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Everything posted by Kurotsune

  1. Y'know, the one thing I always find interesting about these election debates is effectively how the discussions could be summed up by a single gif of two groups of kindergartners yelling at each other - "No, YOU're the poo-poo face!" meanwhile education and the basics of debate such as citing sources and avoiding strawman fallacies go out of the window. At the end of the day this remains a constant around forum debates where the objective of each participant is not nor has even been, regardless how much they pretend it to be or sugarcoat it, to discuss an issue; It's to convert the opposition while simultaneously masturbating the ego of the proposition. Alas, history itself shows how such "debates" go, and I'd be hard pressed to believe this one will end up different. Take that as you will. All that said, it'd sure be a refreshing sight to see an actual discussion of facts rather than exposition of opinions for once. Maybe I'll stand corrected this one time; Who knows.
  2. Obviously we'll marry on a ship. Themed around the jinx x lux ship. And thus both the Kurame and the Linx (patent pending) ships will sail together, onto a glorious sunset. Anyway since I figure it's about time to let this trend die for now so we can all act surprised when it resurfaces in two or three month's time, I'm locking off this thread, Toodles!
  3. I see no reason for someone unaffiliated with reborn to do that, but mayhaps you should contact the game's creator through a pm instead of a forum post they're unlikely to read?
  4. The problem I have with this is the inconsistent rhyming. I've illustrated this with letters besides each sentence - Usually you'll stick to the ABAB format when you want to rhyme, and I don't personally mind switching it up - I'll personally use a diferent type of rhyming system in each poem, usually doing something like AABB or ABBA or something like that, or even switch up the way each rhyme is laid out between verses, but the issue is consistency. If something is going to rhyme, make it rhyme all the way through* since it otherwise feels like you either didn't put in a lot of effort into the other parts or that you gave up halfway through - It reveals an image of lazy writing and belies lack of premeditation.* *That's only my opinion/personal taste, though.
  5. My question is When are you going to ask me questions???
  6. Oh, oh-oh~ You were the only one~ The only one that kept me alive~

  7. The fox actually makes a bark-like sound that sounds like a fairly high pitched screech.
  8. Honestly, I just take issue with our friend there saying shit like D. Never said rape was exclusively Mexican, I said that illegals do rape people however. Christ, and you guys say I spin things. Which is an incredibly ludicrous argument in and of itself. "Illegals rape people!!11" yes. Illegals also murder people, steal from people, and commit a bunch of crimes. So do people from literally all nationalities however, it is not exclusively one type of person as you try to spin it. Nor is it the majority of these people as you again try to spin it. Nor is the majority of these CASES, as you AGAIN try to spin it. Lastly, the proof of you lying in that statement is in your post itself - "Over 70% of women who cross the border are raped by an illegal immigrant, or while they are on their way to cross illegally, that is fact. " That is very, very clearly stating that all rapes are done by immigrants and belies an appalling precedent of you not reading the proof you yourself attach to your statements and, perhaps, hoping that no one else will too. I don't care about the election, but I do care about proper debates. If you're unwilling to argue with solely facts and will try to twist and turn reality to suit your whims, mayhaps it's best that you don't at all.
  9. Only being able to listen to music I dislike. I can stop listening to music, but I can't stop eating. Yeah, we are in fact well on the way to doing just that. In my opinion, it's not as simple as yay or nay on approving of it. I think it's something to be carefully studied and with potentially disastrous ramifications. Whenever you discuss AI, you discuss the potential of a living, sentient creature rebelling against its creator - A creature that is, in fact, infinitely more powerful than said creator. It's very dangerous stuff.
  10. Since you said you were going to ask, I'll let you know regardless. Tons of times I've thought that it was really bad, or poorly formatted, or the logic was constructed in a way too overly complicated for its own good. All of those times, whether you recall it or not, I brought that to your attention in ways that I'd get you to rewrite the code without actively telling you why it had to be rewritten. All that said, I've always found you to have taken to programming as a whole much better than most people do, so in general, it's not that bad. I've played - Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald from the main series Pokémon Mystery Dungeon from the GBA and one on the DS Pokémon Snap!, Pokémon Colliseum, Pokémon Colliseum 2 for the N64 And I think that's about it? Iunno. Probably.
  11. Just wanted to comment on these two things because you're twisting the truth on this one. Specifically: " Over 70% of women who cross the border are raped by an illegal immigrant, or while they are on their way to cross illegally, that is fact." Nope sir, that is not in fact, a fact. The very link YOU provided states as much with the sentence - Rape can be perpetrated by anyone along the way, including guides, fellow migrants, bandits or government officials, according to Fusion. Sometimes sex is used as a form of payment, when women and girls don’t have money to pay bribes. Both highlighted lines reveal the issue within your statements - While they are indeed raped by other immigrants, not ALL 70% are, and in fact, the article heavily implies they are more often than not "raped" as payment to pass the border to begin with. This is important because that is the crux of your point about immigrants being bad, but immigrants are the victims in this scenario, since the women being raped themselves are illegal immigrants. And while that certainly reveals an issue with immigrants, it's definitely not that they're harming american citizens - But that american citizens, alongside other people, are abusing the fact that harming those people is instead not punished by law, and using that to gain advantage over them. As for your videos, they're so full of bullshit. Undercover investigation? Most of these recordings could've been made by anyone under the claim of being "a super duper secret agent of the Clinton propaganda!!" naturally no one knows about dude 1, whose job is to make priests cry on camera. Dude 1 doesn't exist. Trump is much more likely to create slander videos with preposterous statements on Hillary Clinton - As his campaign itself is based on being preposterous than Hillary is of manipulation an election that she has, for the majority of its duration, already won. As for the video segments, not only can sentences be removed from context and misconstrued on purpose, the audio can also be altered while keeping it more or less in-sync with the footage. Your videos don't really prove anything other than someone has a lot of time on their hands. Also Clinton is just as crappy a candidate as Trump is, y'all should just vote for a do-over or something.
  12. That's a very relative thing. If the code is particularly complex, yes. However, in software engineering there are major principles that strive to maintain code at a certain degree of readability so that it's both easy to grasp and to modify - If these are followed, more oft than not you'd be able to get the basic gist of it at a glance, and understand it better as you go deeper into it. However if you're dealing with novice developers, it's usually going to be a frustrating endeavor. - I think there's a lot that could be changed in how things are ran to make Reborn a more enjoyable community. I think there are many things that are punished needlessly and many things that go unpunished when that's probably not the best way to approach those issues. - Because I like Amethyst. It's worthwhile to see Amethyst happy about it. That's pretty much it. - Because I have a burning ache for knowledge. If I can know, I will know, because I have to know. That is the reason why I've studied basically everything I have. - Meh. Depression is a bitch and it has its ups and downs. A lot of things are putting me into several downs lately but it'll have to get better eventually, hopefully. - Marcello is a wanker. He wanks willies and calls others plonkers. Is he that british? Sort of. Mostly fake though. He's a fakezo.
  13. -> I haven't studied psychology at any one university, but I've been researching and participating in discussions that involve psychology for, at least, the past decade. In that note, my studies on gastronomy taught me how to cook and that's about it. Psychology has taught me to see the underlying motivations and reasoning behind every thing someone says. It's also taught me to understand how others feel about particular scenarios and effectively put myself in their shoes, even if I willingly refuse to do so at times. Economy has taught me administration and how to properly manage people and in general, resources. How manage others and how to administer money. Computer Sciences has taught me how to have a critical eye, how to spot patterns and flaws within them, how to understand discrepancies and fallacies. Amethyst did not blackmail me. She let me participate as more or less of a joke, thinking I was in her words "A seventeen year old furry brat who'd give up in a month or so." Needless to say her opinion has drastically changed. She now knows I'm not a furry. And yes, I guess I have, since I have a love-hate relationship with this place yet I just can't seem to quit it.
  14. Yo you necroed the wrong thread the right one is linked in Amethyst's AMA
  15. http://www.pokemonreborn.Com/forum/index.php?showtopic=21384 << yep
  16. Wish people asked me these kinds of questions in my AMA instead of whatever it is they asked instead
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