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Everything posted by Kurotsune
If we're just talking preference, I prefer <>.
1-> That's classified. 2-> Probably carry on with my day since you saw the snake and we live in different continents. 3-> Yep! 4-> Average in Curitiba is about 8C if I were to guess Azery actually has a special trait. How he smells to you reflects who you are as a person and how you feel about him. I believe the rancid smell is jealousy. To me, he smells like flowers. Yes http://www.food.com/recipe/brazilian-chicken-salad-aka-salpicao-especial-de-galinha-107914
Nope. This is actually doable and not an entirely bad idea, so who knows, maybe we can do it. It might be looked into, even thought it'd admittedly be fairly low on our priority list.
1-> My ongoing left arm sleeve (though I might not make it a sleeve anymore, I'm deciding) is composed of runic tattoos in old norse that I've written myself. These words are representations of my friends' opinions of me. They're supposed to represent memory. One day, when I'm old, I'll look at the faded runes and I won't necessarily remember all the names, but I'll certainly remember that each of them was a friend. The others are personal and not truly meant for others to see, so I'd rather not talk about them. 2-> Mangos are yummy, though I don't like eating the actual fruit. I'd rather have the juice. 3-> Full disclosure I think I've loved every woman I've ever met, to different extents. 4-> I'm as indifferent as indifferent can be. 5-> While I can't go into specifics by far the most challenging logic I've ever implemented was for a project composed of a single program which I created myself. The program basically managed the entirety of a company's HR system, from hiring to firing to a portal with several options the workers could use. The estimated time of completion was one and a half years. I did it in three months. Probably the highlight of my career as a developer, sadly.
1-> I'd probably quit my job and start making investments instead. My long-term goal is to make money without having to work, zzz. 2-> Anywhere where I could easily attain magic of any kind. Tamriel, perhaps. 3-> Yep.
How much do you wuv-wuv me?
For no reason in particular, how good are you in Ruby?
1-> Yes. I've learned a bit of shito-ryu, and I wish I'd have pursued it further. I also like taekwondo! 2-> I'd like to go to the past so I could see someone again. Maybe change some things. And yet, I'd probably also like to go into the far off future at a time where intergalatic travel has become commonplace! 3-> Sherlock Holmes. Since both of us lack social skills. 1-> Solid question. Probably not. Wh0'5 n3150n? 1-> Wasn't really expecting anyone to be interested. 2-> Because I can! This is america, damn it! 3-> High fantasy and suspense! 4-> The Kingkiller Chronicle by Pathrick Rothfuss How to be King by Jan Terlow The Final Problem by Sir Conan Doyle.
1-> After forcing myself to learn him, gotta say I love Genji. Very useful no matter which map, very high mobility, very high outplay and picking potential. It's a great character to look and feel like a badass. 2-> Sona is actually one of the better supports in my opinion. I like the "true support" characters and I think Sona is by and far one of the coolest ones. 3-> Ask Japan! The noise foxes make is actually very screech-like. Incidentally, trying to find out that answer through google I discovered that in archaic japanese the sound a fox made was called "Kitsu" and the reason they're called "kitsune" is because it translates literally to "thing that goes kitsu" How cool is that?! 4-> As many as it took. You know it's for the best, Ika-chan Y0u'r3 4 g00d guy w1th wh0 g3n3r411y 5tr1v35 t0 d0 wh4t'5 b35t but 1 st4nd by my 34rl13r 0p1n10n th4t 50m3t1m35 y0ur 1n53cur1t135 g3t th3 b35t 0f y0u, but 1'm h0p1ng th4t w111 ch4ng3. 1'm h3r3 to h31p 1f y0u n33d m3 t0.
1-> Fairy. 2-> Yes. 3-> Fox person, I'm getting one of these for sure one day. I have 2 dogs though. 1-> Currently, my next degree. It's taking a bit, but I'm getting there. 2-> Foxes represent a sly kind of wisdom. Intelligence used for mischief. Mean, and at times cruel, but not inherently evil. Yet foxes are also portrayed as messengers, guardians and gentle benevolent guides. All in all, I just feel like the symbolism behind the fox fits me.
To be completely honest it's probably because I'm a very proud person with an intense personality and I associate showing emotion as a display of weakness. On the other hand I'm a fairly emotional person and I tend to let that side show to the people I'm closer to, so although I care deeply about a lot of people, I only let a few people know about it. Which apparently is textbook tsundere. 1 w45 5urpri53d wh3n y0u s41d 1 w45 y0ur fr13nd, s1nc3 1 d0n't r3411y 3xp3ct3d y0u t0 c0ns1d3r m3 0n3. St111, 1 r3411y 11k3 y0u 4nd 1 th1nk y0u'r3 4n 4w350m3 guy. W0rld'5 1n 5h0rt 5uplly 0f th0s3. 1-> "OH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HOLY SHIT HELP" and flee. I'm not a coward, but I'm not in any way going to pretend to put in a brave front. 2-> "Like" and "respect" are connected to me. I can't like someone if I can't respect them. On the other hand, if I can respect someone because of one particularly strong positive trait (like being very clever, or witty, or generous, etc) I can usually look past their negatives. If something is particularly upsetting to me I advise how to medicate them, but the choice is ultimately theirs. If all else fails, I say my goodbyes and part ways. 3-> Sure why not 4-> Good question. In hopes that the term "leader" is used loosely, I'm going to say John D. Rockefeller. Not only is he still one of the greatest leaders in the economic industry, after amassing his fortune he turned his efforts into philantrophic work for the rest of his life. Maybe not a leader of people in the most literal of senses, yet he is still a person I'd strive to be. 1-> High fantasy and/or suspense. 2-> I'm just a very curious person who enjoys learning stuff, really. F001 m3 0nc3... Because that's the greatest statement of tag mastery of all. I've transcended tags. Y4y w111y! y0u'r3 gr8 m8 Kangaroo all day Y0u'r3 4 g00d p3rs0n w1th 4 g00d h34rt. N41v3, but t1m3 w111 ch4ng3 th4t. 1-> Yeah, sometimes. They're usually hidden from view lately. I've grown to enjoy my privacy more the less I have it. 2-> High fantasy suspense! 3-> I've watched Whose Line Is It Anyway? online on occasion. 4-> Alone is a great ol' 10, but with other people probably a 6. 5-> uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh let me google them oh oh oh aurorus! Or tyrantrum 6-> my ears are cute thank I have a CPS and a CLS - (C++ and C senior programmer licenses respectively) from the C++ institute and C++ stands tall as my favorite programming language. I advocate however that every developer worth their salt has to have at least a decent mastery over the C language. A decent C developer can do a lot of things, but a master of the C language can do anything and it looks like a fucking work of art.* I can program efficiently as a consequence in nearly every language in the C family. I particularly hold decent knowledge over the Java language and above-average knowledge of the Ruby language. I am intent on learning C# on the side and getting a microsoft certification for it by the end of the year, but current developments may have put a stop on that. I also can handle myself in Python, PHP, most Assembly languages and some visual basic. As my main field of work is software engineering aimed at database development and maintenance, my highest ability lies within SQL, Cobol and more specifically ABAP, which I have a SAP Expert certificate for. That's all I can recall. 1 s4w y0ur pr0gr4m. 1t w4s w311 d0n3. * As a disclaimer, I'd like to point out that I've only had two people in my life whom I've considered my mentors. One of them is the man who taught me software engineering, and he is a very, very seasoned developer with over 20 years of experience in C and C only. He's probably to blame for my traditionalism, but he's one of the masters I've spoken of and probably the only person who's ever left me speechless by sheer demonstration of logic ability.
The short answer is read. A lot. I consistently maintain the habit of reading at least one book per week. That'd mean that I have read, during the entirety of my life, nearly 1000 different books. So I know how to deliver a story by example. The long answer is read, write, study how others do it, pay attention to anything and everything related to it. Knowing how to deliver a story is 80% knowing how to write one and 10% knowing how to read your audience. The last 10% is your vocabulary. 3v3ryt1m3 1 t41k t0 y0u y0u'r3 4 c001 guy, but 50m3t1m35 1 f331 11k3 y0u c0m3 4cr055 45 4 b1t 0f 4n 0ddb411, Wh0 kn0ws, th0ugh. 1t'5 n0t 11k3 w3 t41k 411 th4t much. 1-> I'm great, thanks. 2-> I guess Pokémon. 3-> Cookies. Who the fuck asks that? 4-> Fruit. 5-> I don't read manga nor watch anime, but I guess I'd favor reading manga. 6-> Vampire. 7-> Uhhhhhhhhh peaches. 8-> Tacps. 9-> Yes. 10-> If I ever get anywhere with that one, I'll let you know. 1'v3 n0 1d34 wh0 y0u 4r3 I feel like corners are being cut in several different spots and that there's an overall lack of organization this place suffers from. To add to it, I'd daresay there's an issue of indifference towards this place by some among the high administration that effectively cripples the place from going forward. More absolute stances need to be taken with less attempts to please everyone. Some people won't be pleased, others shouldn't be. The ground is there, there just isn't anyone willing to stand on it. D0 1 h4v3 t0 4ns3r th3 s4m3 th1ng 4 th1rd t1m3? 1-> Aliens statistically have to exist. 2-> Good question. I read a lot of those, so... Probably the SCP series. I always end up going back to that one website. 3-> Apologize. T0 b3 h0n35t, 1'v3 n0 r341 0p1n10n 0f y0u. Y0u'r3 0k4y s0m3t1m3s, h0rr1bly 4rr0g4nt 4nd 4nn0y1ng 4t 0th3rs, but 0th3rw1s3 1 d0n't r3411y c4r3. 1-> Quite a lot more than it should, I'm sure most would say. 2-> Don't care 3-> Lilligant. 4-> Nope. Y0u'r3 0k4y. 4t t1m35 1 f331 11k3 y0u w4nt t0 b3 cl0s3r t0 m3 but h4v3 n0 1d34 h0w t0 d0 s0, 1-> Pão de queijo is definitely something everyone should try. It's the best thing ever created, period. I've never in my life met anyone who disliked it, even if the person didn't like cheese. Cocada is also great if you like coconut and sweet things. Last but not least, picanha. It's not consumed as much as it should elsewhere despite being easily one of the best cuts of beef on the hands of someone who knows how to cook it properly (which is basically any Brazillian, really). 2-> Greece, Sweden and the United Kingdom. 3-> "If you want to go out with me, smile a bit. If you don't, do a triple backflip." Is probably the funniest one. The other ones I like are all way too dirty to post here. The other ones still rely on the language being portuguese to work. But basically I really like wordplay. Never saw any of them work though. 4-> When is it ever just one or the other? 5-> Nope, no tv shows for me. Sorry! 6-> I know the japanese tale, but other than that, no idea. 1'v3 h34rd s0m3 th1ngs 4b0ut y0u th4t 1 w0n't d15cl053 4nd th4t 1 d0n't 11k3 4t 411, but y0u'v3 n3v3r b33n 4nyth1ng but n1c3 t0 m3, s0 1'm 11k3 wh4t3v3r. In the last week? Probably all the memes about how Mei is basically satan. Y0u'r3 c001, but 1 f331 y0u sh0u1dn't 4110w y0ur531f t0 b3 m0ck3d 4s 0ft3n. M4k35 p30p13'5 d3f4u1t r34ct10n t0 y0u b3 n0t t4k1ng y0u 53r10u5ly.
Also known as "what does the fox answer the question you ask with????///" but i figured the other one was more eye-catching. Welp, it is AMA time again, so sure let's do this. Like last time, I'll add to each response my sincere opinion about the person asking, if I had one. Except this time I guess I'm doing it in l33t sp34k because why the fuck not
Call me a flying type, I can't break the ice
Kurotsune replied to teddybrer's topic in Welcome Center
Hi! Generic greeting! Welcome to the community. Do enjoy your stay. If you're learning RPG Maker, then you're eventually going to have to learn ruby. If you need assistance doing so, I can show you some materials for learning coding. Have a good one.- 19 replies
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Just that one plot line about Lin actually being Amethyst in disguise. Wait, that's still a thing? Damn. Spoilers, I guess.
"Meh" it alternates between very long stretches of menial, simple work and small bursts of actually interesting things. That's from the code perspective at least. The work itself isn't mad fun (again code perspective) but it's enjoyable. And it's fulfilling.
Gazelletsune: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/e6/5a/fd/e65afd774d2244c29863d540ca2f0382.jpg %TF Ark: S %TF Ark: T %TF Ark: I %TF Ark: shit %TF Ark: S %TF Ark: T %TF Ark: I %TF Ark: FUCK %TF Ark: S %TF Ark: T %TF Ark: O %TF Ark: P Gazelletsune: Are you Gazelletsune: even %TF Ark: I'm fin %TF Ark: e Gazelletsune: serious right now %TF Ark: you're crazy Gazelletsune: you know this is getting quotebooked right %TF Ark: no %TF Ark: Because it's not Gazelletsune: Oh you don't want it to? That's fine. I won't do it if you don't want it to. %TF Ark: You QB this and I'll crash through your window, steal all your clothing %TF Ark: and run off with it Gazelletsune: I see. Gazelletsune: Well, guess I can't do it, then. Ayyyyyyy Happy birthday Arkhidon! You're one of the geniunely nice guys here, and I'm happy that I was able to befriend you after everything else that happened. I think you'll do great when you finally learn to stop obsessing about unimportant things like periods or gazelles and honestly, I knew writing this here would make you read the whole post for the birthday speech. Also you're a great straight man for my comedy. Your move, scarf boy.
Sort of glad I have the chance to explain that, to be honest. Amor austero means harsh or inflexible love in portuguese, my mother language. It's sort of a reflection of how I act - I'm not a kind or good person in any way, shape or form, but I always try to help. I just don't coddle anyone. Not a single time I've been coddled really helped me, it only made things feel better for a short while without solving the actual reason And also, in a way, it's how I see my life. Harsh love is perhaps the best way to describe it. I've been through my fair share, but every inch of that has built me towards the person I am right now, and that person is someone I can be proud of.
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- I still do funny tags
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Looking good, Pyon!
First of all, I'd like to appreciate all messages here. Support or non, one of the things I was most afraid of sending this post (besides the exposition it implied) was whether or not the message would get through. I get that everyone tells you to fight for your dreams, or that everyone says that with enough dedication anyone can turn their lives around. Full disclosure, I don't believe that's entirely true. I believe there are situations when things just can't get better and that's one of the unfortunate realities of life. That's not what I see within this community though. Everyone here has mountains to climb, but they are still just mountains. Put enough effort into it and you'll soon enough reach the peak. I know it's difficult, but I was hoping to show - by example - that no matter how much the cards are stacked against you, you can still play the game to win. And if you can't, bluff. And other poker metaphors. What matters is, you can`t give up. Ever. I wanted to show, by example, that if you keep trying, that doesn't mean they stop getting worse. No one reaches a point in their lives where nothing affects them anymore. That said, if you keep trying, you learn how to deal with things better. Each blow hurts less. So keep your chin up, y'all. That's all I wanted to say.
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- I still do funny tags
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When I was born, I was given two names. One by my mother and one by my father. My mother believed in this concept of a "true name", as in, your "true name" is something to be known by you and your loved ones only. The other name was just a reflection, a mirror. It didn't matter. That's probably why I've never been attached to names anyway, and at the same time it's probably why I like to give people nicknames. Names are important. My name was given to me because my mother wanted me to be someone who would put the weight of the world on their shoulders, and still be able to carry it. In some weird way, from when I was born, while I may not have been destined to, I was certainly intended for greatness. Throughout my life, that is one fact that I was never allowed to forget. "You are meant for great things", my mother oft would tell me. "Your father and I - We think you to be the one who will achieve the most in their lives." Soon, the person who would remind me of this was myself - "I am meant for great things. I can do more. Better." To say, then, that my life has been a constant search for the impossible goal of perfection would certainly not be an incorrect notion. It's important for me to expose this ideal now, because the point I want to make hinges on this mentality. When I was eight, I lost my virginity. A cousin wanted to play a game. I was unaware of what the "game" was or what it entailed. And so I indulged, unwittingly, and partook in a "game" that would change that view my parents had of me and that I had of myself for a long time. By the time I understood what I had done, I had developed trauma. Through sex, I had lost control of my life. Thus, through sex, I attempted to regain this control. Be with my cousin or with others during my adolescence, I had zero focus, zero self-esteem, achieved zero results and was seen as little more than a walking mess. My parents by then had completely abandoned me. Through the entirety of my life, my father has attempted to kill me thrice. My mother turned a blind eye to it every single time. Every time I reached out for help, I was shut down. But the worst thing in my life came when I decided to accept that I could not be redeemed. That there was no salvation for me. That the inherent fact was that I am flawed. Broken. That nothing I could ever do would ever change the fundamental truth that I was doomed to failure at every turn. All that happened before I became fifteen years of age. When I reached that age, the last nail was placed upon my coffin. I was told by my father that if I had intention of solely sleeping my way through life, I had no need for an education. And, thusly, that he would not pay for one. At that moment there was only one thing I was good at in my life. English. I had grown fascinated due to a trip to disneyland where I got lost. I've always been an imaginative child, and oft would get lost in my own thoughts. After getting lost there I became fascinated with the language and set out to learn how to use it. Quickly, I became very proficient in it, and by the time my father informed me that he'd no longer be paying for my education I was good enough to teach. So that's what I did. I took the test CAMBRIDGE gave out for english proficiency (PET) and used it to convince parents of my classmates to hire me as a private tutor. Cheaper and certified, I was the better choice in most cases and since I was already familiar with the students and content, I didn't lack for potential customers. I couldn't really do much more than just barely pay for my own tuition, though. The fact that I had now to struggle to gain it awakened within me a hunger for knowledge that I had never had before. I was now working to earn my right to be there, and I was going to make full use of it. I still didn't really apply myself since I never was a good learner. I never had learned how to learn; I wasn't good at understanding concepts as they were given to me. But now I was driven. I wanted to get better and while I didn't achieve major success during high school, I managed to get into university. I also discovered I was really good at mathematics, and thus started teaching that too, which meant more money. By the point I started my first major - Economy - I was making enough to pay for my tuition and have some left over. I still lived with my parents, and they didn't refuse me food, but I was tired of it. So I started seeking more and more clients among my classmates, and soon enough I had achieved enough to rent an apartment I was never ever at since I was out working all day, every day. Weekends included. Soon enough, however, I discovered economy wasn't for me. When seeing an article about neural networks and how they were used to scam people out of their money, I realized the work I would have to do conflicted extremely with my ethical compass. I wasn't willing to let myself breach my already-fragile moral code and so I jumped ship. And then I got breast cancer. It was a surprise but ultimately a really, really lucky assumption. Once it was discovered, it was discovered to being in really early stages. So early in fact, that it could be removed with a simple surgery, with little to no chance of remission. The process was done, and I was told I could simply wake from my surgery and go home. I couldn't believe that it would be so simple. I was, of course, right. When I woke up I woke up to one of the worst pains I had felt in my life, and none I have ever felt since has ever compared. It felt like my chest was going to explode. I pleaded with the nurse to have my doctor be called, but was repeatedly told he was unreachable while progressively being administered heavier anesthetics. At circa 8pm that day, my doctor came see me of his own volition - as the hospital in fact had made no attempt to even contact him - and his decision to do so saved my life. He discovered I had burst an artery and spent the entire day suffering from internal bleeding. When he inspected me, my right breast was the size of a melon. I was literally bloated with blood. 700ml of blood were removed from the wound in a rushed operation. I wish I could say that was the end, but it was the beginning. I don't remember much of what happened next. I remember being laid to sleep. Waking up. Blacking out. Waking up on the floor. Screaming. Thinking I would die. Blacking out again. Waking up a third time. Doctors all around me. I'm told not to sleep. Someone presses my toes, asks me if I felt them. My father is a doctor. I knew right then I was going to die - They don't ask you that type of thing unless they think you suffered brain damage. I was dragged to the ICU. I couldn't think. I remember feeling the pain but not reacting to it. My body felt numb. Sluggish. Drained. It'd be a month before I left the hospital. Six before all aftereffects of the surgery had vanished from my body. When I fell, my stitches burst, and blood oozed inside of my system. It created a gigantic bruise that went down the entirety of the right side of my body, covering it in a thick, dark, purple color which appeared rotten. I remember having frequent panic attacks when I tried to shower. I remember I cried every single day for months. I remember wishing I had died. Since I couldn't leave my house, I couldn't work. Since I couldn't work, I couldn't make money. Since I couldn't make money, all my savings were quickly drained while I was constantly threatened by my parents not to sue the hospital - Since my father worked there and was afraid to lose his job. I remember by the end of it I had made the conscious decision to stop eating at times for a whole week so I could save money. By the time the treatment was fully completed, I had no money left to do anything. I had kept all these facts hidden from my friends until this point. With no money and not finding any prospective of a job, I confided in a close friend of mine. That day, it was his turn to save my life. My friend moved all of our common connections to help me keep myself alive. Money for food, clothes, to pay my rent, etc, was all lent to me to assist in my recovery under my promise of paying every cent back when I could. To this day, there is no achievement I have ever made that made me prouder than the day I was able to keep that promise. With their assistance, I started learning again. At that time, I was an eighteen year old. I tried gastronomy, and while I enjoyed it, I knew it wasn't for me. Instead, I was convinced to try out software engineering. It was the first time in my life I understood what it was to be a genius. "Natural talent" is the only way to describe the natural synergy I have with software engineering. From day one, I had found myself within the code. I was a prodigy in every sense of the word, and I was recognized for it. When I was nineteen I got the job that would define my career at the company I work at to this day. That was also when I first met Alice. But I would rather not approach the subject of Alice. It would be too easy for me to get lost in her, too easy for me to let her take the focus away into herself. I've spoken of her before, in the nightclub, and I elect that one story to be the summarization of all that she was in my eyes within this place. Know that I loved her, and that years after all of those tales, we were engaged. Know she died. Ever since I had started working there, that was the second time in my life where I accepted the "reality" that I was simply unfixable. That I was doomed for failure. That no matter how much I struggled against fate, at the end of the day, fate would always win. That was also when I became an alcoholic. I don't like to use that word, but some within this community have seen my propensity to drinking my problems away and that for a long time this was my immediate reaction when put under stress. To accept that issue was and still is one of the greater challenges I have faced. Even then, eventually I came to realize the truth. I am still alive. I am still here. Through every thing that has happened to me, every day of misery, every sorrowful event, every time fate has stepped in my face - Every time, I still survived. I got better. I became stronger. I came out on top. I don't pretend to hold all solutions to life's greatest mysteries. I don't pretend to have the solution to every problem. But I have recently come to realize that despite everything I've went through, at the end of the day, I still am the one keeping myself up. I still am the one fighting for my life. So if I seem arrogant to you, let me arrogantly say - I think I deserve it. But the point of all of this isn't to just share what I have accomplished. It's not to make myself seem grander than I think I am. It's not just the idea of gaining attention or getting props. It's to convey a message. Today is my birthday, and I’d like this day to mean a little bit more than just a celebration that today I was born. I’d like today to represent the day we all stop making up excuses for ourselves and move towards changing our lives. I’d like this day to be the day we begin to actively work towards being happy, instead of waiting for happiness to find us. It won’t. Some of you think that parts of you or you as a whole are rotten, yet too often I hear you saying "That's just my nature". "There is no way". "Nothing can be done". That doesn't exist. No one knows all solutions, and so no one knows if they will all fail. Understand that life is not inherently good. The ones who lead a good life start to finish are the really lucky few. To most, life is difficult. It's sorrowful. What changes whether you ever achieve happiness is not destiny, it's whether or not you can find within yourself the will to keep fighting, no matter what is thrown your way. No matter how much it hurts - Especially because of how much it hurts. If only to prove fate wrong one last time. If only to show the world you can. Whether or not you see me as the villain of your story, whether or not you like me or hold me in contempt, understand that there is only one thing I want you to learn from all this. My name is Caritas. And if I can do it, so can you.
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- I still do funny tags
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