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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Shing

  1. Had to log in here to tell you that finally after so long you've done it. It's been a decade for you and almost for me watching the game grow for so long, and I couldn't be more happier to see this game finishing. I'll eventually play it when I've the opportunity, but now I'm just smiling to see this game completed.
  2. On the Rejuvenation ride!

  3. Jan, I am loving that new protag sprite. I love and will miss the old one, but I have a bias for the silver haired characters so instant change ~v~ But seriously, this is such a present you know. I'll be so exicted to have another week playing fangames again good lord. Also the same goes for Zumi for her help, especially the arts (looking patiently forward to your fangame Zumi , hope your motivation and time comes to you.) and the other ones that helped the beta, appreiate all of your effort and work. I love a fangame that takes so much crazy effort every update. It shocks me always.
  4. Can't believe I'll have to wait so long for Pokemon: Legends of the arena will be released. Man it's going to be hard, but I'll be patient. Especially for wackyturtle making it alone.

  5. Pokemon Prism was a fun and somewhat degree difficult game. Sucks it felt slow and dragged down at post game, but I suppose that's what happened to unfinished fangames.

  6. And that's the completion of Pokemon Gaia for me. Gaia was casually fun to play and worth my few days. 


    Also the main female protag is pretty cute ngl. One of the best designs in any pokemon fangame/romhacks.


    I'll see if I will play the post game. I don't really care pokemon nowadays, but it's fun to check once a while.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maqqy


      Oooh I’m really excited how the story will turn out. They nailed Gaia’s concept really well.


      Platinum design is all time best design


      Btw did you make the sprite on your avi? It looks really nice good job! 

    3. Candy


      Can you enlighten this smol candy about what key is the speed up button??

    4. Shing


      @Maqqy They really did that. The town, people and the regis just fits way too perfect together.

      I respect that opinion as I would agree with you.

      Nope. I only did add the transparent background of it. You can see the source on my "about me" page.


      @Candy It honestly depends on the emulator you have. You can find it by the settings or scroll down the list.

      But VBA = Space button and Mgba = Tab button. For mgba's case, you can control the speed of the speed button.

  7. Interested in Pokemon Gaia..

  8. I miss my old Reborn Savefiles. All that resets for nature and hidden ability, hours and hours for gameplay.


    I'll replay reborn soon, but I have to admit that reborn can be quite of a chore to replay all over again.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shing


      Hmm, I have never tried that before. It wouldn't be a shame because I don't really mind the increased exp. But I don't know anything about reborn online play lol

    3. Candy


      It's pretty easy honestly, just go Online Play > create and account if you don't have one > request or wait for request > agree on a trade 🙂 I used to be a breeder and traded many shinies, 5IVs good natured mons. If you want something I might have it lying around, so let me know. Otherwise you can make a thread on the appropriate subforum, and other breeders will offer you mons 😛

    4. Shing


      Alrighty, I'll do it when I feel playing Reborn again. But now I got another fangame I am interested.

  9. And finished Rejuvenation, Where Love Lies. Both normal ending and true ending. And lemme tell you, that kinda shit was great for my blood. Jan, you got my feels hitting. Thank you for making that mini series.

  10. And finally played version 10 done. 100+ hours playtime, did most of sidequest and noted and screenshot every hidden items + good ones I thought in my doc.


    Personally, was surprised amount of content in v9-10, and then the development. V10 is definetly my favourite since somewhere like V3.

  11. ..And I am going in so much pain finding hidden power rock petilil.

  12. And finally, I found Petilil in Rejuvenation ❤️ 

  13. Climbing up at hackmons ladder, let's gooo

  14. Almost every decisions in Rejuvenation makes me so frustrated in it. God, sometimes it hinders me continue playing it because I just can't pick or I have the mindset the best outcome and don't want to miss important things in the future.

  15. Personally hate many choices = different paths that affects the game. I'm too straight forward and I almost never replays a game.

  16. I hate that I missed one thing and I can't get it back. It could be an item for something special or knowing more of the character. I forgot the anju's pendant ://

  17. I'll be so exicted when I get Petilil in Rejuvenation. 

  18. So much hax against Angie @-@

  19. Jan, why did you put so many damn hidden items in amethyst cave. My fingers and my screenshot keyboard keys is so going to die aaaaaaaa

  20. (Spoilers) Well then, that was rather quickier and less tries than I hoped for ._.






    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dreamy


      The one way I've thought of doing it without struggle would be sandstorm/hail chip damage with the abilities that set them. apparently focus sash isn't ignored like sturdy either, but I'm not sure if you can get one legit before that battle.

    3. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      You can't get the Sash organically, unfortunately. Which is why they aren't used in successful takedowns, of course.

    4. Shing


      Even with weather damage, you will still end up yveltal using struggle because she has one full restore. Aka it will cover more than 10 turns. Well that tells yveltal's "signature move" just ignores the pokemons itself rather than the items. And no, I don't believe focus sash was ever implimented early in reju. And definetly not this verison. I try to check every items, and I haven't found a single sash yet.



  21. Time to try defeating Madame X shrug

  22. Man that Espurr event ;v;

  23. New avatar and it's sick B)

  24. Fuck, finally beat the Keta with his AI shenanigans. Took me 4 hours to beat him @.@

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Anime


      Oh you meant soul keta, that explains the Ninetails 👀

      but yes i can see how he can be hard to beat even though Swoobat makes that battle easier, at least for me

    3. Shing


      Keta itself was never hard, infact it was probably the most easiest even if my team was in huge disadvantage lol.

      Swoobat makes things easier for first 2 gyms tbh. It's a good early mon.

    4. Anime


      oml sorry for replying late, yeah thas a fair statement

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