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Shing last won the day on February 14 2017

Shing had the most liked content!


74 Samaritan

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    Lurking... :)
    I like listen to other people.

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  1. Played Pokemon:Legends of the Arena; I loved it. Probably top 2 pokemon fangame, behind reborn for me. Despite the game using old mechanics and only limited up to gen 4 pokemon, it was worth playing this game. Thanks Wackyturtle and time to wait like 2 years for the new release.





    And yes happy to you all again. 2 months later and probably longer. Hope y'all is alright :)

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      @Shing get on showdown if you are a man

    3. Filthy Casual

      Filthy Casual

      As someone who doesn't like the gen 4 main games, I really enjoy this game. I feel like this is what gen 4 should have been.

    4. Shing


      @splargle I regonize you by your twitter name, so of course I remember you.


      Then play the game broooo. Don't expect writing and dialouge as complex like reborn, but it holds up as it own stand. Better than most fangames out of here.

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