehistoric bird for an idea as a Pokémon as a kid, and gen 5 delivered on that with something that can hit like a truck but still out-sped most Pokémon. Wound up being my favourite out of my team in Black. Still, awful ability holds it back from being amazing. Which is just tragic. This poor thing needs a new ability pronto. And I don't think Game Freak will ever bother giving it one. 2. Ludicolo. This is just one of the silliest concepts for a Pokémon. A constantly dancing kappa/pineapple/Mexican stereotype thing. The Miror B. battle in Colosseum also contributed to my love of this thing. 1. Salamence. The best dragon(... in my opinion). I've always preferred the idea of European dragons(the kinds with 4 legs and a set of wings), to the more serpentine looking ones or the wingless ones. There's also it's Pokédex entries, which paint a picture of a small dragon growing up and finally achieving their dream to take to the skies after waiting their whole life for it. Maybe even gaining wings specifically because its desire to fly was so great. And it lays waste to everything around it with fire because that's how it expresses joy. Honestly, this is just my kind of Pokémon. Just wish its mega didn't give it that weird-ass mono-wing thing that makes it look like the Rebel Alliance logo from Star Wars.
  6. Some places, like India, are weird in that they have a time zone offset of an amount including a half an hour(+5:30 in India's case, I believe). And Eucla, Australia takes this in a step towards the more confusing by having an offset of +8:45. You should probably edit the poll to reflect this if possible. https://www.timeanddate.com/time/map/ In case anyone needs a timezone map(careful, the locations of the dots on the map may not correlate to their actual time zone. Hover your mouse over them to check).
  7. You don't need a headset. All those channels Arkhi mentioned are text based ones. People don't use the voice channels most of the time on the Reborn server.
  8. Also, if you don't want notifications from a channel you aren't interested in, you can just mute it by right clicking its name and clicking the checkbox you see.
  9. Yeah, Discord is quite similar to Skype, but it has no ads and is quite a bit less prone to breaking in calls for no apparent reason than Skype is. And you can access it via your web browser or download their client. There's also Better Discord, a modification of Discord that lets you apply custom themes, custom css, and plugins(might want to be careful with plugins, there's the potential for people to do some shady stuff with them, like make one that steals login info in addition to whatever else it does), if you aren't liking how discord looks or the way some of its features work. Really, it's just flat out better than Skype.
  10. Future Coroner Anyone wanting context should see CG's last two statuses
  11. Well, Swablu, because what's there not to love about a birb that pretends it's a hat?
  12. I think by default I'd have to say Monster Hunter tri's opening, because the entire reason I wanted to buy it was because I saw the opening somewhere before the game came out and somehow I just felt like I had to get it. And I've never really had that happen with any other game's opening to be honest. But I don't know if that speaks more of my self control since then or just how much I like Tri's opening. I like the openings to Monster Hunter 4 and 4 Ultimate too but I bought 4 Ultimate because I already knew what Monster Hunter was like and enjoyed it. I guess I just like openings that tell stories within that game's universe rather than show off the game itself. Really makes the games universe feel more alive, like stuff happens when the player isn't around beating massive dragons to death with oversized, impractical weapons. But I get that those kinds of openings don't go with everything.
  13. Well, if it helps, I'll list off the volunteers I remember finding and hopefully at least one of them is one you're missing. 1. Woman in stairway between Obsidia and Coral Wards 2. Slacker hanging out near the bottom entrance of the Slums, yellow hair 3. Girl near Obsidia park, hug the wall on the right and you'll see her 4. Kid in Beryl library, pink hair(may need to fight a kecleon in front of the door first if you haven't dealt with the lot of hem yet) 5. Girl with social anxiety in Jasper Ward(in one of the buildings) 6. Homeless man in the shelter in Peridot Ward, he's sitting on a bench somewhere in there 7. Insufferable guy going on about his genius or whatever in front of the grand stairway, blue hair 8. Old lady in Lapis Ward, grey hair, standing in one of the spots with greenery and stuff 9. People watcher girl on top of the wall between Reborn City and the desert 10. A guy near the train station, by the handrails over the lake 11. Bored guy in Onyx Arcade And I think there might be someone in the Grand Hall who volunteers. Don't quote me on that. Edit: Also, just remember that the volunteers are all within the city walls. You're not gonna find someone in Spinel town randomly deciding to volunteer for something in Reborn City.
  14. Cool Girl with her shameless advertising. >.> Hi PokeDave. Welcome to the madhouse. Nice to see another birb lover around these parts(One of us... one of us... one of us...). Have fun on your run, enjoy your stay and don't forget: you're here forever.
  15. Gen I: Bulbasaur. Kinda the least meh of the 3 to me. Gen II: Cyndaquil or Totodile. Gen III: Treecko. I initially liked the Torchic line but the whole Speed Boost making it borked thing sorta left a bad taste in my mouth. And Mudkip can stay in that pokeball at the bottom of the lake. I hate Mudkips. Gen IV: Turtwig. Gen V: Oshawott. Mostly because it evolves into Samurott and the other two starters are very meh in my eyes. Gen VI: Chespin. Mostly because of my experience with it in Reborn. Gen VII: Rowlet. Just wish it was more useful.
  16. Umm, @Cool Girl, I think that still counts as using multiple words even if they're in separate posts.
  17. Martial Arts Master? Awesome Girl? Sorry I couldn't think of anything better.
  18. I'm watching SAO Abridged and DBZ Abridged, if those count. Also, I watched like half(I think?) of Parasyte the Maxim. I'm gonna go back and watch the rest of that later. Also binge watched pretty much all of Steins;Gate a while back and planning to get the VN itself because that's how much I enjoyed it.
  19. I got €130. I used 100 of it to get a PaySafeCard for buying stuff online. Expecting to get another 100 in January which I'll save up and possibly put towards buying a Nintendo Switch. I've bought 2 copies of Civilization 6 intending to give the 2nd to someone. I apparently forgot how to read and didn't notice the keys were EU only despite there being a clear warning of such on the site I bought them from(person I wanted to send the key to was in the US). And there's a no refund policy on top of this. So I'm stuck with 2 keys for the same game. And all this was after this site charged me a stupid amount for using PaySafeCard to shop there. >.> Right now I'm waiting for the machines down at the shop to let me buy 3Money vouchers or PaySafeCards worth less than €50 so I can get the rest of what I want off Steam. And I still have no clue what I'm gonna do with the 2nd code. Edit: Also, my brother got me 2 pairs of trousers.
  20. ... I wonder what Dedenne jerky would taste like?
  21. Welcome to Reborn! That's all I guess. Just remember that you're here forever.
  22. Sorry if this has been brought up before, but there seems to be no option to ignore status updates from specific users at all. Would it be at all possible to implement this?
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