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Shing last won the day on February 14 2017

Shing had the most liked content!


74 Samaritan

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    Lurking... :)
    I like listen to other people.

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  1. Finally got sludge bomb Roselia, with a bonus of modest nature, right Iv's for hidden power fire and luckly hidden ability, which gives me technican.


    @seki108 Tyvm for showing me Reborn Hardcore, so could breed with tms.

    1. seki108


      No problem. Glad you could finally get the Rosalia (eventially Rosarade) you wanted, although it probably took quite a while for the Hidden Power.

    2. Shing


      Actually, Hidden power fire wasn't so long. Just 30 min or lower iirc

    3. seki108


      Well, HP is all about luck of the draw.  Too bad it wasn't shiny as well, but that would be a lot of stars aligning (though the nature and ability could be changed).

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