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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Ryudara

  1. Cool, thanks very much! There is a nickaboo video on youtube Where can I get Expert Belt? Yah, is a a problem man... but I like those pokemon :\ where he teaches where we can get the Life Orb.
  2. I am using Extrasensory on Greninja because Lucario, Zoroark and Arcanine have dark moves. Psychic move just Metagross (Zen Headbutt) has. Florinia gave to me Nature Power
  3. Thanks for all Sonikku. You always reply my questions. Cool man. About Arcanine, I put hidden power because he is special attack, not phisical. About the Nature, I will change. Now, Lucario moves are: Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Aura Sphere, Nasty Plot. I will change Dragon Pulse when I get Flash Cannon. About Greninja, What nature would be the best: Modest or Timid? Another thing, where can I get Grass Knot? I will look for Metal Coat. Thanks again man! Hmm, interesting. I will change. Have animation? skills without animation are sucks hahaha. Thks bro
  4. Hey guys, I am making my team using my favorites pokemon which are available so far. I would like some help with moves and items. Let's go: Lucario @Life Orb Modest Steadfast Skills: Aura Sphere (Please, do an animation for it), Nasty Plot, Dragon Pulse, Flash Cannon (not yet) Greninja @ Mind Plate Timid Protean Skills: Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Grass Knot, Extrasensory Arcanine @Charcoal Timid Flash Fire Skills: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Extremespeed, Hidden Power (Dark) Raichu @No Item Timid Lightningroud Skills: Thunderbolt, Nasty Plot, Double Team, Hidder Power (Grass) Metagross @No Item Adamant Clear Body Skills: Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Bullet Punch, Hammer Arm Zoroark @No Item Timid Ilusion Skills: Night Daze, Flamethrower, Hidder Power (Ice), Nasty Plot Tyrantrum @No Item Adamant Rock Head Skills: Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, Head Smash, Earthquake Thanks!
  5. I would like to know where I found: - Choice Specs - Leftovers - Choice Band - Choice Scarf Thanks!
  6. Thanks bro My Pikachu is learning moves on wrong levels. He learned Discharge at lv. 34 and not learned thunderbolt yet. It's different from serebii dex.
  7. Hello guys, So, I was wondering if someone has better back sprites of Greninja and Lucario. Thanks
  8. Thanks again Derp. Sorry to post in wrong place. If someone can move my post, I'll be glad.
  9. Hello I would like to know if Tyrantrum has the ability Rock Head in Pokemon Reborn, and what is the best pokemon to breed with him to learn Fire Fang and Ice Fang. What about Dragon Dance? I got a shiny Tyrunt and I am not sure if I breed or not. Thanks!
  10. Dude, do you have a shiny Metagross with adamant nature??!! I wanna too! Hey, tell me about Tyrantrum.. Does he learn Ice Fang and Thunder Fang?
  11. Hello fellas, I would like to know if is possible change the pokemon's nature and ability. Sometimes is hard to find that pokemon you want, and when you capture him, he is with a suck nature\ability. I took 2 hours to get belgum with jolly- I wanted adamant but it is ok. (and lost one shine) Thanks!
  12. Cool! Keep going man, I wanna play.
  13. Emolga is awesome my friend. Acrobatics + Discharge + Encore is a good combination to defeat other pokemons.
  14. Yes, she is. Where can I get Heart Scale? thanks Derpy
  15. Awesome! Will help me a lot! About the house keys, is it about move tutor house? that woman lost the key...
  16. Ryudara


    Thanks blasterman, I got Gengar and Metagross with a good Nature Awesome Lamb! Now there is one more
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