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dead account

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by dead account

  1. Maybe reduce the number of badges you need to get a 7th pokemon back to 15? It seems kind of ridiculous that you only ever get the chance to use this 7th pokemon against a single person who you can only battle once a week, and only after demonstrating that you probably don't really need it to beat them. Or letting people occasionally switch moves(outside B1) would be cool too. Honestly, I'd be happy with anything to give more of a reason to make you want to just skip a leader who's walling you and come back to them later, rather than completely restart your challenge. Because if you couldn't beat this one leader who's walling you, then that's it. You can't beat the league. If you decided to just come back to that leader later, then you're going to be walled just as hard as you were before.
  2. Happy birthday, Hush! ...Well, wish I could say more, but I don't really know anything about you at all since I never really talk to you. Welp.
  3. Over already? Welp. No point in me showing up this week. Wake me when S2 starts. Oh God! This means I'll have to fight Venus again at some point, doesn't it?
  4. Happy birthday, Rainbow! Umm... Hope you have an amazing day, sis. Praise be to Sire!
  5. I keep hearing about D&D, but never played it before. So, I guess I'm interested in trying it out. I'm fine with Skype. Not sure about Roll20. And I'm not particularly sure about using Discord because in my experience it liked to disable my mic for some reason. But that could be fixed by now, so who knows? Doing it via Showdown just sounds like it'd be a mess... Also, my timezone is GMT+0. Because I'm in Ireland, but I can stay up late on the weekends(Like I am right now). Edit: having read Kyuu's post below, I'll say I'm fine with Roll20.
  6. The apparent lack of pollution in the lake and Apophyll Beach just seems absurd to me. Wasn't the whole lake brown not that long ago? Can a giant, completely polluted lake like that really be cleansed in however long it takes to get from the Water Treatment Plant, to Fiore Mansion and then back to Agate Circus? Or is this some kind of super anti-pollution water? Either way, I wouldn't dare drink any water from that lake.
  7. No, Custap berry does not give you +1 priority, it just makes you move first in your priority bracket. If you use, i dunno, Explosion, and Custap berry goes off, but your opponent sucker punches you, you are getting one punch to the face before you can even attack, because Sucker Punch's priority is still above yours.
  8. Huh. I saw quite a bit of you guys aren't in the post or were only indirectly mentioned. Is that really all I'm on about lately? Just burning things? Hmm. I should obsess more about birbs and Monster Huntin' and commanding soldiers to shoot at aliens and raging when one manages to miss a shot where they had their gun right in the alien's mouth. Either way, thanks. Thanks Dhanush. I kind of feel bad, because I forgot about you entirely. Whoops. To be perfectly honest, I didn't know what continental meant when I read that, and thought it referred to the amount of breakfast being served or something. And I was almost going to reply saying that I wasn't that fat. But it only occurred to me now to Google it, and now I feel silly. Still, I may be European, but I'm not a Central European. Also, thank you. Good times. I know I did mention you directly. I just had to reply to that.
  9. Just sat around playing games, listening to videogame OSTs and watching stuff on youtube. And I guess not much has changed since then in that respect. I just have chatting with my friends in that bunch now.
  10. Well, I'm not sure about the others, but Elegant pattern is actually pretty common because it's the pattern for Japan. I'm sure you would've gotten that one through Wonder trade or something pretty quickly anyway.
  11. I can give you the garden pattern and a number of other extra patterns I have(can't think of the others off the top of my head). Don't really care what I get in return.
  12. I wonder what sentimental breakfast would taste like... Well, that's not the point of this post, the point is to thank all the awesome folks I can think of off the top of my head for my 1000th post. I'm not really sure what else to say here. I guess I'm doing this because I saw Zumi and Mde do it beforehand. Also, I'm not really good at expressing my feelings like this, so all of what I'm about to say here wouldn't be as long or as heartfelt as I'd like, but I'm going to try and say as much as I can about you lot... Well, sorry if I forget some of you... My memory is kinda no bueno when it comes to other people at the best of times. Especially with interactions from months prior... inb4 warned for saying a Spanish word Again, sorry if I forgot anyone. It took me a few hours to write this and I'm posting this at like 4:30 am. Thank you all for reading this. Have a good evening, morning, afternoon or whatever time of day it is where ever you are.
  13. RNGesus works in mysterious ways, my friend.
  14. That just seems like waaay too much effort for a Carbink... Remind me to never try to complete the pokedex in Rejuv.
  15. I bet if Ame read that, her reaction would pretty much be "Hahahahahahahahaha... No."
  16. Well, based on my terrible work ethic and tendency to just laze around all day... I'd have to say this thing is my spirit Pokémon.
  17. Given how mega evolution is supposed to be made possible through a strong bond between pokemon and trainer, would it make sense for Lin to use a mega? Especially when she can also use a PULSE instead? And especially when there are only so many non-legendary Mega Dragons to go around(I'd imagine Solaris would get mega-chomp if the villains ever got access to mega evolution)? Also, Megazard X can't be used on a Dragon monotype team because it didn't start off as a dragon. Not sure if this applies to the Reborn game, just something to keep in mind.
  18. ... You know what I meant... Besides, this is supposed to be a sandworm not a tapeworm
  19. A team composed of 5 psuedo legendary dragons would also be hilariously vulnerable to Ice type attacks, because half the team would have a x4 weakness to Ice.
  20. You mean this worm fakemon, or the idea of sandworms in general? Because if it's the latter, then I'm gonna have to point out that Dune, a novel from 1965, has sandworms in it. And that predates FFX by about 35 years.
  21. Yeah, I watch them. But mostly to watch Jon be an asshole/mess around/ get screwed over by rngesus. I occasionally laugh at Emile's unintentional innuendos and Wheel of Fortune ineptitude. Though I rarely watch his stuff. And I sort of forget NCS is there half the time...
  22. *takes another look at the apparent worm* ...Are you sure about that? I don't think I've ever seen a worm with one end being a constantly open, gaping maw before... Edit: I just remembered that every giant worm in fiction ever have mouths like that. Nevermind. Either way, umm... thanks, but no thanks. I tend to avoid having a journey with pets that look like they could one day decide that they're tired of my shit and drink all my blood while I'm asleep or something.
  23. Sorry, but I'm not inclined to believe someone about this sort of thing if a. they don't provide a reliable source and b. I can't find a reliable source or official statements backing this information up with a few quick Google searches. And I seriously doubt Nintendo would say when they're planning on releasing a console before they even give out any other information about it.
  24. Was never much of a fan of leech/eel pokemon, so I don't think I'll be getting that pokemon when ep 2 comes out. Also, I really should get around to finishing ep 1. (Yes, I know. I generally dislike fakemon, but yours are actually pretty nice, so kudos to you guys).
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