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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by BBD

  1. the mod will move this for you,I think... and Reborn Hardcore use the same save as Reborn so you should rename your Reborn save file first the save location is C:\Users\Administrator\Saved Games\Pokemon Reborn
  2. Ahem...welcome to REBORN!
  3. Happy Birthday Mde! you're a very cool Dedenne!
  4. BBD


    Ahem...welcome to REBORN!
  5. tomorrow I'll go on camping,a military training camp,no I'm not going to work as soldier I'm going there because I don't wanna be a solder...confuse?well it's a bit confusing to explain.

    1. Shing


      No need to explain. BBD i hope you take care yourself at the camp!

    2. starkidcosmo
  6. Dragon field!Sepphira gonna be a nightmare!
  7. So I bought Dragon Dogma Dark Arisen today and then Blade and Soul is out as well,2 game to play right now.

  8. great more field to memorize...good stuff.
  9. Ahem...welcome to REBORN! don't forget to read the rules :3
  10. Happy Birthday!And happy new year :3
  11. Best:be active here and make friend!Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon!got active on other side and make more friend :3I got better at drawing Pokemon but still on paper worst:English teacher make me felt like garbage,Oris ;(
  12. *sign*to be honest I kinda jealous.my country don't take Christmas seriously so it just another regular day at school for me...it's alright tho,hope everyone enjoy their Christmas

    1. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      It's okay I still have to work on Christmas, though at least it is my short day

  13. well it still 3 hour away till hit Christmas here but to everyone in Reborn,guess what I gonna say ,MERRY CHRISTMAS!(of course)
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