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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Samtale

  1. Will there be another protag? and if so would it be fern or texen( I assume if we can play as ana we can play as him)? I don't think this has been asked yet but do you recall the inspiration behind each of the characters darchlight cave outfits in terms of the protags? Also how does that inspiration reflect onto the character? This one is probably dumb to ask but is Eizen based off of Colress from BW2?
  2. Do you still need help? Tell me what NPC and where and I'll help. Sorry for being late, I mostly stick to discord.
  3. that whirlpool sprite looks so good along with everything else. The graphics just keep getting better, hope by final release we get 3ds graphics.
  4. looks like Fern has a phobia of smoothies, who knew?
  5. I think jan will probably put those in in the next update, along with the pace holder gen 8 animations (some of which were actually worked on and can be found in the animation editor of reborn but only like 6-7 are not place holders)
  6. Starlight divide, it'll be a original ip made by ame and the rest of chasing selene. It's one of the tabs on the top of the website.
  7. in the game folder there should be a icon that says updater use that, it'll tell you what version you have. The latest update is 19.07 I believe.
  8. cass is great, also vulpes,perry,marcello and whoever else touches the code to make magic happen, Like I swear they have to have done some dark arts to make things work
  9. who is out here asking non questions?
  10. sorry for being late but I made a simple one for ya, if you want somthing fancier I'd probably want paid but consider this simple one free edit: fixed a little error
  11. if you want a exact number it's 2,826 which took 4 months mostly due to off and on drive and the tedium of messing with icons. The base party icons were ones I found online with slightly different colors than rejuvs and I made the outlines darker so black shinies could work better, then of course shinied them. I already had the egg icons done forever ago but made them better by using party icons to better match tone and there were a few shinies that have changed since ep18. TL;DR I like pain
  12. I just want to say TheInsurgant I believe their name was the, is one who gave me the idea to make shiny icons but I kinda made my own since I don't think they are around anymore. So to be respectful I made my own, especially becuase some shinys got changed but the shiny eggs are all my idea because why not. I'm glad people like them and if you're out there @TheInsurgent thank you. don't want to double post so edit:
  13. double heartless, I want the 3rd to be in form of a tarot card lol
  14. yeah I originally came to see if anyone noticed that lol but remember we still have other things to do but 0 quests is a nice start
  15. I like how you posted the pictures with no context
  16. Didn't realize leaks were prevalent, best of luck to you all ,and thanks for the update dude.
  17. Samtale

    an apology

    hope you all will like the ferris wheel I bit the bullet so Ame didn't have to ^^
  18. Unovan Darmanitan crest- make it so when in zen mode it's physical moves become special so darmanitan isn't useless
  19. https://strawpoll.com/vysbpd2a4 I posted this on the discord to see who the most popular reborn character is but thought it best to just make this a status so more people see it that is if they visit my profile but who would ever do that.


    also I accidently forgot hardy so you might have to use option "other" for him

    1. Dreamy


      ah yes

    2. Angelkitsune


      where's Hardy?


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