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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Kurotsune

  1. I don't really like wine. Wine tastes like rotten fruit. And the brazillian drink of choice is caipirinha. We like lemons, not grapes. I'm also only really replying because I logged in as a coincidence so hey what is up my dude good to hear you're back even though I'm not really around so hey toodleroo budderino see you in the skillet side flip ta ta smell ya later alley grater and whatnot have yous
  2. Aight, let's address this. A game needs a tutorial. Any game needs a tutorial. And to illustrate that point, I'm going to clear a misconception: Every Dark Souls game has a tutorial. At the start of EVERY dark souls games you're put in a zone with a very small amount of enemies, with most of them being passive. The zone is littered with messages about button presses and conveniently placed enemies near those that you can use these mechanics in to understand how they function. Not only that, dark soul's tutorials stretch far into the game. In Dark Souls 1, in Sen's Fortress, you always have a lizardman walking into the boulder's path and getting killed so that you: A. Learn that the trap is there B. Learn that enemies can activate and be damaged by traps C. Learn that not all traps are button presses on the floor To further show this, you also have a lizardman pressing a floor panel and getting shot to death by the trap it activates. Even before that path - Dark Souls makes it a point to make you know well ahead of time what's coming. The whole premise of the game is "watch and learn" (which brings a whooole new discussion about how Dark Souls's passive gameplay creates a world where the player reacts to the world as opposed to most other games where the world reacts to the players and how this design philosophy effectively molds the entirety of Dark Souls) Before the drake shows up, the bridge is burnt. Before the minotaur shows up, there's a fog wall and a long stretch of land that makes it obvious that a boss is coming. You fight the Demon Firesage three times in three different forms with increasing difficulty as a way to prepare you not only for its final form but for Dark Souls's bosses as a whole The very first NPC you meet tells you exactly what you need to do and serves as a way to show you that not all NPCs in the game are enemies - A notion that the game will later on subvert with Patches. In Dark Souls 3 even further develops it by making the first boss fight something the player has to manually trigger, as a way to show new and old players that "hey, this time around sometimes the fog won't be directly before the boss arena and you'll have to do something to start it." In Dark Souls 2 tones this down a bit in exchange for a more developed tutorial, but then it wasn't made by the original author so its design principles are slightly different. Even in Dark Souls 3 you have, time and again, all the way up to the end game, messages and in-game displays of what enemies can do and how to fight them (You're shown directly in the cutscene for the Abyss Watchers fight that they can fight each other, and the walk-up to the boss arena is filled with sounds of swords clashing, to further drive home the point that they are fighting each other as much as they're fighting you.) So let's clarify things: Dark Souls has a tutorial. It has, in fact, one of the longest tutorials that you'll find in most modern games. The difference is that Dark Souls uses its design philosophies to seamlessly incorportate its tutorial elements within regular play, using the age-old "show, don't tell" adage. This allows Dark Souls to teach you exactly what to expect in a million different ways, and then punish you for not learning. That's what the game *is* about. Dark Souls isn't about expecting the unexpected. It's about observation. Thus returning to my initial point: Every game needs a tutorial. The lesson learned from Dark Souls is not that games should not have tutorials, but that tutorials should be incorporated in a more seamless way as to avoid dissonance between regular gameplay and "tutorial" gameplay. Games like Nioh and the Witcher learn and show this application of concept, but older games like Super Metroid, Megaman and Megaman X and the Castlevania series, have been doing this for years. There are several documentaries about how tutorials were designed back when games didn't have the space for a dedicated tutorial - If you want a dilluted version of this, you can see this video:
  3. Well I'm glad to see this post still gets some modicum of activity, but it's purpose was more or less an attempt to bridge the gap between the new users and then-veterans at the start of 2017. Most of the people described in the first few pages of this thread aren't really active anymore, so maybe it'd be smarter to just make a new one or abandon the idea altogether. Or maybe just keep it here for people to introduce themselves whenever the old-new member thing happens I don't know i'm not the boss of you start looking at me like that It's time you started making your own decisions I can't take care of you forever Why do you still pee on your bed you're 35 jesus christ
  4. I figured I'd make my own since it feels like this should be made by someone who actually knows you and I refuse to post my message elsewhere. I am indifferent to birthdays. Birthdays represent nothing but what is only an abstract passage of time, and they're ultimately wrong. If you account leap years and the fact that every year is several seconds longer than the last our birthdays by the time we reach legal age are already offset enough to be a day before the date we celebrate. By the time we die, it can be a week or more. I also dislike the exercise behind it. We use birthdays - and christmas, and thanksgiving, and what-have-you as an excuse to do something that should be done on a daily basis. Credit, when warranted, should be given. When not, shouldn't. A birthday is irrelevant. It's a vestigial celebration from a time where simply being born and living an extra year mattered because years were important to begin with. It's like our pancreas - It serves no purpose, but everyone still wants to keep theirs. And yet I find myself still wanting to say something different in yours, even if I feel I don't keep the sentiment hidden. In the past I've tried to draw parallels from our relationship to similar, more common-ly accepted ideologies. Simblings. Or saying you're my daughter. Family. That, also, is a pointless comparison, as ultimately not only is each of these relationships intrinstically subjective tot he people partaking in them - and thus fairly inapt for the purpose of serving a baseline But even if not, it still would not quite fit whichever parallel I drew because of the simple fact is that our relationship is our relationship. It's unique and it has no parallels. No nothing like it. It is a bond that belongs to us and us alone, and one I am grateful for. It's not lost on me that on a "happy birthday" message it took me two paragraphs to say I am grateful for you, but neither of these facts should come to you as a surprise. I also won't coddle you with false promises of unconditional, permanent friendship. We both know that isn't something that exists. One day, we'll more than likely move on our separate ways. Hopefully, however, whichever marks I left on you persist for longer in your life than I will. Your marks will persist in mine, as the runes spelling out "Grima" that grace my left arm can attest to. Often enough I came to the description of a brazillian poet, Vinicius de Moraes, in his Sonet to Fidelity, in which he describes not what love is, but what he expects from it- "May it not burn forever, as it is flame; But may it shine infinitely bright while it lasts." Our love is not romantic but it is love just the same, and a brilliant flame it is. It may not last forever, but as it is today it already burns bright enough to, on occasion, illuminate an otherwise gloomy perspective a certain old fox has. And even after its burning days are long past, I sincerely hope that, in days where the winter comes to grace you, its embers can help keep the cold away Happy birthday, dear
  5. I was bored one day and started looking for new games. Then I was like "I enjoyed Pokémon when I was a kid I should look it up" And then I came across an article commenting the 10 pokémon games you have to try and went "wait there's more than 10 pokémon games????" Reborn was on the list. I looked at the site, downloaded it, ran it, saw the intro scene and said in amazement: "this some weeb shit" And then didn't touch the game for a solid six months. After those six months though I stumbled upon reborn on my hard drive and decided I'd give it a chance so I started playing it and it wasn't half-bad. So I figured I'd check out the community, joined in, and then approached Amethyst to talk to her about the game and mentioned I was a developer and she was like "do you know Ruby???" and I was like "this bitch about to ask me for help?" and said no. However a day later I got my vacation laid out and I discovered I'd have two weeks of absolutely nothing to do and figured what the hell les do dis so I hit Ame up again and decided to learn Ruby. I ended up learning Ruby in like three days, coded over 50 moves in the next two weeks and my general adorable attitude made Amethyst immediately fall in love with me and we proceeded to become the ultimate dev couple to grace this planet. Except not. I did impress her and it did lead on to us working together more and to great extent, and we developed a very, very strong bond of fraternal friendship that by itself makes joining Reborn having been worth it (even if she ignores me half the time). And that's the story of how I joined Reborn. What happened afterwards is another tale, for another time.
  6. Hey there! I know what you're all thinking - Who the hell is this fox-shaped person writing posts about getting to know veterinarians? Well my friend, you just got something very, very wrong - I'm actually not fox shaped at all! I'm a 100% human person who uses a fox-like name as a username. Silly, silly reader. So it came to my attention that there's currently a kind of rift between older and newer members; One caused by the fact that, in an introduction thread, a person exposes themselves bare to a basic level wheras the veterans remain guarded, having done their respective introductions years ago and them being buried away (or, like in my case, outright deleted) That makes it hard to know the veterans at a basic level. The rift between old and new ends up widening each year while the old slowly fade away and the new become the old, just so they can alienate themselves from the new-new and so on. So in an attempt to break this cycle and bridge this gap, I've decided to create this thread as a way to get the vets to open up a bit and expose ourselves for what we really are - Grouchy old bastards who hate change. And who better to begin than yours truly, AKA semi-relevant former developer who went away and then sorta came back but only on discord except now they're writing a post so on the forums too I guess? - Or Kuro for short. The way I'll write my own expose below is not in any way a format to be strictly followed, but it can serve as a suggestion to those who aren't feeling particularly creative: General Info: Known as: Kurotsune / Kuro Age: 28 years old Gender: On the internet I prefer to be seen as non-binary, using "they" pronouns. Birthday: June 30, 1989 Location: Brazil Height: 173cm Hair Color: Jet black Eye Color: Brown Lives with: A giant ego (AKA alone) Pets: None! Relationship status: Single! Favourite Food: My favorite food right now is this chicken salad recipe I've invented a week ago Favourite Drink: Boring ol' water Favourite Color: Blaaaaaaack! Favourite kind of Music: Electro swing, as of recently Favourite Band: Avantasia Favourite Album: Avantasia - The Mystery of Time Favourite Song: The Killers - A Dustland Fairytale Favourite Game: Fallout 4 as of right now Favourite Genre of Game: Metroidvania! Favourite Hobbies: Reading, writing, psychology, philosophy, coding Favourite Movies: The Last Samurai's been my favourite movie for a long time. Don't watch a lot of 'em Favourite Shows: Whose Line is it Anyway? Community questions: So, who are you?: I'm Kuro! I joined the community to some fanfare at the end of 2014 and have been up to no good deed ever since. I'm the brains behind some of the implementations in Reborn, as I was a part of and led the development team for a year and a half before my departure. I'm the person who unofficialy trained both Marcello and Jericho as developers for Pokémon Reborn, and acted as Amethyst's right-hand on the development front during my tenure - In fact, for most of my stay it was just me and her, and the others slowly started popping up along the ride. Anything you're responsible for? As aforementioned, I'm responsible for a lot of implementations in pokémon reborn - Including the weather system and over 50 moves, the backup save system and some other implementations along the way. I'm also responsible for training Marcello until he could take on the challenges of heading development by himself. I'm also responsible for the Dragon Tours, though I figure only the oldies will remember those, and last but not least, I'm responsible for a lot of general mischief around the community. If you had to choose one of your posts as your way to introduce yourself, which would it be? I kinda wrote my whole life story here, for better or worse What can I talk to you about? In a certain way, anything. I greatly appreciate wit and I'm a very sarcastic (and, I hear, outwardly intimidating) person who is capable and willing to discuss any and all matters under the sun including the sun itself as long as my partner is willing to make the conversation interesting. I'm a firm believer in brutal honesty and don't shy away from it, but I can take it as much as I can dish it; If you feel you can handle the fox-heat, don't shy away from the foxfire! Closing statements? I sincerely hope this takes off enough to assist the community to grow together as one. Throught my time here, directly or not, I've worked towards that goal and I feel no effort to achieve it is wasted. Hopefully through this we'll all be able to know each other a bit better and find some more common ground - If nothing else, it could serve as a conversation starter. And with that, lovelies, I'm done. Thank you for your time and your patience reading through this, and I hope I'll see plenty of you old farts sharing here with me!
  7. I didn't think I'd be here again. It's been a while since we've spoken.

    We start talking, and I remember all the times we've spent together. It always tasted the same for the first few words.

    You're bitter, dark, and cruel. You remind me of the worst in me. You make me wish you were never there.


    And then you take it away.


    A few words in and I remember why I always came to you. A few words in and the buzzing in my head tells me I'm losing myself once again.


    Mayhaps, losing yourself is not so bad after all - You reassure me. True. Maybe it isn't so bad after all.


    We continue our exchange and I feel the numbness. Like always - From the top of my head to the tips of my fingers. A familiar sensation if there ever was one - I'm filled with you, complete by your essence - And empty just the same.


    At the end of the day, you give me nothing, and you take everything away from me, but I keep coming back. It's been a while since we spoke. I wonder how much until I decide to talk to you again.



    1. Felicity


      Did, uh, did you do some drugs buddy? I'm reading significant drugged vibes here, not to poop on your eloquent parade here.

  8. It's also worth nothing most Links are not the same person and are not even directly related to each other most of the time. They're effectively the Deus Ex Machina of their universe; The destined wielder of the Triforce of Courage that is born supposedly every generation, but most likely whenever they are going to be needed. Since every Link is a different Link it's possible not all Links are Hylians, but as far as I can see that is not the case (Which makes sense since even if one Link isn't a direct descendant of the previous, they all share a common ancestor which is the "first" Link timeline wise (From Skyward Sword)) That said, every Zelda has been a Hylian and every Ganon has been a Gerudo - In games where Ganon's human form doesn't appear, it's usually implied he was a Gerudo as he is usually described as the leader of a band of thieves, and the only race of thieves that has appeared so far (as far as I can recall) are Gerudos.
  9. No joke, this might be the best estimate you can count on
  10. Glad to see you see me that way, Shirley. Can't wait until you regale me with your stories about you and your black boy-toy wearing your scrubs as aprons and pretending you're a pair of the gayest - and now don't get me wrong here Melissa there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, in fact I think calling you gay might actually be an offense to the gays - fake french maids this hospital - nay, the world - has ever seen. Probably while you sip on one of your goddamn appletinis. Amethyst probably mirrors the sentiment I'll share here, so I'll be obnoxious and talk for both of us when I say this; We're both people who were, at different points in our lives and for different reasons, thrusted into leaderships positions we weren't sure (and mayhaps still aren't) we were ready or fit for. Throught this we've grown into people who chose to lead by example rather than by command - Although I still take a much more proactive role to leadership than she does, but I feel that's more of a reflection of individuality and personal ways of dealing with issues rather than anything else - and we try, to the best of our ability, to be an example others want to lead. I know I am someone who wants to at least be respected enough to do what I have to do, even if I'm not liked; Hopefully both, but if not, I know I'm fully capable of helping someone who loathes me as long as they respect me enough to know my word has weight, and that's fine by me. To finish, I actually am the biggest scrubs fan on existance and the first time I saw the series - and nearly every time following - I also saw myself as J.D.; While I think this goes lenghts to show that a good character doesn't have to be a catch-all of issues to be relatable to everyone (looking at you, most-drama-or-romance-protagonists-in-modern-literature) it also draws a nice line since Cox too was, as it is mentioned in the series, like J.D. That's really all I have to say. I can't really say I see myself as somoene to be looked up to or followed - Ironically, probably neither does Dr. Cox - but I'm happy that you've managed to draw some positive motivation from my influence.
  11. [20:40] LAMEthyst: awhhh,that's so sweet, thank you. <3 and huh. well keep me posted Anything for ya, pookums
  12. I'm still looking for one and taking a page from Cool Girl's Cool Girl Book I'd like a cover photo to go with it. Hit me with your series memes things y'all
  13. You can't help but constantly bite back when you feel the world's against you.

  14. Unless those were very specific errors, those changes would be in the scripts.rxdata file and not in the pbs files.
  15. Don't they always? that said i'm not huge on text bubbles being in the way oops
  16. TIL there was a magician whose act was basically stabbing himself with a sword

  17. Since no one's posted this yet I decided to jump the gun and do it first. Hurrose~ I haven't really spoken to you in forever, but I love you nonetheless. You're an overall awesome person and probably one of the people with the most pull within the community, which I can't help but to admire - Since the way you go about doing that is very different than anything I'd ever be able to accomplish. Ultimately you're an amazing girl with a heart of gold who should learn to put herself first but is still the coolest nonetheless. You're also older now. oooolllllddeeeeerrrrr Happy birthday!
  18. I usually drink triple malt whisky, neat. My favorite storebought beverages are craft beers, my absolute favorite beer being Lindeman's Framboise Lambic. Alternatively I've an ongoing tradition with one of my best friends to order the fanciest, expensivest, queer-est looking drink in a restaurant every time it's the first time we're going there, and those are usually great.
  19. > How do you motivate yourself > Running music Or really any symphonic metal song > Mindset I hate exercise. There's no other way around it. I assume at this point in my life that I have some sort of deficiency that makes my body not produce endorphin when under physical stress because I fucking hate it. I feel absolutely no satisfaction from exercising before, during or after. I feel discomfort and muscular fatigue and that's all there is. Ultimately, I motivate myself seeing the results - Months later- and knowing that I have to. At the end of the day the only thing that really motivates me into getting anything done is acquiring the mentality that I have to do it, that it isn't an option; I force myself to.
  20. oh i thought notifications would've let me know this thread was replied to anyway The last book I've read is Chronicle of a Blood Merchant by an author called Ya Hua. It's a really cool book that not only displays amazing insight into chinese history and culture, it's also a surprisingly light read - I basically breezed through the 300-or-so pages the book has. The bits where he describes the process of selling his blood though are super super squeak inducing
  21. Alright, so now I can be fully honest with you. The truth of the matter is, most people never seek help. So when you came to me for advice, I tried my hardest to push you away immediately to try to convince you to seek help yourself - I'd rather not become a crutch to you since that'd harm both of us. I also didn't expect you to actually seek help. I've discovered recently that I've grown to have a certain enjoyment in being proven wrong. Depression is treatable. So is anxiety. Most people never have remission of either condition ever again in their lives... You just have to actually seek out the treatment for it. CBT works great for both things - And maybe antidepressants can assist if it's deemed necessary - but the important thing is to not give up. Keep in mind you will ultimately self-sabotage yourself. You'll feel that therapy isn't doing anything or that it isn't working or that it's not working as fast as you want it to - These are all lies you're telling yourself. You have to keep at it adamantly. Worse still, if you start taking medication, you might feel better enough to consider just using the meds and giving up on therapy. That's a major trap - Medication only alleviates symptoms, it's not a cure. Therapy is. Never stop until your therapist tells you they think you're ready to... Or better yet, when you're absolutely certain you are. I'm happy that you're seeking help, and I hope seeing future threads detailing how much better you're getting.
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