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Shing last won the day on February 14 2017

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74 Samaritan

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    I like listen to other people.

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  1. I swear to god, almost every sonic mania reviews I encounter will always talk shit on 3D Sonic games/Modern Sonic and think that it doesn't have any good games.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shing


      I wouldn't call them Genwunners to be honest. It's just that those games were really good and the gameplay does heavily change in sonic franchise, with story and characters. Pokemon doesn't do that and stays often in their consistent game style, with minor change.


      Genwunners is when they don't like higher with the pokemon design, characters etc, especially igorning their old games's flaws. However the sonic franchise is just very different.

    3. Wolfox


      I meant it in a sense of them, no matter what, saying that the old games, the beginning of sonic, will always be better than the games that came after

    4. Shing


      Well in that way, I can agree.

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