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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Dovahkiing

  1. alright, thank you. also it looks pretty great so far, nice job!
  2. *cough cough* hello? could you please answer my previous question?
  3. hey there, dunno if it has already been asked, is there any nature changer factor like reborn?
  4. Could one of you guys post a screenshot of the exact place please? I have been looking around underground railnet and pressing all the cracked walls, but i can't find it.
  5. To infinity and beyond!

  6. that damn odd keystone must have an appearence chance of 1/1000000, geez...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Dovahkiing


      I am tempted. :P The truth is, it will save me time. I will try some more first though.

    3. zimvader42


      Ok, my help I also consider just a last resort thing. Try some more, and if you see you still get none you can send me a PM and I'll put just one odd ks on your bag, that's all you need for spiritomb anyways.

      Good luck :)

    4. Dovahkiing


      Thanks :D I 'll let you know if i get desperate. :P

  7. If you could look at the video i posted before, i will try to explain my situation with this. During the time 10.14', the guy starts rock smashing the first three rocks(i believe he smashes only the one at the right corner), so i did(i have also tried smashing all three of them, but the result was the same). Then i proceed at the floor bellow. At 10.56' he does the same on the next floor, where only one rock exists. In his case, there is no encounter with a magcargo, just the notification needed for the lava. For me, however, there only the encounter. Finally, at 11.15' he repeats the same process at the next floor, which i did and it is the only one working for me. I even tried to clear the above rock again after the one i last mentioned, but the notification just won't appear.
  8. Unfortunately, it's not working. I cleared the three rocks of the first floor, then went down and cleared one more(by defeating a magcargo and the rock disappearing without a notification of lava being cleared) and finally went down again and smashed the last rock(where heatmor is). But the thing is, only the last rock allowed the clearance of lava. :/
  9. Hello, I got stuck at mountain pyrous, where lava need to go down in order to proceed. I tried either beating all magcargo or running from them but still i couldn't open the passage to the first floor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6HjvurW7m8 Here is the walkthrough video i followed at some point(the process starts around the 10th minute), doing exactly what this guy did, with no luck. Am i missing something?
  10. I see, if i need any help i 'll let you know, thanks. Also, it's a bit too soon for me to go back, i haven't even finished the storyline yet.
  11. I was gonna quote "certainty of death(for our saves, apparently ), small chance of success. what are we waiting for?", but nah, it doesn't seem to be worth in my opinion. I 'll just wait a couple of releases and if it doesn't come up until then i ll consider it. I wish they won't remove any other pokemon from now on, if it's possible, too.
  12. I sure hope they will both come back soon, especially breloom. Speaking of which, when was that available?
  13. I see, that's good. At the beginning i thought they got removed completely, so i searched for previous versions to try if that was the case. Thanks for the info.
  14. Hello there, I wasn't quite sure if this is the correct place for the following question, so if it's not sorry about that, i am kind of a new guy here. I 'd like to ask whether or not additional pokemon are available only in (a) previous version(s) of pokemon reborn. Also, if any, could you name them please? Thanks in advance. p.s. I have seen the list of obtainable pokemon, which i believe says "so far", however, i have also seen a post at some point that suggests to a person that wanted to add Politoad to their team(if i remember correctly), to look for it in a previous version.
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