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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by BBD

  1. Zukurinkiku What?kiku? that sound more like girl name I'm a man though
  2. don't know how to paste the image but my and yours look the same,so what do i do with compatibility.
  3. I just did those and well it not work i redownload it but it the same well I did everything you said but it not work I redownload the game but it the same actually I redownload it 3 time already so I don't know about the sceenshot of your the game have so many file which file do you want to see?
  4. I double click on the Xerneas icon and nothing happen I used window 7 ultimate RAM 16 GB 64-bit
  5. what spinel town music has been change? I never knew it, what it sound like,what the name of the theme
  6. well for me would be Chespin or Oshawott but they're starter if my fav and not a starter would be Zigzagoon and Linoon. even they are my slave but because of it i can go anywhere(by foot and water).
  7. on the way to route 4 I found an Axew egg but cant get it,I took a sceenshot but I don't know where is that picture,it down the cliff that i don't know hoe to get there,anyone know how to get there?
  8. In 7th street when i bought something from the dud next to vendor then one guy jump down the roof and stole that thing i just bought,how to get that back? and there a locked door at north west can i even get in there?
  9. BBD

    My Ice type

    i'm too lazy to get my mamos breed so i think i gonna go with ice fang it going to do x4 damage to most of her dragon cause dragon type has many weakness dragon/ground and dragon/flying weak against ice x4 and heidragon get x4 damage if i hit it with moonblast so now i think i cool thank for the suggestion
  10. BBD

    My Ice type

    well actually Sepphira is not the last one spoiler:go to game file> graphic> picture and there it is
  11. BBD

    My Ice type

    I want an ice type for dragon gym in the future I have 1 dragon and 1 fairy already but i worried that sepphira will hit me with steel wing or dragalge poison so i want ice type for back up,Dragon is tough and her strongest is Dragonite and it's a dragon/flying so ice is the best I want some suggestion which ice type should I pick note:I want a high speed one to for if she have fire punch or frameshower
  12. in 7th street

    1. Arkhi


      What happens there stays there.

  13. BBD


    what pazzle o can see only rock on the ground and how can i get to yureyu key
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