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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Shing

  1. Finally finished dusknoir with fedora hat.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. zimvader42


      Cool. He actually looks more like a fancy-ass gangster than most of fedora-users I've seen XD. Great job

    3. Shing


      @silverjakler Aw hell no i'm gonna draw that lol and thanks.

      @Zimvader42 Heh thanks. Never think of gangster.

    4. Shing


      @silverjakler ah now i get it lol

  2. I hate noseblood. It's really annoying when it's happening random time

    1. zimvader42


      I feel ya. And when it happens under the summer sun, when you're in town away from home with no paper to clean your face up... you're a douche, nose....

  3. He's joking i think. He referred to karen from elite four in johto region. But my point. My favourite types is ghost, flying and fight.
  4. Thinking of drawing fedora hat dusknoir...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. zimvader42


      Neither am I (except... Ditto), but luckily for us the internet is full of art for reference, wether from other artists or official nintendo sources. Gud luk :D

    3. Lost Lore

      Lost Lore

      Do the thing. I will always approve of Pokemon in hats.

    4. Shing


      Alright then. I show it when it's done either my avatar or a link to somewhere else. I'm pretty much dead XD

  5. Take away repels and increase the wild pokemon rate up 99%.
  6. Didn't sleep so well

  7. Either dusknoir, roserade, gardevoir or infernape. Can't really decide one.
  8. Ey, welcome to the community Bluewave.
  9. That you have there avatar. I recognize it. Damn that anime was good. Sad it couldn't be longer.
  10. I think it's only one now, and next episode more mega stones. But if it still more in ep.14, then i dunno.
  12. Yeah!! Got life orb.

    1. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      There's a life orb in Reborn?

  13. Did do taekwondo, but quited after 2 years. Missed interest.
  14. Oran berry -----> Moomoo milk

  15. Shing

    Axew egg [answered]

    Actually, you can get rock climb by catching druddigon in the game. I do think that you'll need a badge for rock climb is working.
  16. Tusen takk for velkommen Mikzal. God jul til deg også. Håper du har fint i juleaften!
  17. Lol. I'll try XD Hello Hilda. Hilda, the name of the female protaganist in pokemon black/white. Is she your favourite main protaganist from all main pokemon series(judging from your avatar)?
  18. Azurine Island: Love the music, hate the foongus.

  19. Bai bai m8 I dunno. Thanks Rielly for welcoming.
  20. Thanks and nice music you showed.
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