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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Shing

  1. Nice, good luck with the game. I'm going to play the game when it's out.
  2. Are you going to buy the new 3ds xl?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dark Desire

      Dark Desire

      bought a xl yesterday since they cost just about the same as reg 3DS at target on sale

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      I got a 3DS XL to play X when X and Y came out.

    4. Shing


      Interesting ICSW

  3. Ey thanks. It's nice to meet someone especially from my own country. I think so.
  4. I'm from norway, and i speak norweigan and bit of english. I have readed the rule already. I do read often the rules before i join. And thank you very much for giving me information.
  5. Thank you for making this topic. I had some problems with welcoming myself. This helped me alot.
  6. Hello Everyone. I have played this game since episode 9. And i damn loved it,for the damn how hard and challenging this game is. It drove me into many raging moments. I also love the characters, the story and the villian. The puzzles... I like most of them, but some of them i really don't like just of my personal reasons. The games i usually play is, either pokemon or sonic mostly. I'm a sonic fan, but not so much as before. The franchise have kinda got downhill. I found pokemon reborn because of well, shofu. But after checking around in youtube, i found another channel named nickaboo92. He helped me in many problems i had. I miss him, hope he comes back after 2 years on mexico if it was right i think? I have been checking around this community before i joined now like in some weeks. Readed many comments such as gyarados was the gamebreaker. I really never used gyarados, i thinked in that time gyarados wasn't so useful. The game have really changed from episode 9 to 14. I hope i have fun in reborn forums. And excuse me for the english grammar if it isn't so properly.
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