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BBD last won the day on March 27 2015

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About BBD

  • Birthday 08/06/1998

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    RMXP Pokemon games,Drawing Pokemon

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  1. Happy Birthday :D, i hope you will have a great day ^^

    1. Paul25


      Happy Birthday! :D 

      Wishing you a day full of wonderful surprises! ;) 

  2. I Brennan thinking,since they said alternative story,where this fit into certain timeline(even tho it's fan theory timeline) There're some possibilities I can think of; 1.it'all replace original SM story,like Emerald,Platinum,Crystal. 2.an old timeline before XY,I mean timeline that Great Pokémon war didn't happened and no Mega stone,it's possible since Ultra Beast is a thing and it has ability to travel between multiverses,and that girl(I can't remember her name,but she was a Frontier Brain)that's with Looker that came from the other world too.so that is possible. 3.Another timeline with Mega stone.
  3. hmm,now I'm thinking,with New Nintendo 2DS XL coming,how long will 3DS will be around until Nintendo handheld? 2020?
  4. Pokken would likely be more at Tree house,But USUM still have chance to give more information.
  5. @Wolfox Glace I was saying Gen 8 so that might be in next 2 or 3 years around 2019-2020 which I don't think DS will last that long.Unless they release new Handheld line,which gonna make people mad because Switch is a handheld itself already and they probably don't want 2 handheld just to play Pokemon. also,if what I saw is correct,Gen 4 remake might come out 2019 and for 2018,they either take a break or release Gen 6 3rd game.that leave 2020 for next Gen on Switch.
  6. So last year,Sun and Moon live action trailer was taken in Hawaii and that's what Alola is based on. So in this Direct trailer we see Farmer hat,the triangle straw hat,seem likely around Vietnam/Philippine or Indonesia.How likely if Gen 8 that I think will come to Switch Gen 8 will based on South East Asia. Thought?
  7. it's too early to speculate that,I saw Gladion in Aether outfit an it does really looks like official art but still,it could just be mod.
  8. now that said...what will this fit into time line tho since we already have 2 Pokemon timelines already. one with Megas and one without.
  9. not reform,it'll be the same,I guess,since it's just alternate story,not sequel.
  10. heyo!I'm back on the forum,anyone wanna hug?...no? ok on the topic, "too early" I don't mean that it's bad but Sun Moon isn't even 1 year old yet and now we get 2nd version of Sun and Moon.but I'm ok and look forward to future trailer for this Ultra games just like Sun and Moon last year,was a roller coaster of hype!I'll expect it for this game too. for others who disappoint,I feel both sorry and pity for you,sorry if you want something else and pity for trusting rumor for Switch release or Gen 4 remake(would be cool tho) Switch is in its first year so I understand that they don't wanna move system yet. on the side note,the word Ultra might seem cheap and stupid but it does fit since Cover's legendaries,and Necrozma,are Ultra Beast so this will be a good game to evaluate on Untra Beast origin and more story about them,Sun Moon already resolve Aether and Skull conflict already so I'm ready for more answer!
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