I just did those and well it not work i redownload it but it the same
well I did everything you said but it not work
I redownload the game but it the same actually I redownload it 3 time already
so I don't know about the sceenshot of your
the game have so many file
which file do you want to see?
well for me would be Chespin or Oshawott
but they're starter if my fav and not a starter would be Zigzagoon and Linoon.
even they are my slave but because of it i can go anywhere(by foot and water).
on the way to route 4 I found an Axew egg but cant get it,I took a sceenshot but I don't know where is that picture,it down the cliff that i don't know hoe to get there,anyone know how to get there?
In 7th street when i bought something from the dud next to vendor then one guy jump down the roof and stole that thing i just bought,how to get that back?
and there a locked door at north west can i even get in there?
i'm too lazy to get my mamos breed so i think i gonna go with ice fang it going to do x4 damage to most of her dragon cause dragon type has many weakness dragon/ground and dragon/flying weak against ice x4 and heidragon get x4 damage if i hit it with moonblast so now i think i cool thank for the suggestion
I want an ice type for dragon gym in the future
I have 1 dragon and 1 fairy already but i worried that sepphira will hit me with steel wing or dragalge poison so i want ice type for back up,Dragon is tough and her strongest is Dragonite and it's a dragon/flying so ice is the best
I want some suggestion which ice type should I pick
note:I want a high speed one to for if she have fire punch or frameshower