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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Shing

  1. Happy birthday viri!!!!!! May the magnezone and puns make your day great.
  2. Saw this item guide and good stuff Aboodie! Really liked how simple, straightforward the on each items on each catergoried location. I made one in version 5, but ultimately failed due of badly execution and so time consuming, most people would haven't time to be done for each location(My idea was stressful, esecially the limitications this site has to offer). So seeing this made done makes me more happy than you think. This will be useful whenever I play reju v9 again. So thanks for making this item guide <3
  3. Feels good to see Reborn Showdown being slighty active :>

    1. Zarc


      You helped a lot :D 

    2. Shing


      Nah, people so came to the showdown did.

    3. Anime


      please visit showdown more :]

  4. The new sonic forces trailer is making me really exicted for this game coming out. Espeically being more story driven, the characters back and going for more darker direction.

    1. Anime


      it'll be a good game

    2. Shing


      Don't be too sure. A lot of stuff can screw up in sonic forces.

    3. Anime


      True, we'll just wait and see :>

  5. Listening to this soundtrack gives me enough interest to play this game
  6. Give me fries

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Shing


      @Nice Day I will when I am visiting your country ;)


      @Wolfox :o. Would love to talk to them which fries are the best ones lol

    3. Wolfox


      with those I mean the people from Belgium, cuz the NL it north of there

    4. Shing


      Ah.. I get it.

  7. Shit man, I hate that I forgot your birthday :L But I didn't this time sooooo, happy birthday S U P E R J A N B R O ! Jan, you are a great person with a good humour. I love how you interact with the fans and they understand you back when something is happening. You impress me a lot with your insane work all the time. Have a great day Jaaaaaan.
  8. Man.. Seeing Onyx Arcade's current activity is making me sad. Because that thread gave me a lot of memories.

    1. Anime


      rip Onyx arcade, its dying slowly

  9. Hi Venus, bye venus. Wolfox, I'm calling you out!
  10. Me irl



    1. Wolfox


      you'll call them out on being a lazy bitch?

    2. Shing


      Nope. I am that lazy bitch lol

  11. ...I have a feeling I'll encounter puns more

    1. Anime


      puns are Puntastic :>

  12. Some serious talk. Despite I am not that much talkative as a person and how long time since I have interacted my friends around here, I won’t forget every friend of mine here and I appreciate every one of you no matter how long we have talked since.


    But if you have forgotten a lot of me and doesn’t think me much as a friend anymore, then I am all fine with it honestly. It’s common that people has friends in past, but then left each other and doesn’t think so much each other as friends nowadays. You won’t get any worse impression from me.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shing


      @Bibs Atleast you had contact with your friends here. I had hardly any contact to most friends here when I left and when I was inactive.



      Your name doesn't highlight or ping you because of your 2nd letter lol.

      I can call myself very open and doesn't mind whatever you want to talk. It's mostly myself having very lack of contact to my current friends in this site.

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      partly true but thats mainly because I was still here. if I were in the same situation with temporarily leaving the community, id likely be in the same spot concerning most people round here.

    4. Shing


      I guess so.


      One thing I would wish, but still don't know if they are here is get some chat to my friends and see how they are doing. Especially people that I haven't talked a year ago(yes, been that long).

  13. I swear to god, almost every sonic mania reviews I encounter will always talk shit on 3D Sonic games/Modern Sonic and think that it doesn't have any good games.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shing


      I wouldn't call them Genwunners to be honest. It's just that those games were really good and the gameplay does heavily change in sonic franchise, with story and characters. Pokemon doesn't do that and stays often in their consistent game style, with minor change.


      Genwunners is when they don't like higher with the pokemon design, characters etc, especially igorning their old games's flaws. However the sonic franchise is just very different.

    3. Wolfox


      I meant it in a sense of them, no matter what, saying that the old games, the beginning of sonic, will always be better than the games that came after

    4. Shing


      Well in that way, I can agree.

  14. Ody, being one of my friends that helped me in competitivie pokemon scene(Especially at redemption league) and one of few that talk up my flaws, thank you for being my buddy. Happy, great birthday Ody and thanks for all you have done mate <3
  15. Extreme Evoboost is so stupid good in hackmon.

  16. Really liked the new change on the site. The site is more noticeable for me and I can tolerate it site, instead where the site was pitch black. Good job at the changes Ame And the extra changes is really good, espeically reacting is an interesting thing. And about that.. Where's the angery react at >:(
  17. I really like the new update. The site is more bearable for me to watch and the brightness the site more "noticeable" for me, which is a great thing.

    1. Paul25


      Haha, me too! :D 

  18. This topic got me super interested. So after being inactive, I am posting something haha. General Info: Known as: Shing / Lilligant lover / Getting 6-0'd in Hackmon Age: 18 years old Gender: Male Birthday: May 23th, 1999 Location: Norway Height: I am guessing like 170 cm Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Dark Brown Lives with: My family I guess Pets: Sadly none(Would love to have a bird) Relationship status: Single and you will get friendzoned by me Favourite Food: Potato, actually fries. Fries taste good. Favourite Drink: Water, the best drink. Favourite Color: Silver Favourite kind of Music: Rock and Metal, but smoothing music works too. Bonus if the lyrics and the vocal attracts me a lot. Favourite Band: Don't have one. Favourite Album: As above. Favourite Song: It is just too many for me aHHHH Favourite Game: At the moment, It would be Xenoblade Chronicles. Favourite Genre of Game: RPG games. Favourite Hobbies: Playing Smash, listening music, go out, drawing(Rare thing). Favourite Movies: I forgot because I rarely watch them. Favourite Shows: Hm.. I lost my memories on a lot of shows, but I can say in 2017, Samurai Jack is the most memorable. So, who are you? I am one of those guys so joined Reborn at shofu era, basically late 2014. I used to be an active member here, posting and had a lot of fun. Most of my activites was just talking to other members; befriending them afterwards and do activties such as showdown matches. And being very active in Rejuvenation thread since version 3, being honored to be a beta tester later on. It was one of the most enjoyable thing I remember here. I did quit being active and beta tester like version 7 around. Nowadays I focus a lot on Super smash. for wii u and 3ds competitive. To the point I have travel around norway for competition. Perhaps I'll travel to other big countries, I never know Anything you're responsible for? As I know, not really. I am just some guy, doing whatever I did, without breaking the rules and non-relevant things for the community. What can I talk to you about? Usually I like to hear what you want to talk. Because I have always perference to listen what other said and I am horrible to talk to people. But there are some expections. As I stated above, I do love smash. So if you are bit nerdy and have good knowledge about smash, espeically smash 4, I am 99.9999999% gurranted to love whatever you want to say. Otherwise talk almost whatever you want, just don't expect any good replies from me :x Closing statements? Fuck you mate, Shing's here

  20. I got this profile picture for an amazing artist named Sleppu. You can find her other reborn art at the fanart thread pretty easy. I picked xem up because I am currently playing pokemon reborn and the xe with the white hair protag is my favourite one. I'll change the pfp when I am fully done with current pokemon reborn episode.
  21. Stopping Sigmund instead of Sirius was definetly the best option holy shitttttt

    1. Wolfox


      yeah, still get happy when I see Saphira blast him in the face, lace style. and how stupuid Serius is to take the one who just did a direct attack on your companion

  22. I should have apprieate byxbysion wasteland more to be honest. It has become one of my favourite locations in Reborn. It gives me always an unique feeling compared to other places.

    1. Paul25


      Yeah it really gives a unique feeling.. :D 

      Originally it is a crap Junkyard full of Toxic substances lol

    2. Shing




      Well it's good it's something else. 

  23. Finally got sludge bomb Roselia, with a bonus of modest nature, right Iv's for hidden power fire and luckly hidden ability, which gives me technican.


    @seki108 Tyvm for showing me Reborn Hardcore, so could breed with tms.

    1. seki108


      No problem. Glad you could finally get the Rosalia (eventially Rosarade) you wanted, although it probably took quite a while for the Hidden Power.

    2. Shing


      Actually, Hidden power fire wasn't so long. Just 30 min or lower iirc

    3. seki108


      Well, HP is all about luck of the draw.  Too bad it wasn't shiny as well, but that would be a lot of stars aligning (though the nature and ability could be changed).

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