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dead account

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by dead account

  1. I won't argue against your point. It's pretty valid. Problem is what I said is likely very similar to Nintendo's (and/or their lawyer's) thought process. Wouldn't surprise me if they somehow equate a download for Uranium to a lost sale in some manner. This wouldn't be the first time Nintendo showed just how out of touch with their fanbase and and/or gaming in general they are nowadays. Though tbh. In the case of Pokemon, I guess I'll have to say I'm the exception to your whole having never seen anyone say : "I don't need the upcoming game anymore, because I have <Fangame>." thing. The fact that there are plenty of fangames that I consider better than anything Game Freak seems willing to put out, combined with my utter disappointment with gen 6 and with some of what I've seen from Sun and Moon so far. I don't need or want to buy another subpar game from Game Freak, because I can just wait around for updates to fangames like Reborn, Rejuvenation, Insurgence and Phoenix Rising. And I'm pretty sure I'll get far more enjoyment from each of those than what Sun and Moon could ever offer me.
  2. How many people signed up for the forum is not really indicative of how many people actually downloaded the game. I'm sure most people who stumble across Reborn download the game and ignore the forum. Hell, at one point the site was lagging like hell because someone posted something about Reborn on 9gag and that caused a lot of people coming in to download the game and only a handful of people actually joined the forum afterwards.
  3. As I've said before, Nintendo is not "cracking down" on fan games. AM2R and Pokemon Uranium just happened to get a lot of attention and Nintendo pretty much had to do something because a. copyright law is a bitch and b. this is happening while they're trying to maintain hype for Sun and Moon. If Nintendo was really cracking down on fan games, you'd have been hearing about a lot more projects getting shut down as well as them releasing a statement or something outright condemning fan games. And in Uraniums' case, Nintendo's lawyers just issued several takedown notices of links. Then the Uranium devs themselves took down the rest of the official links on their site out of respect for Nintendo's apparent wishes. But of course the words "shut down" will get you more clicks than "the devs took down their own links" or something like that, so that's what every gaming news site is saying. So, no, as long as Reborn doesn't get too much attention when it eventually fully releases, it should be fine. Also, I'm sure if you ask around, someone might have a link to download Uranium.
  4. Why are you so smelly? I was hoping that I could think of something else to ask by the time I got around to this, but I failed.
  5. Not sure why Ody's getting upset over this. I never said I wanted to battle this week, yet you decided to toss me on the roster anyway. To be honest, I'm fine with you telling people not to give me another chance. I was an idiot for coming back anyway. Have a good day.
  6. Not sure whose bright idea it was to put me in the roster again after how badly I fucked up last week. I refuse to battle.
  7. Dude, wait till you get to Plesioth. It's possible to carve multiple heads off a single Plesioth. I know because that happened to me a number of times in MH3U.
  8. Brach Hammer - An Arm that has crushed the courage of many a hunter. Slime makes forging tricky. I got 5 of those off 1 Brachydios. MonHun is silly.
  9. Steve(Seregios) is indeed in 6 star village quests. I think you're referring to its bladescales? That's what I saw you needed on kiranico. Also, if you need an accolade, you can get them in the 6 star village multi-monster quests. It's either guaranteed or very likely to get one from those. I actually haven't been looking at any HR gear yet. I guess I should be fine with my Astalos stuff for early HR, not sure about you. I guess you should just focus on what skills you like out of them.
  10. "Couldn't find anything" usually means you didn't get there quick enough. Like with a monster corpse that's despawning. I also kinda lucked out with those lava nuggets. Didn't even need to mine them, I got a ton in the quest rewards for my first Uragaan.
  11. Welcome back, Rose! Just how many different instruments can you play? Any particular artists/bands you prefer? And music genres? How do you find the energy to work so much? I've always wondered that. If the answer for this kinda overlaps with that paragraph you threw at Sparkles, then feel free to just ignore this. What animal(s) would you love to have as a pet?
  12. I didn't find Astalos hard at all. Only one of the fated 4 I had trouble with was Gammoth, then I started using Aerial Dual Blades against it and it went by so much faster. I needed to do that because one trader request has you get Trunkspine, which you get by breaking Gammoth's trunk and capturing it. Now I'm just doing 6 star village stuff.
  13. I'm sure everyone can guess which of the new monsters is my favourite(hint: big, green, mean, electric bug-dragon thing). Astalos looks god damn pretty and badass, especially when it's pissed and has everything on it charged up with that green electricity. And its theme is pretty badass too. Hell, I did the same thing as BlueMoonIceCream's planning with Mizutsune and made Astalos' armour first chance I got. Don't regret it one bit. (Wish it kept its Japanese name though. Raizekusu sounds way better than Astalos)
  14. Hi Ame, in case you didn't fall for it, yes, there is was indeed a spider gif in the spoiler Solarance posted. He is a jerk. Well, given that you don't like being congratulated for getting older, not really sure what else to say aside from congrats on beating the statistic.
  15. I see somebody reads Awkward Zombie too. Hi, welcome to Reborn! Um... well, that's it. Not really an rper or anything, so I doubt we'll talk much. See ya around.
  16. Huh. Somehow missed or forgot about this thread. Back when it was posted. Can I join you smelly nerds? I'm so lonely.
  17. Lasagne. Something nice. Pizza. Cookie dough ice cream. Weetabix.
  18. 1. No. 2. Ame. I dunno. Even if I could pay attention and remembered everything everyone did, I don't think it's really my place to talk about who should or shouldn't be promoted. 3. 4. Liberal 5. Real Time Strategy. It's what I grew up playing. 6 I dunno? Sci-Fi? I don't watch too many films. 7. Skeleton. Because I'm not fond of her attitude. 8. Agnostic. 9. ISFP-T, apparently. 10. Skarmory. 11. I have a Chocolate Labrador named Harvey. I had a Golden Labrador named Lady in the past. We had to put her down. 12. No. 13. Neither. 14. Not really. I'm bitter about /kick being removed before I could get focus punched by the bot, but that's about it. 15. Again, I don't feel it's my place to discuss such things. 16. Green. 17. Boxers, no question. Briefs are ridiculously uncomfortable to me. 18. Meh. As long as they aren't too obnoxious(like a certain wrestler with a dead career), I don't mind. 19. Nope. I tend to avoid the more infamous celebrities, but that's about it. 20. I read The Adventures of Dr. Mcninja. 21. Well, I'm watching Danganronpa 3 right now. 22. No, never. 23. Grills. 24. Hmm... Maybe I would go visit friends from Reborn. Or go to Japan. 25. Either Lasagne & Garlic Bread or burritos with mild salsa, sour cream and cheese 26. There's not really anything in particular I look for in a friend, aside from "not being an asshole". 27. I'm not really sure, myself. 28. Nope. Ued to be, and I regret every second of it. 29. See answer to 2 and 15. 30. No. And if you see me acting competitive, feel free to chastise me for it before I say or do something I regret. 31. I honestly have no clue. I've never been in a relationship. 32. Not sure. Maybe in the Netherlands? 33. I have no clue. 34. Hackmons Cup. Nobody plays Doubles here. 35. Mega Skarmory. I'd have to say Mega Hydreigon. Or Mega Chandelure. Or Mega Braviary. I'll be honest, gen 5 has a lot of pokemon I'd like to see get megas. Only Audino got one. And it sucks. 36. Wallace I guess. It's like, why are you here? And he's kinda a disappointment compared to Steven 37. The Prank items? I dunno. 38. I can't really think of one. 39. I'm not certain of any redeeming qualities I have myself. 40. Flying type 41. Rosesong. 42. I haven't really been paying much attention to hyped up stuff this year, so I'll say Pokemon Go. 43. Pikachu. 44. 45. Pass.
  19. For whatever reason, the desktop client for Pokemon Showdown only allows you to load the main Showdown server. Of course, not everyone wants to go to main. So, here's a guide to make it load whatever server you want. 1. Open up your Showdown Client install directory. By default, it should be something like: C:\Program Files (x86)\Pokemon Showdown 2. Move the file called 'Index.html' to the desktop, then right click it and open it with notepad. You need to move it to the desktop first because it gives you an error if you try to save changes to it while it's in the Pokemon Showdown folder. 3. At the far right of the single line of code should be a url saying something like 'http://play.pokemonshowdown.com' in brackets. Replace 'http://play.pokemonshowdown.com' with 'http://reborn.psim.us/' or the url for whatever other server you want to visit through the showdown client. 4. Save it and move index.html back to C:\Program Files (x86)\Pokemon Showdown Open up Showdown and congratulations, you're an ub3r 1337 h4x0r. Also, you are accessing Reborn's Showdown server through the client. That too. Why would you want to do this, you might ask? Well, why not? At the very least, it means you won't have to worry about having to back up your teams if you ever need to clear your cookies for any reason. Maybe you just don't feel like having your internet browser open? It also breaks the bread images people like to throw around on the server, so that's another reason for those of you who really hate bread.
  20. -Maybe. I'm certainly a super-something. -The Breakfast PAWNCH. A move in which I pour cereal and milk into a ceramic or porcelain bowl, glue the side of the bowl to my fist, and run up to a criminal, screaming and punch them in the face with the bowl so hard that it shatters. Bonus points if the shards get in their eyes and blind them. I also have another signature move which I call "getting bored and setting people/things on fire". Quite self-explanatory, that one. -"ARE YOU READY FOR THE MOST IMPORTANT MEAL OF THE DAY?!" *Breakfast PAWNCHes the criminal scum while doing a Schwarzenegger yell* -Huh? Damsels? No, I just go around punching criminals in the face. No damsel-saving here. -I'm not Batman, so no. I'm not a billionaire, and my parents are alive(last I checked anyway). -I tried wearing a cape once, but then I realised that the wind never blows it in a way that makes me look badass and heroic. Also, it got caught on everything, and I kept spilling milk on it. Just not worth it. -Well, the fact that this place is generally quite civil and the people around here are tolerant of other people's opinions and stuff(basically, the fact that this place isn't like 90% of the rest of the internet, if that makes any sense). -Not really. I have no clue at all of what I want to do with my life. -Again, no clue. -Team I don't have a smartphone. Truly the best team. -I don't pay much attention to politics. No clue what office I would run for. -Citrus fruits and anything with some form of alcoholic beverage put in it. -I'll just say Sky News because it's just what I switch to by default when nothing else is on. -I'm not really sure what you mean by "trends". I can't really think of a any sort of trends I found bad or annoying to be honest.
  21. This may or may not have been made entirely because of of Jelly's AMA's title. Anyway, ask me stuff. I won't guarantee you'll find the answers interesting or funny.
  22. dead account


    The player doesn't get access to mega stones yet(no keystone) but several mega stones are available regardless. High ranking gym leaders get access to megas(the last 6 gym leaders and no doubt the elite 4). So far, only one proper mega has been seen in Reborn.
  23. Hey guys, here's a V8 leak for you impatient peeps.
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