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Everything posted by Dracodino300

  1. I'd have to say Deoxys. I mean, it's an alien, and it has 4 equally cool forms. And, you know, gotta go fast.
  2. EPISODE 15 - POST GROUND GYM SPOILERS Ok, once again I have gotten myself somewhat lost. In the middle of the water treatment plant, with Titania stuck on a platform, after defeating the PULSE Swalot. I have some idea as to where I need to go, but no idea how to get there (top left of map below). As you can see, I've checked every nook and cranny of this place and found no way through, despite Titania saying that an entrance somewhere else in the facility has opened. SOOO, any help? Edit: After seeing the previous person's video link, I realised that there's actually a puzzle here somewhat. So I guess I don't need help here. Still, hopefully the map is of some use to someone.
  3. Thanks for the advice; I'll try that. I don't really use Mamoswine's Blizzard anyway so I could easily put rock smash in that slot. Edit: drapion couldn't really do any real damage, so I just used it up for toxic spikes setup. With some very fortunate switches from the opponent (purugly's body slam did 40% to honchcrow when i was trying to finish off umbreon) managed to win. Thanks for the help
  4. Needing help with Luna Team in Spoiler I start off by setting up double toxic spikes with drapion (dies immediately after). My delphox can then 1-shot the bisharp, mamoswine can 2-shot the tyranitar and Luna often wastes a Hyper Potion or two here. After that I get screwed over hard. Malamar and honchcrow both take down at least two whenever I've had a shot at them. Nothing can touch the Umbreon. And I haven't even seen the last pkmn. The only thing I can think of doing is training up the lvl 30 Makuhita in my box, and I would really rather not. So, any ideas?
  5. Having trouble with the double battle vs Aya Delphox Lvl 44 Blaze No Item -Flamethrower -Shadow Ball -Psyshock -Mystical Fire Mamoswine Lvl 42 Snow Cloak No Item -Mud Bomb -Icy Wind -Ice Shard -AncientPower Purugly Lvl 43 Defiant No Item -Fake Out -Slash -Feint Attack -Hypnosis Luxray Lvl 44 Guts No Item -Charge -Thunder Fang -Spark -Crunch Vibrava Lvl 42 Levitate No Item -Rock Slide -DragonBreath -Crunch -Bulldoze Heatmor Lvl 43 Gluttony No Item -Slash -Snatch -Flame Burst -Bug Bite __________________ PC Granbull Lvl 43 Rattled No Item -Charm -Bite -Play Rough -Headbutt Leavanny Lvl 32 Swarm Leaf Incense -Tackle -String Shot -Bug Bite -Razor Leaf Noibat Lvl 40 Telepathy No Item -Bite -Whirlwind -Roost -Air Cutter _________________ Others not in rotation, but may be useful Magnemite Lvl 32 Palpitoad Lvl 35 Lunatone Lvl 25 _________________ Any advice?
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