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9 Fledgling


About Cyrikyty

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  1. I've been waiting for it for 2 years and I will keep waiting. I'm in no need of an annual release or such nonsense, yes I'm looking at you Gamefreak, I just want a quality Pokemon game. And I'm certain that the wait will be well worth it. This is and most likely always will be my favorite Pokemon game to ever exist, and while my expectations of the main series keep going down to the point of being outright uninterested, I'm glad to be able to look forward to at least one more great adventure to be had. Just want to say thank you for all your hard work, and even if it takes another 2 years or more, I will be here, waiting.
  2. I wonder if the Regis will be avaiable in Ep18. Lets be fair, you can already get mons that far surpass them in strength, and some other minor legends like type:null and phione have been released. Maybe not Regigigas, but seeing the Trio would be really cool. And would add a lot of room for evil puzzles.
  3. Allright, I'm up and ready, waiting for the trade.
  4. Give me a minute, my version is apparently outdated. Hope its not checking for the E18 release already. Shiny - check, Any preference as to male or female?
  5. Its Cyrikyty, same as the forum name. As for the ralts, you can also choose between male/female and shiny or not. I was breeding those a while back
  6. I have a (or rather a few dozen) Ralts in my PC, I can give you one. As for the Happiny, that one I would have to breed first. But that shouldn't take long either.
  7. Your odds get significantly better if you do a decent bit of wondertrading. I actually won 2 master balls by chance so far, on a file that has probably something like 3 boxes filled with random wondertraded mons. At this point when I go into the lottery, I get 5th prize or better guarenteed, 4th price very commonly, and everything else rarely. Just gotta catch ALL the ID numbers.
  8. I wasn't even aware of that glitch, it worked perfectly. Managed to snag a choice band of his tsareena without too much hassle. Thanks
  9. Thanks, just give me a heads up when you (and the servers...) are ready.
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