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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Samtale

  1. Known as: Sam, Smeargletail/Smeargle Age: 25 Gender: Male Birthday: July 24, 1993 Location: Iowa Height: 5ft 5in Hair Color: Dark brown Eye Color: Green Lives with: Mother (because I don't want to be lonely) Pets: None Relationship status: Single Favourite Food: CRAB RANGOON! Favorite Drink: Dr.Pepper and Pibb Xtra Favorite Color: Blue, Orange and Black Favorite Band/Singer: Stevie Nicks, Apocalyptica, System of a Down, The Rasmus, Blue Oyster Cult, Panic At The Disco Favorite Album: A Fever You Can't Sweat Out Favorite Song: Rhiannon Favorite Kind of Music: I like songs that tell a story rather than ones that just sound good Favorite Game: Metal Gear Solid 2, Persona 3, 999, Mother 3, Silent Hill 2 and 3 Favorite Genre of Game: JRPG/RPG, Horror Favorite Hobbies: Drawing, Reading, Watching Friend's dogs, playing on my ps3/ps4 Favorite Movies: Sleepy Hollow, Trick-R-Treat, The Ring, Ginger Snaps/Ginger Snaps 2, Nightmare Befor Christmas Favorite Shows: Over The Garden Wall, Stranger Things, Castlevania Favorite Anime: Full Metal Alchemist(both), Seven Deadly Sins, Blue Exorcist, D.Grayman Favorite Books: The Never Ending Story, Redwall, Warriors, Howl's Moving Castle Community questions: So, who are you?: I am a introvert that enjoys the macabre (which somehow doesn't make my depression worse). Anything you're responsible for? I am a professional nitpicker and occasionally do a animation thing my favorite being for the move blizzard What can I talk to you about? I love to nerd out over forms of media with people whether it be books,shows,movies I can get real nerdy Closing statements? Thank you for reading my personal stuff totally not creepy ^^
  2. The legendary pokemon being grouped I believe was stated on Ame's tumblr where people can ask her questions and she'll usually give a response.
  3. Hopefully they'll post it tomorrow maybe nappy needed to edit something he missed Twits the only one I think that's ever said that with a few cases of nappy saying it but, did anyone else ever make that complaint?
  4. the pokedex literally says females are better flyers I'd think this would be translated into them being faster then the male counterpart
  5. Maybe this is thing that not many do but I was curious if anyone does this as well and I was curious about your reasoning as well. For me I always name my smeargles Bastian due to my love of the book "The Neverending Story" also not to spoil the book but, sketch makes smeargle so much like Bastian from that book.
  6. They could beat me I'd pick pokemon based how much I like them ^^' I mean my ace would be smeargle and it'd need set up bad. Also "Yo Petal Blizzard's animation is looking kinda fuego" I don't know if thats a compliment but I'll count it as a senpai noticed me moment.
  7. maybe Anna is the voice we keep hearing and Lin is a red haring hopefully my guess isn't a potential spoiler
  8. I love the attention to detail on the textures of her clothes and skin along with howher reflection has her body parts skewed due to the broken glass
  9. Can't remember if it was the episode before the last or the one before that but nappy use to defend developers now he's spamming outrage it feels like. Though I'm not hurt I didn't design the feilds Regardless, they haven't quit so maybe nappy will come back around and defend.
  10. That's intentional it's based on basic symmetry not color symmetry
  11. talking pokemon shouldn't be surprising every pokemon movie ever has dealt with the things and the keldeo movie went out of its way to make every main pokemon ally from that movie have the ability of cognizant speech ( I hate keldeo with a burning passion even if he was voiced by Edward Elric )
  12. Thought you were joking when you said you'd change the name to Ivory reborn redux
  13. Red: 18 Blue: 20Yellow: 0Gold: 21 Silver: 22 Crystal: 13 Ruby: 21 Sapphire: 21 Emerald: 26Diamond: 21 Pearl: 18 Platinum: 23  Black: 21  White: 20Black 2: 25White 2: 17X: 3Y: 14 Sun: 20Moon: 21Ultra Sun: 19  Ultra Moon: 16
  14. tbh I was going to sprite them down the line if they werent in there wasn't really sure if they would be (thanks for showing )
  15. also maybe see if you can get second to last state as well if not its not its fine thank you so much
  16. binjing Metallica music videos till nothing is left I think my favorite is one of them featuring Yuri from Rasmus
  17. I remember x and y adding new berrys being the kee and maranga berries but I cant find one image of what the trees look like in game and its buging the hell out of me can someone show me the fully grown state.
  18. Here are some of my favorite both of which are fantasy novels one being a series the other a stand alone book Stand alone: Never Ending Story (best story ever totally not biased at all) Book series: Redwall ( there are like 22 in all but almost all are stand alone with the exeption of 2 books. its like game of thrones with animals instead of people) Honorable mentions Howl's moving castle Warriors Lovely bones (warning lovely bones has some themes that can trouble others so I recommend you look into it before reading)
  19. Wonder how they' interpret the garchomp battle
  20. There are a numerous amount of mental health problems so I am sure there is one character that you personally felt represented your mental afflictions. I am very curious to see which characters hit closest to others. For example I am a mixture between Shelly and Luna I have dealt with anxiety and depression my whole life worrying so much how I'm viewed by others. Wanting to help others hoping to feel worth, this is a really damaging thing because you put your whole worth on pleasing others if you can't please that other person it makes you feel worthless and shut you down mentally. Can't tell you how many times others don't understand that feeling. The only thing to escape this feeling for me is escaping to fantasy my favorite being dark fantasy that's where I relate to Luna. I love dark fantasy finding beauty in dark themes but in a romanticizing way than viewing dark as bad. In a similar fashion people tell me that liking dark or sad things is the cause for the depression when I view those themes differently if they are placed in a fantasy style. Apologies for the overuse of "I" I know it can annoy some tried to word it in relation to others as well. So please share how you relate to the reborn characters if you feel comfortable.
  21. I love the hell out of crab ragoone pizza. That stuff makes me happy on the saddest of days. Most people I know think it's weird so I think it counts
  22. pokemon design 1. gen 2 2. gen 3 3. gen 1 4. gen 6 5. gen 7 6. gen 4 7. gen 5 actual enjoyment 1. gen 5 2. gen 3 3. gen 2 4. gen 4 5. gen 1 haven't played gen6,7
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWEsrQx6A2U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76WJJ57YoG0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYDn8whLF1k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-dN4Yvec6c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GLkb-6TULk I dont know how to embed but these songs mean alot to me
  24. Samtale


    banned for not posting on the 24th of june
  25. is there any background to these characters (specificly yours of course) I looked in the "character artworks" but dont really know these characters. I think that would help people a bit of how these characters should act. Some look happy some look serious but that could be happy=silly and serious could be= angry. Just a curiosity sorry for it if there is none. Love the character art.
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