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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Shing

  1. That one is pretty detailed. And yeah, her dress design is mind boggling. I would probably failed if i tried lol.
  2. Awesome, but sad drawing about the PULSE pokemon. It remind of another pulse named avalugg. Now i really feel bad for killing that avalugg PULSE
  3. Welcome to the forum. We hope you will enjoy here and have fun.
  4. Did you do the team auqa event thing? Both of them? If you did, then ask the leader and he would say about the 7th street.
  5. Shing


    Welcome to the reborn community. We hope that you will enjoy and have fun.
  6. Welcome to the reborn community. We hope you will enjoy and have fun.
  7. Eh can't say any. I haven't been digging into reborn shines.
  8. One question, how do you trade yourself with the save files?
  9. Congrats guys. Good job and keep up the good work.
  10. Welcome to your doom. Nah jk, we hope that you will have a good time and and fun antilegend.
  11. Insurgence works. That one was pretty fun to play.
  12. You would probably hate me too. I took chimchar either.
  13. Ah crap. Holiday ends, school tomorrow. Pls give me one moar week. I'm not ready.

    1. Ojama Yellow
    2. zimvader42


      While I'm not on holidays right now, I understand that feel so well from other holidays, specially summer and spring ones.

  14. Can't you just use pokesnax. That can work too.
  15. It hasn't been said yet. Good job.
  16. Shing


    Ey welcome Ayy lmao(nice username lol). We hope you have a good time in this community and have fun.
  17. That turkey got raped in the end.
  18. Anyone know where you can find Azurill?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. zimvader42


      Why to breed the growlithe? Because the only growlithe available in-game as of now is the one of that event. If you trade it away, you cannot get anymore growlithes the legal way. If you breed it you'll have two, so you can keep one and use the other for the azurill trade.

    3. Shing


      Eh i don't really care of growlithe, but i have my collection of event pokemon. So ok.

    4. zimvader42


      Keeping growlithe is your call. I don't care about it so I traded it, but other people might wanna know there will be no more growlithes before trading it away XD

  19. Welcome to the community redace. We hope you will enjoy here and have fun. Good luck for that one. That gym gave me some hard shit. Well i'll agree. It gave me so much problems in the past. I quited a bit playing reborn cuz of Noel. Now, i'm alright with it. Infernape is the noel breaker.
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