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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Shing

  1. Not going to lie, sometimes I spend more times trying to find hidden items than Rejuvenation itself.

    1. Seal


      Reborn and Rejuvenation thought me a great life lesson, talk to every rock you see.

    2. Shing


      That's honestly the most fact you said right there.

  2. Used Non binary 1/Protag 5 and when I healed at Gearen Laboratory, the sprite changed me back to pink haired female protag. Haven't tested it in other centers, so I'll update if it happeneds at the other centers too. (EDIT) The bug didn't seem to work when I used on a healing machine at Chrisola Hotel, and some time with sewers n such, the bug seems to dissapear. So it's kinda weird.
  3. tfw stuck to pick male 1 or non binary 1 .-.

  4. I grown tired of full moon so I decided to stop.


    So I am playing rejuvenation and when I pressed the X button, I was so shooked already. Already improvement in graphics and this gives me a feeling that Jan has outdone himself in version 10. I'm pretty exicted to replay this game.

  5. Happy Birthday Amethyst. Hope you will have a good day and enjoy some cake!
  6. I need to find sun stone for Petilil in Full Moon reeeee. 

  7. I miss playing Rejuvenation ;_;

  8. ICarly's theme is banging.

  9. Pokemon fullmon had a odd start honestly. And it's kinda slow..


    But I think I can go through this game. They got petilil early game, perfect.

  10. Monkey going bananas

  11. May try out more new pokemon fangame. I would love to rerun reborn/rejuvenation, but I feel I should try other ones. 

    1. Wolfox


      Legends of the arena maybe (just make sure you don;t get a certain starter)

    2. Autumn Rain

      Autumn Rain

      Definitely try other fangames like legends of the arena, full moon or anything you haven't played yet.

      It would be refreshing to try something new. :)

    3. Shing


      I have definetly played legends of the arena(had even a status about it recently), pretty much my top 2 spot being behind reborn.


      I am sure about to try full moon. I have also some interest with desolation too, so there are games I have a lot of interest :o

  12. Changing from shift to set is honestly really one of the best decisions I have made in pokemon.

    1. Dreamy


      Shift feels so bullshit once you get used to set. though I still occasionally turn it on for going through routes

    2. Shing


      @DreamblitzX Most definetly. I felt like shift allowed very gimmicky strategies and I felt always unfair when I think about it.

  13. Fuck Hackmon.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      you have no idea how accurate that is.

    3. Shing


      I remember that show as a kid, but only watched a episode of it and never again.


      Well one thing i know a meme out of it and you send me to the shadow realm.

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow



      its not as much the anime for me as ive been spamplaying duel links. a lot.

  14. Played Pokemon:Legends of the Arena; I loved it. Probably top 2 pokemon fangame, behind reborn for me. Despite the game using old mechanics and only limited up to gen 4 pokemon, it was worth playing this game. Thanks Wackyturtle and time to wait like 2 years for the new release.





    And yes happy to you all again. 2 months later and probably longer. Hope y'all is alright :)

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      @Shing get on showdown if you are a man

    3. Filthy Casual

      Filthy Casual

      As someone who doesn't like the gen 4 main games, I really enjoy this game. I feel like this is what gen 4 should have been.

    4. Shing


      @splargle I regonize you by your twitter name, so of course I remember you.


      Then play the game broooo. Don't expect writing and dialouge as complex like reborn, but it holds up as it own stand. Better than most fangames out of here.

  15. Merry Christmas everyone!


    Have a gift from the delibird-santa claus.


    Image result for delibird christmas

  16. If RPG didn't exist, I wouldn't be playing games today. And actually be here, since Pokemon is a RPG game. RPG is a important part of my gaming life, probably the genre I care the most out of video games.


    1. Wolfox


      fun fact: it's actually spelled an RPG for some damn reason.

    2. Shing


      I was confused what you meant until I googled it.


      And yeah I don't understand it. Perhaps some research works?

    3. Wolfox


      I have no idea. all UI know is that it pisses me off a little

  17. I may watch Fullmetal Alchemist : Brotherhood. Had interest of this show in years, but never tried to watch a episode of it. Hm..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shing


      I'll watch this anime then when I got the right time. Thanks guys :)

    3. seki108


      Expect either some speedy re-hashing or hurried start (depending on if you watched the 2003 version).  It doesn't affect the rest, but things do become less rushed after the beginning bit.

    4. Alistair


      hurried start indeed ^

      but it smoothes out rather quickly

  18. Decibel is the best designed character out of all protags in Reborn. I had this opinion ever since I saw Xyrs design, and it hasn't been changed ever since. Decibel is just that good B)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shing



      That feels weird, espeically on everyone in the cast. But the point, I have always thought Decibel as non-binary and because of that, I'll most likely call by the xyr pronoun. I do admit I don't remember xyr pronoun because I rarely use it.


      @Alistair Sir, you got a good taste o/

    3. Alistair


      Thanks =3

      Personally I'm very thankful for this change, because Decibel is my favorite PC but I prefer playing as a male character over non-binary. So it is an excellent idea to let everyone play with the sprite they like, and the gender they want ^^

    4. Shing


      Never told people aren't allowed to choose the protag as they want, but I do not disagree with that statement at all. 


      As opinionated, I do like almost all of the protags design. Just one I don't like because one color overshadow the body so hard that it's not pleasing to look at the character.

  19. 1. More characters from Xenoblade. I really love Xenoblade and wish that it would have more attention, picked other characters in there. Melia as an example could be really be a projectile character and be unique as hell. And since it is a nintendo franchise, I would love to see more characters from xeno series and hopefully see from Xenoblade 2. 2. Silver the hedgehog from Sonic the hedgehog One of my favourite characters, has telekinises power which could give him some nasty moveset and I just really want him It's pretty short, maybe I'll find something later. But the choices is something I really want to happened.
  20. It's one thing to enjoy leisurely battles, but real battles can be a severe trial. Truely strong Trainers sometimes must be prepared to choose Pokemon that can win rather than their favorite Pokemon. - NPC

    1. Alistair


      This NPC is going places... not college but places

      competitive leagues, probably

    2. Wolfox
    3. Shing


      @Alistair Actually at Hoenn's Battle resort :P

  21. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/reborn-gen7monotyperandombattle-96942 Crustle the goat agianst clarice the breelom lol. That went fast.
  22. Alpha and beta

    1. Wolfox


      Charlie and Delta

    2. Shing


      Aight, tell me for conext for Charlie and Delta.


    3. Shing
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