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Everything posted by Giuvia
Well i guess maybe?.... even a lvl 1 starly can be a monster... Just saying that some leges are not too over powered, and could perfectly been added pre legue. Anyway, if is alredy confirmed that all gonna be post game, we will have to wait u,u
Well, no a Rayquaza... but a Meloetta, Articuno, or many UU legendaries would be fine. I mean, we gonna have a Gyarados, Gengar and many others OU at some point before the league... Idk why not?
Trade hm slaves for members of your team is kinda annoying (specially in eventes like the crustle one). It would be cool if hm´s had by default the option of not been used in battle. It would be better if any pokemon could learn 4 hms max, but not like moves (skills maybe?), of course, you can swtich on the option if the move is usefull (like surf) and so this fill a move slot. I do not know if the idea is understood, my English is not good. u,u
legendaries like meloetta are no so op, it would be cool catchem before post game
Recommendations for Party Pokemon for Episode 15?
Giuvia replied to 4thWallCeci's topic in Team Showcase
Those all are excellent offensive mons, but if youre looking for a support... Sableye and Whmisicott are you best choice if your team is defensive. Scolipede with battom pass if your team is more aggressive. -
If youre gonna restart, go fot mudkip... late in the game you can get fennekin and tutwig via event.
Is a team for the future u.u (he say he looking for his drean team) mega evos is a fact in this game soon (also pinsirite is available in the game now), and steath rock helps a lot against some gym leaders like shelly (the girl of the bug tipes). I forget thst chimchar isnt avaible.. well u can start from 0 or wait the next chapter, a starter is always released.. or do a change
weeell whats your way to fight? are you a staller? or you just go and look for the KO? Probabily the second, so... First, you need a balance, alakazam is your only decent sp attacker, maybe a suporter work good too. Second, the type of your mons, weakness and coverage. Half of your team is weak to fighting and ground moves, also you dont have coverage against fairys, flyings, dragons and ghost with high speed like gengar. Now, lets see you team. Blaziken is a superpokemon and using it eliminates the difficulty of the game greatly (this game is what it is cause that), change him for infernape, is a great lead and also is better as mixed sweeper (thats what you looking for with the modest nature i guess). Infernape- Lead focus sash/naive/blaze/252atk,252spe,4spdf Close combat, Overheat, Stealth rock, Fake out or Match punch No need a high defense, put the rocks and take the damage, then hit with two good stabs moves: Close combat bossted by the evs and blaze increase the fire attacks so overheat do a decent damage too. No need use taunt, this is a game and the IA rarely use spikes. Sharpeedo life orb/jolly or adamant/speed bost/252atk,252spe,4hp Protect, Waterfall, Crunch, Destiny bond No need much explanation, use protect and hit hard. The high speed in the nature and ivs is for outspeed dragon dancers, destiny bond if you feel you will not achieve the KO. The nidoking of Smok3it is awesome, also a set with Assault vest/calm/sheer force/252atksp,252dfsp,4hp or 252atksp,128dfsp,128hp... maybe work, you need a mon who can tank spatk... this set probabily work, but be aware with fast ground types. Alakazam is ok, just, like the others say, change recover for shadow ball, and psychic for energy ball And... I suggest these changes: Pinsir (mega) classic set pinsirite/jolly/hypper cutter/252atk,252spe,4def Sword dance, Return, Stone Edge or Rock Slide, Quick Attack Just mega evolve, do a sword dance and destroy every. You no need a bug type move. And finally, you have many options to strengthen your team, the last members need to be the one who aport the strategy factor, thats allow you to defeat mons pretty much strongers than yours with team work. Whimsicott leftovers/Impish/Prankster/252hp,252spdef Cotton Guard, Leech Seed or Stun Spore, Tail Wind, U turn First and principal candidate. A pretty nice suporter with prankster, also can learn Tail Wind and help you team (specially nidoking) doubling the speed; Cotton Guard, rise up the defense 3 stages and with Leech Seed or Stun Spore will allow you to heal the other team members if you need. Sylveon leftovers/Bold/Pixilate/252hp,240def,16spe Calm Mind, Substitute, Batton Pass, Hyper Voice Is a great special ataker and a set with Calm Mind and Batton Pass also it helps you a lot. Sylv has a very decent amount of hp, so u can pass the sustitute and use it to boost your mons or just prevent the damage and counter attack. Treevenant leftovers or Big Root/Careful/Natural cure/252hp,252spdef,4atk Substitute, Leech Seed, Will o Wisp, Horn Leech Will o Wisp reduce the attack of the oponents mons and Big root rise the heal rate of Horn Leach and Leach Seed, but leftovers heals you after use the Substitute. Damnt, it took me longer than I thought to write all this, I hope you appreciate XD Sorry my bad english and have fun making ur team!!
Your team is good for early game, i guess your problem is the speed. You can try fight the shadows in the railnet (swoobats), this little guys give you 1ev for speed. Good luck!
I dont feel good using ubers (and OU).. so probabily go for mudkip or trecko. ahm, i dont go for a one who can be founded later in the game, and also i would choose a mon who can megaevolve.
u sure? this is the face of evil:
Yes! A lot! pikachu, cindaquil, mareep, electrivire, darmatian, zoroark, galvatula, volcaroa... and someone like woobufet or ludicolo have two shinys versions (my favorites, sableye, tentacruel, pink latias, reborn drifblim, harley quinn gothitele, fabulous keldeo, and satanic brelom) please a red meloetta!!
yeah, totally agree, sableye is so meeh (cmon a golden ghost?!), but in reborn is so perfect
Whoa that would be much cooler... but also pretty more complicated. Idk if the stickers are gonna be implemented, but if so, hope the chage ball option be considered, it woud be simple, original and fun
Maybe im just being a little fool but... I always wanted to see something like that in the original games... kinda tired of seeing starter Pokemon in the Pokeball, It would be ccool to have a shiny charizard in a luxury ball. Or someones who are pretty perfectionist (like me), and wants to have every poke matching in their color scheme (Dusk Ball for Tyranitar, for example). This option could be implemented in the pokeball store.
Yeah, i know the team is kinda weird, but like i said, is a ingame team so i go more for my favorites mons and besides the power... thats why more of them are UU or bellow (bisharp was my only OU). Thnx for the tips! That toxicroak look pretty fine! I never used a scizor, but i think is a cool mon and, certanly he benefits more from rain. The idea for volcarona was use it in the las turns of rain (and when the water menaces are off). I am not a politoad fan, totally use it in showdown, but in the game i go for my favs Soo, im gonna switch bisharp for scizor and maybe volcarona for a froslass, can learn thunder resist beter fire tipes in rain and destiny bond. Ty again AuthorReborn! was a great help, and, of course i totally apreciatte
Well, I've tried to create a ingame team with this concept as a base. Some team members are not available in the game (yet), but they can take advantage of rain in some way; also, the team is full of dual types (im not a mono fan XD) and pretty defensive. Juggernaut (Swampert-mega) adamant 252atk, 128spe, 128df, 6hp ability: swift swim item: swampertite Moves: Waterfall, earthquake, icepunch, rain dance Nosferatu (Noivern) timid 252spa, 252spe, 6hp ability: frisk item: choice specs Moves: Hurricane, draco meteor, boomburst, switcheroo Meletē (Meloetta) modest 252spa, 128hp, 134spdf (with a 60% chance of paralisis in thunder no need speed) ability: serene grace item: leftovers Moves: psyshock, shadow ball, thunder, rain dance Rafflesia (Volcarona) calm 252spa 252hp 6spdf ability: swarm (¿or flame body?) item: Assault vest Moves: Fiery dance, bug buzz, hurricane, giga drain Kabuki (Toxicroac) jolly 252atk, (need help here) ability: dry skin item: black sludge Moves: Gunk shot, drain punch, sustitute, taunt Queen (Bisharp) adamant 252ark, 192hp, 66df (yeah a little weird but i was looking for something bulky in the defense) ability: defiant item: damp rock Moves: Iron head, sucker punch, sword dance, rain dance (she is kinda a dancer xD) Sooo, this is NOT an pvp team, is a ingame team: i can use items, meloetta no need learn healbell... but i really appreciate your points of views, especially in the moveset, evs and natures... aand I would not change the team members (only if is very necesary). Thanks for reading and sorry the bad english
Well... its an idea, but u could create the field using a pretty power fire move, like eruption or heat wave, in a sand field or even a sandstorm.. i mean, thats how mirrors are made right? By the way, it would been great if the ghost tipes pokemon had an extra efect in this field... for all the myths and stuff