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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Frostilicious

  1. Um i had a scolipede take her wigglytuff out. Used it after that as a stall pokemon with protect against swellow. That + meditite's detect. And had toxicroak sucker punch it later. As for cinccino i had granbull lower its' attack with charm.
  2. Oooofff! Can't wait for the version 4 xD.
  3. I'd be a gym leader of the psychic and fairy type. After the challenger would succesfully beat my assistants, when he'd talk to me and was ready to battle me, i'd teleport us to a different dimension, where things would be floating around. In that field the poison moves's damage would be lowered while no pokemon would be able to be poisoned.
  4. Yeah i know, i was reffering to you . Sorry couldn't remember your nick and was kind of bored to check.
  5. I said that. Was told about a couple i hadn't encountered before, but what has intrigued me so far are the big trees(like the ones they tried to hung that poor girl), the one in the cave behind the waterfall which i don't really know what to do tbh and the wispy tower, but oh well, put a ralts in game and i'll be more than happy =)
  6. When you mean the secret to that area is it 1) the wing to gain access? 2) sth you give to miltank for certain reasons?(i know what it is, just trying to see what's up, if that's it i got the item but used it T_T) 3)or an item to wake up the zubats? Also i've found fennekin everywhere that was needed, i just have to wait for the next patch(es) to get it.
  7. Oh... that fennekin.... yeah i've looked all over for it, searched every available map over and over. I think it's not obtainable just yet. As for the request i got that bug too (if you're reffering to the tediursa), the thing is that i hadn't spoken to the person in the mart in gearen city who would have informed me of it and instead caught it right away. I think that's it. (I tried going to the mart afterwards, but no one new was there).
  8. I don't think there is a major need for nerfing here. It's really simple. I finished the game in like 2 days, but i didn't stop training different types of pokemon and didn't stick to just one team or certain pokemon. This game gives you the opportunity to do that with those breeders who you can fight over and over non-stop. Yes, i have to say that a toxic orb-facade swellow for the 3rd gym leader is hella scary, but i didn't have any problem with the rest of her pokemon. Now... as for Narcissa. Since there aren't any good type ghost pokemon (at least so far), you could probably nerf the field just a bit (if that can be done) concerning the dark type moves. I mean... literally i had like 18 straight beat ups from an adamant houndoum lvl 36 on her chandelure and with its' sitrus berry it didn't lose over half its' hp. And with ghostly wail increasing its' armor, i can't rely on a dusclops' shadow sneak to finish it off :/.
  9. When is the next version coming out? -Beat Narcissa - Pyroar too op.
  10. Can anyone tell me any spots for better ghost pokemon than yamask-cofagrigus and duskull? Already got cofagrigus but it's slow and dies in 1 hit. And i've also trained my team a lot but still can't beat narcissa cuz i'm lacking on moves/types T-T.
  11. can't beat venam? I used a lvl 20 Noctowl and beat her pretty easily.
  12. yeah, i downloaded the version posted on page 1 (if that's it). If not, could you send me the newest? oh and i just subbed on youtube, nice to follow you. lolz
  13. Yeah i find that file, the thing is that the game inside it is my pokemon reborn one :/
  14. Is there anything i can do about the officer blocking my way in Sheridan village? -i can't find my rejuvenation save file- when i click in the file it shows me a pokemon reborn one so i can't send it if that's the way and im also not so good with that technology. Please help :C.
  15. I have a problem-bug. After i beat the fighting gym leader's ghost (Keta) the officer won't allow me to continue to Goldensth city and im stuck. What can be done?
  16. I don't care if we get mega evolutions or not, to be honest, but if/when we do, it'd better be a Gardevoirite Z.z!
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