Hello Everyone.
I have played this game since episode 9. And i damn loved it,for the damn how hard and challenging this game is. It drove me into many raging moments. I also love the characters, the story and the villian. The puzzles... I like most of them, but some of them i really don't like just of my personal reasons.
The games i usually play is, either pokemon or sonic mostly. I'm a sonic fan, but not so much as before. The franchise have kinda got downhill.
I found pokemon reborn because of well, shofu. But after checking around in youtube, i found another channel named nickaboo92. He helped me in many problems i had. I miss him, hope he comes back after 2 years on mexico if it was right i think?
I have been checking around this community before i joined now like in some weeks. Readed many comments such as gyarados was the gamebreaker. I really never used gyarados, i thinked in that time gyarados wasn't so useful.
The game have really changed from episode 9 to 14. I hope i have fun in reborn forums. And excuse me for the english grammar if it isn't so properly.