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Pinch of Ginger

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Pinch of Ginger

  1. I have been stuck on Aya for a week now... A WEEK! I really, truly need help with this one. I have trained and used absurdly many Pokemon on this girl and she is still beating me with 2 Pokemons left to spare, every time. So far I usually yawn Tentacruel and Muk, hurt Muk a bit with Munna then shift to Emogla and Quagsire when both foes are asleep. Then I one-hit-ko them with earthquake (Emolga is not affected) - Then I shift for scrafty to one-hit-ko Gengar and proceed to die in a horrible fashion. --My team-- Munna - 45 Yawn Psychic Dream Eater Calm Mind Quagsire - 45 Earthqyake Amnesia Yawn Rain Dance Emolga- 45 Shock Wave Electro Ball Double Team Acrobatics Delphox - 45 Flamethrower Light Screen Will O WIsp Psyshock Scrafty - 45 Crunch Brick Break Facade Hi Jump Kick Dusclops - 45 Shadow Sneak Confuse Ray Shadow Punch Hex Other lvl.45 I have trained and tried with no luck.. Pangoro Donphan Muk Sharpedo Kricketune Graveler Roselia Klang
  2. Thank you so much for your advice. Emolga made quite a difference with Agility, never thought to use her for this gym.
  3. Would someone please please help me with Shelly? I have been stuck at her gym for 5 days now and she keeps murdering my team no matter what I do. I feel like I have tried absolutely everything and spent hours training different Pokemon, to no avail. These are the Pokemon I have trained and tried against her so far; Delphox lv. 35 Noibat lv.35 Swirlix lv.35 Pyroar lv. 35 Graveler lv.35 Drifblim lv.35 Klink lv.35 Roselia lv.35 Kricketune lv.35
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