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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Venox

  1. My first shiny was a shiny cascoon in pokemon pearl on the honey trees. i was actually was looking for aipom so it came out as a surprise to me.
  2. I dont see it single awareness day. Its more like.....Independence day! ....well im going to cry in a dark corner now
  3. My favorite pokemon is Infernape. one of the reasons i love him is because chimchar is my favorite starter. Infernape is pretty good in competitive battles and he based of Sun Wukong from journey to the west (like Goku from Dragon Ball Z....huh that may explain some thing ).and he is a monkey that knows kung fu and breath fire. whats not to love? (...my profile pic his a drawing of my infernape gijinka from reborn. so thats a thing i geuss.)
  4. Happy Chinese new year. im a tiger. im feeling pretty good with that.
  5. Games: Pokemon,undertale,super smash bros,anime games. Shows:One punch man,Dbz,Steven universe,Gravity falls. Other things:Drawing,listening to music(usually remixes of songs from video games or anime opening),sport(kickboxing).
  6. Yea i know i will work on that.
  7. Hello and welcome to Reborn! Hope you will have a good time here
  8. thanks a lot. i really appreciate it. if you have any other requests i would like to know.
  9. Well,that is going to be fun. I cant wait! im so exited
  10. I would say reuniclus. i have started to use in only recently,but it can tank physical attack like a champ.not to mention he can learn calm mind as well
  11. Infernape: really useful and he is my favorite pokemon Greninja: coverage and a strong special sweeper Excadrill: awesome attack stats,good type and amazing abilities
  12. Venox


    It would be amazing to watch. but isn't sting going to be part of the Hall Of fame? so i doubt he will wrestle to be honest :x
  13. QoTD 1/24 probably infernape. he is my favorite pokemon ...and beside, who doesn't want to be a monkey who knows martial art on fire?
  14. although my Pokemon all had their "moment to shine" in my play thought there is one Pokemon that even though he is not a part of my main team helped me a lot: pachirisu. Hands down one of the most handy pokemon ive used. up with nuzzling florina's cradily and giving me an easier fight againt her up to his pickup ability. right now he is in the computer but he will always be a part of my team. (p.s i called him VladmirPutin. i regret nothing )
  15. tfw you accidentally come across a show you watched 10 years ago and forgot about his existance
  16. hello everybody. first of all i want to say......I am sorry. ive been in this forum for little more than a year and i haven't been so active. i wanted to say hello for along time but...its kinda hard for me to chat with people i dont really know.. but it all change today. Im going to start to be more active and chat to more people and to get out from my comfort zone. so its nice to meet you all. my name is Itamar. im 18 years old and my hobbies are playing videogames and drawing. Im looking forward to meet you all.
  17. Venox


    a friend of mine showed it to me today. i like it. i think i will keep playing it
  18. Hi all i made some changes to my team feel free to criticize ^-^
  19. on my main saveflie Time:82:01 owned: 46 seen: 598
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