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Everything posted by Shing

  1. Back to good ol Shing again.

  2. Fuck you smash 4 Rage.

  3. I miss the old friend list :(

  4. @Alextron First of all, when you make team in redemption, you can change items, ability, evs. The most important is the pokemon you pick and what moveset you have in them. As they are pernament and you can't change them unless if you completely restart your run. This will help you to try out different roles in your pokemon to counter the gym leaders team and you can be more unpredictable. And since i'm at school, I'll just make it quick. Very flawed team. - Jumpluff is too frail and too weak to use. Replace it with Seperior as faster and better rewards. If sleep statue, Amoonguss with spore, plus bulk. - Huntail is interesting, but too slow and too exploied with it's base stats. Prob try Cloyster as same role, but more effective. - Your team is suspected to Fairy, Steel, Normal(Bulky mons aka P2). - Life orb Gardevoir, but Hyper voice??? Unless if you plan to switch your mega stones for garchomp and gardevoir as items can be switched, it may work. Wish I can say more, but not much time sadly. Have fun making the team and redemption leauge still!!
  5. Alright art with coloring and background but the quality is low and the avatar isn't so pleasing to see. 6/10
  6. I hope Gen 4 remake will be, but a sequal would be cool. Every gen expection of 5 seems to have always a gen remake. So.. remaking a remake? As Kanto did get a remake already.
  7. I wonder if I should go my optimal team or janky team against redemption before I sign up...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Wolfox


      I'm challenging it myself and just beat my first gym leader a little ago

    3. Shing


      Good to hear dude! :)

    4. Wolfox


      yeah, was the first battle using my fairy's that I didn't lose to hax aswell, so that should explain how it took 5 tries


    1. Wolfox


      another show that I missed as a kid... Living in the Netherlands really blocks you from watching alot of good shows as a kid

    2. Shing


      Ouch, getting blocked in real life lol

    3. Wolfox
  9. I just wanted to say you guys works really good and I'm happy to see you all helping Jan with Shiny Thread. Also the topic got my attention because holy fuck you guys posted 3 pages in 2 hours. Insane speed lmao. That reminds me the good ol days when me and other guys posted a lot in one day lol. Still have fun with the shinies you guys! I'll see more of them Gen 4 sprites for my fav mons here <3 OOOOOH I saw Palkia. I wonder how that will look out if somone will try it out haha.
  10. This picture just slipped through to my new avatar





    I'm trapped at avatar changes, send help

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      I think it's basically just that. Either it's the nagging and\or just the sound of his voice

    3. Godot


      I don't like him due to his voice, cutesy personality, and how he is always crying and needing to be saved.


      the side character everyone hates but doesn't deserve the hate for is Tail from Sonic. 

    4. Shing


      @GodotTails the fox eh?

      He's definetly not hated. More really loved actually. And very well respected from it's series

      If I would say someone people may hate either as sidekick, it's knuckles.

  11. Down tilt combo??? If you mean the side b to down tilt, it's always possible to tech through brah. Those are one of few things decent thing ganondorf has lol. Well high five because that's same with sonic at my place and I'm the only sonic main in my local I can see that. Their grab game is strong and it adds too that both of them has really good setup to get grabs. Bowser's more stupid thooo lol. If I may add what I don't like. I really hate Luigi and Bayonetta. Had problems with Luigi even learning that MU. For bayonetta. Oh my god, she's the stupiest character in smash 4. Just why.
  12. I love Dark humor when it's used really right. Especially when it's video games I love. Despite it can give me "HNNNNNG" feeling when the humor is on my characters/franchise I like, It still made me laugh as fuck.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wolfox


      I feel the same, dark humor is great, as long as it's at the right time. why else is Henry one of the best characters of Fire Emblem awakening? he's a dark mage with a wicket sence of humor

    3. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      @Wolfox Glace I love Henry so much, I always married him. +  The player and Henry makes a powerful combo

    4. Wolfox
  13. For cloud, yeah.. Genkai wo koeru, pocket cloud and his frame data makes him annoying to play agianst. For Corrin, Idk. I haven't seen so much of hate as Corrin mains are too busy with school lol. Capcom reps are cool. Megaman's sick and Ryu is dumb, but awesome. How do you hate Ganondorf? I'm curious of your reason by that one.
  14. The feel when Sonic and Bayonetta is most hated characters in Smash 4 and both of them is from Sega :x
  15. Good good, don't post topics if another topic has the same subject if you have unless it's pretty outdated. Creativity at the finest. And if you thinks some of the topics is interesting, don't be afraid and post something about it. Don't be afraid to post btw, most people here are really chill with what you post and doesn't recklessy respond back if they disagree. Anyway at last again, have fun at the forum hyuu.
  16. Well same when I tried out forums. You will get used with it using here if you are interested in this forum enough. That depends, but the rules here are strictly in good deals if you have read it, but pretty understandably why.
  17. That's pretty normal and makes sense. Well that happends. Everyone makes mistakes. Now you know the lesson of the warning and don't get bothered with the warnings. It doesn't last that long espeiaclly with posting in wrong section I guess.
  18. My boy *Asian high five* Welcome to the Reborn forum man, enjoy as it lasts my dude. I'm definetly sure you can tell more than that about yourself Hyuu, my man. Yikes at the warnings, but as long you don't do any problems, the warnings will dissapear. Now have fun Hyuu, here at reborn forum~
  19. I have some franchises I want to try, but never got time to try out. Mostly because I don't have console of the game.

    As what franchises you may ask? Well.. 


    Street fighter 

    Guility Gear

    Star Fox

    Metal Gear Solid


    I used have more, but most of them ended up losing fully interest. 

    1. The Grinch

      The Grinch

      Relatable, especially the Star fox one

  20. I don't like how small profile banner is. Especially when in mobile it's bigger than in PC and it messes me up..

  21. Sure, just replace p and e with h and g. Predicting Lugruf
  22. No transpartent background, althrough good art and loving the color, shading and artstyle. 9.5/10
  23. Happy birthday ya doofus Have a good birthday Wendel!
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