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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Kurotsune

  1. Yes, hello, waiter? I'd like a bullet. Yes, in the face. Hm, I could go for the fries, too, sure!

  2. Hey guys I had grilled cheese sandwiches for breakfast don't ruin my good day with your less-than-top-kek memes :c
  3. Sort of impressed that people are appreciating me but I'm grateful for your momentary lapses of judgement!
  4. The pepperidge farm was okay since i'm all about reminiscing the good old days
  5. sure can we at least move these to the wasteland though maybe
  6. I'm surprised I was mentioned. My first impression of you wasn't a good one, Jelly, but that's changed and I enjoy your presence consistently. Here's to you being around for a fifth year.
  7. So this is where I ask for these trend threads to pleeeeeeeeease stop here but at the same time sure go for it I challenge you to find a genderless character that fits though
  8. You mean you aren't the poet who's been dead for fifty years? No wai
  9. I activate pot!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch
    3. Exalted


      ayy nothing a little green herb cant fix in this world

    4. Sutoratosu


      A wild Snoop Dog appeared!

  10. can someone move this to the actual introduction forums kthanksbye
  11. That's not how it works. The game is made through RPG Maker XP which has existed by 10+ years and so there are way too many tools that can make the game editable with just one simple google search - "Decrypt rpg maker xp" and you're golden. So we don't even go through the bother.
  12. First of all, I feel like these types of questions could just be asked in the development AMA instead of being new threads. That said, no plans for pokémon over 100 since endgame content is level 100 to begin with.
  13. If anyone asks, don't tell them I told you this but that may or may not be in my to-do list
  14. I mean, it was a joke, so yes even a pichu could they're stronk it was probably a door coated in specific anti-salamence material
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