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About Knight_Teutonic

  • Birthday 03/12/1997

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  1. I made a quick search on Bulbapedia and I got kinda surprised to see the Sylveon couldn't learn Work Up TM, because I also always thought it could, oh well.. I think you will need to breed a new eevee, if possible, so you can teach it the Work Up TM before evolving it into sylveon. EDIT: Or maybe you could load up an old save, before eevee evolved The saves are located on C:\Users(your name)\Saved Games\Pokemon Rejuvenation I think you have to figure out which one is the latest save before eevee evolved and rename it game.rxdata (do this at your own risk)
  2. I want to make my own pokemon game someday

  3. Great opportunity for a brand new playthrough. Just wait until E16 comes out.
  4. Almost a month since Amethyst hasn't updated the progress, I understand she's a busy woman but I want to know how the development progress is going
  5. Just passing by to see how the development is going. Nice to see all the animations are done (and the mapping too, I assume these two were the hardest part). Looking forward to E16. Keep up the good work.
  6. I wonder is Ame is okay, because she hasn't updated the E16 progress page or made a new post in the forum for a while.
  7. Great advice, but we all know that Amethyst loves to make compoundeyes farming useless by taking precious items from pokémon each passing update, so get your dragon scales while you still can, guys.
  8. Some time (many moons ago) there was a hidden tile where you got a dratini. But I don't know which episode it was and if this old file is still available.
  9. Blaziken. Although he fills in a backup role only. I avoid setting up Bulk Up + Speed Boost on all gym leaders because that would ruin the fun. I only do this after I run out of strategies with my other 'mons
  10. We don't know, but he/she/xe is already a grown-up, don't worry; We don't know; We don't know. Little background is given about Rini/Fern's parents; RMXP technical limitations? Now that you mention it, that is indeed mean. I think they die suffocated; All I can say is that it depends on how much time you spend on the time. Time is difficult to measure; That is an eyepatch, it can't do anything (I guess); That was also a WTF moment for me. His wardrobe really needs some decent content, he dresses horribly; Hardy sounds like a redneck from the deep south to me, not sure about Aya; They need to film it so they can air it on the TV, kinda like the stuff we see at Discovery Channel or NatGeo; Not too long, since Heather finally got locked up and there was no one else to smuggle food to the town; North adventurine woods; We don't know; I think Hardy is straight; Ame did; They met at various occasions, such as in Apophyll academy; His preferences; He's not weird. He's just... a bit antisocial, and he loves luna, in a creepy way; Sounds kinky, but I don't think they do that at the circus' shows, unless they get desperate for money; They don't have to use glasses all the time, I think; I'll tell you who's the wannabe murderer, team meteor is the wannabe murderer; Yes, they pay you with a pokémon. Apparently the little pocket monsters are now currency; Wat? Yes; Depends on what you think the best girl needs to be/have/behave? Wat? (X2) Wat? (X3) Wat? (X4) Good thought, I don't know You're starting to trip hard on those questions, mate; Seriously, stop; Stop nao
  11. Ame, can I make a suggestion? It would be nice to also add nightime variations (aesthetic changes only) for some of the outdoor fields, such as ashen beach, grasslands and swamp. Because they look the same throughout the whole day, which disturbs me a bit.
  12. Rumors say that there's a hidden gible tile event in E15. Is that true?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Amethyst
    3. Knight_Teutonic


      As I said, rumors. If ame denies them, then it mean that they are false.

    4. Cepheus


      or that is what she wants you to think! :P

  13. Time between E14 and E15 was 6 months, but the development of Ep15 only took 3 months because for the rest of the time there was also of the RMXP update, and Ame had to make sure the game worked just fine in the new version. That was the purpose of 14.5 and 14.6 versions.
  14. Check all the buildings, no exception. You will find the cabinet.
  15. Was the egg blue? Mine is blue, and, by checking out the sprite folder, it looked like a ducklett egg (which I'm too lazy to hatch) Maybe the egg has different content for different players?
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