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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Shing

  1. School is kicking my ass, but I'll survive some weeks to be done with school bitch.

    1. Anime


      Dude relax, i know how you feel about school i've been through a bitchy year although its over already lol

  2. I'll never ever breed pokemon in Reborn again. Getting too much salt with roselia and it's egg moves.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Shing


      Seems also I found out my problem why it did not work. I got the wrong processing yikes. Seems I lack some pokemon later on the game :X

    3. Wolfox
    4. Shing


      Well I know what to do when I get time to play it.

  3. Happy 17th May for Norway!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      It's raining over here as well

      Trust me, I went for a walk when it did

      Are you planning to celebrate it traditionally?

    3. Shing


      It is always bad weather in 17th may. Like many years in row.

      I trust you, especially I see it outside of myself.

      I do not think so sadly. Previous times we did not do so much and this time around school is important for tests and such.

    4. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      I remember it being sunny last 17thing of may. But perhaps I just walked too much in that black fucking death bringer costume we call Bunad.


      Understandable. I won't celebrate traditionally myself. Because I don't really care and that I'd much rather shiny hunt

      Always prioritise education, I say


  5. While I haven't been much here, my Shulk has shown a lot of improvement to that it's closely level to my Sonic/Falco at the moment. And my view on him has changed more both ways. Shulk is a mid tier, maybe mid high tier when I thought he was low tier. His results has been better, he has actually stupid tools and mostly lose to top tiers while he can compete against high tiers. Fox, Bayonetta and Diddy is a pain in the ass. He is more defensivie character than aggresivie wise imo. Not only because of the slow start up, and biggest range. It is his monados arts rewards him to be more defensivie. The best example is Shield + Jump art. Sheild for just stay alive --> Jump, to jump around the stage(no one except pit can punish him in air) til sheild art is recovered and switch back. Kiling a Shulk would be at 150% normally. Pretty dumb, but it works sadly. I think Shulk is not a hard character to learn and use. He can have that unfeeling to play because of his slow startup, especially when your characters has fast start up. But after using him in few weeks, fundamentals and monado knowledge is all you really need. You don't need to learn all of Shulk's techs. Most of his techs are just situastional mixups and the strict timing makes it inconsistent. Only MALLC is truly the thing shulk can use in neutral. Even then, MALLC isn't always needed. Nicko is the best example to show that shulk doesn't need to super technical and fundamentals is all you ever need. Nicko is also one of the best Shulk in the world, if not the best. Nicko and Kome is arguably imo. Just some thought about Shulk and I felt posting here
  6. It has been a long time, Pokemon Reborn. I think it's a good time to revist you again, starting a new adventure.. 


    Let's have a hell of a playthrough Reborn!



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      Do something challenging like a Monorun, a Genrun, or even Nuzlocke even if Bibs is the nuzlockemperor

    3. Shing


      I will think about it. For now I'm just having fun since it's been a year since I have played it seriously.

    4. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      Well, it's okay as long as the element of fun is there. Enjoy :)

  7. Sometimes life is being helpful, sometimes it is being unfair. But as long I can stand up, don't let anything bring me down and goes on, I'm good with life.

    1. Felicity


      When life gives you lemons, dont make lemonade, make life take the damn lemons back. Do you know who I am? I'll have my engineers manufacture fiery lemons and ill use the lemons to burn life's house down!

    2. Maelstrom


      Why does this feel like an anime quote, shing?

    3. Shing


      Because it's somewhat motivatinal, and my english isn't the best, so it happends like that.

  8. Yep. Definetly not active here anymore.

  9. ...and done with Season 2 of Oregairu. Jesus I really want to Season 3. Or if I'm not lazy, read the novels.

    1. Sheep


      Yeah I watched it pretty recently too and I'd definitely go for a season 3. I enjoyed it a lot.

    2. Ikaru


      *slams fists on table* WHEN'S SEASON 3 

  10. Just rewatched season 1 of Oregairu. I'm glad I did that desicion because it's one of my favourite anime and few ones I actually remember. Now I'm going for season 2. 


    Also S2 opening >>> S1 opening as hell.

    1. Ikaru


      you are absolutely correct.

  11. Oh lord. It's been a while I got my interest in pokemon hackrom/fanmade. Pls give me new pokemon fanmade/hackrom. Want to try other fangames than Reju/Reborn and all the other ones I have played.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. YinYang9705


      pokemon outlaw in all seriousness, bibs has been gushing about pokemon clover, so I'd suggest trying that one out

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      not gushing, but yes, clover has been unexpectedly good so far. id recommend it.


      NOT snakewood though. for the love of god DONT.

    4. Shing


      Thanks y'all. I'll try some of those out. Have some votes up :)

  12. Oops. I meant the new season(5), and its first episode of Samurai Jack. More bloody and darker it seems. But it has that art style and humor that I remember in past. I liked it well and wonder about what happened to Jack in that time skip. 

  13. Fuck you mate, Shing's here. Always like to quote that lmaoo I guess Isa
  14. Oh.. Um no. Do you think pineapple on pizza should be acceptable?
  15. And make it a double. Happy birthday Pyrrhon. Have a good day dude
  16. I remember you mate. Good to see you posting again Are you still gitting gud with Link?
  17. I'm debating myself if Gen 3 is my favorite gen. Because thinking Gen 4 many times, it has amount of pros I like just much as Gen 3.

  18. Think I'll try to have this avatar for a while. Infernape is great :)

  19. @Fumble Ok now do I know where your avatar is from lmao. 

  20. *Casually Approaching*

  21. I'm gonna play pokemon clover. I got interested enough from playthrough I have watched from Shofu.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Atticus


      its funny because it is an ambulant meme compilation but it is so well done

    3. The Grinch
    4. Atticus



  22. Since my 3ds is kind of dead, I can try out more pokemon romhacks/Fanmade games.. Well until I'm done with Reborn and Rejuvenation (those two take a lot of time to be done with lol).

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hect


      And here I am dying on the inside over a dead pixel.

    3. Animefan666


      Pokemon Glazed and Pokemon Adventure Red are pretty good.

    4. Shing


      @Animefan666 I'll note the pokemon adventures hack thank

  23. Genkai wo koreu

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