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    Booze, Ganja, Laiding, Rest :)

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  1. Not easy to beat Noel now since we don't have access to nice pokes early like lucario and others.. i'm struggling -.- but I won't give up easily.. Lets see how dat annoying Clefable will do against my Hustle Durant -.- if that won't work then and Escavalier will definitely do.. For these birds grr so annoying, i'm hoping for my Ampharos to get something done.. If only Excadrill had more speed. I'm thinking of bringing sandstorm and its double speed ability to terrorize all these birds.. then combining with swords dance it will be a killer... sorry for reviving an old topic, i hope it isn't against the rules
  2. Nice Elsa, Skarmory and Poison gliscor is indeed a good choice thank you, much appreciated!!!! +1 for the Amoongus, didn't think about it hihih thanks for the help!!!!!
  3. Nice One question? What do you base on building teams? Defense, offense, tactical? I'm mostly a tactical guy, which uses toxic spikes, toxic, barrier - poison Sandstorm, substitute, swords dance, .... I like to sacrifice 2-3 pokemon so that my other 3 offense team can destroy about anything easily.. 2-3 tank and wicked pokes and the rest being offensive.. How and what do u base on when building teams? My team is missing a good poison/Fairy/bug types willing to be tanks.. By poison i want it to poison the other teams constantly without having attack moves, maybe only 1.. which also has stockpile or other defense uber move. and ofc toxic spikes or toxic is a must have. For a fairy/bug im kinda stuck.. My team is always under changes.. mostly i am with a Darmanitan, Excadrill, scraggy and Ampharos.. As you can see i got offensive pokes.. Steel type could also come in handy if theres a good one ou there! i want merely tanks and status changing pokes now.. Thank you
  4. You da man Correct i needed the ring located in Corey's secret room and bam, he wants to join me up... Now i'm trying to get a shiny, i hope he isn't hardcoded Thank you again, much obliged! Edit: There we go Thank you
  5. In short, ability script has been changed from ep13 to ep14 and reversing the abilities it's upon us by using ability capsules? This fix will only fix the lack of Hidden ability which isn't present in Ep14? I'm continuing my play with ep13, lets see if that fix fixes the ability swap for some of my main pokes.. Well, my Darmanitan had sheer force and it changed to a hidden ability, which is Zen Mode in EP14.. Is this fix intended on catchable pokes rather than owning? From what i understand, The abilities of owned pokes changed randomly from EP13 to EP14. It has a bug which new catchable pokes (wild, npc,...) won't have the Hidden Ability triggered. Sorry for asking so many questions, i'm relative new and my sense of curiosity is high And i'm also a perfectionist, thus why i need some answers in this matter
  6. So, we can find Croagunk in Celestinine Mountain and speak to it.. But for whatever reason he doesn't join my team. It keeps saying: "Croagunk is looking at you keenly..." "It seems familiar..." "Croagunk doesn't seem to respond to anything you do" Even with pokesnax he doesn't join me, why's that? I want a Croagunk so badly, maybe a shiny croagunk *-* Can somebody help me out on this one, searched the whole forum and nothing cam conclusive to me! Thank you guys
  7. Blind Guardian, in short that means, that 14.1 fix will fix the ability swap in ep14, making these the same as it were in ep13? Dat would be awesome if yes Btw, thanks for your hard work into this situation, it's much appreciated by me and i suppose many encountering this
  8. Oh ok... So, i heard the same happened in EP.10.. Was there a fix back then? Will somebody really fix the ability issue in Ep.14? I like the new Menus interface with this new episode, the transition is much smoother. For the forest landscape there's a little issue when a wild poke appears, the land on where he's on has his edges cut to fit the trees, i find it really annoying.. Can't the tree label over the grass, over-reading it making these cuts unnecessary or maybe completely remove the tree at the right? Well, thanks again for the clarification.. Ill just continue with ep.13 then.. Please create a topic on the main page when there's the ability fix.. Thank you again mates, sorry for the inconvenience
  9. Where can i fin that patch? I'm pretty new in here.. Started with Ep13... any hlp pls?
  10. Abilities of my Team got changed to really worse OMG -.- And btw 70% of all my pokemon caught have changed their abilities including all my shinies.. So, i am continuing with ep13.. thank u anyway At least give us some kind of TMS or something to change abilities.. i got at least solid 40 pokemon thus need to change their abilities.. Yep, i'm training all of them!
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